Tuesday 3 July 2012

Your Emotions - What is their Purpose?

What I know today is that our emotions can really get in the way sometimes.  Or that is what we think anyway!  The purpose of our emotions is communication from our inner being letting us know how we feel about the world around us.  They can also let us know if we are on our path or not.  A lot of times most of us will try to suppress or ignore our feelings, because we don't want to be feeling that way.  And many times because we just don't know what to do with them.  Right?  Who wants to be angry?  Or who wants to be sad?  Not a pretty sight!

Do you know that we have an emotional rain barrel?  When that rain barrel is full, what happens?  It overflows.  Do you sometimes feel like you could snap at the drop of a hat?  Maybe your emotional rain barrel is too full.  At the bottom of that rain barrel is joy and happiness.  Imagine if you could release and let go of all that emotion, so that the sun could come out again.  So that you can experience life again in happy times.  

If our emotions are negative that means we are needing to reposition our selves and take a look within.  

My experience is that when we resist our emotions they persist.  So whatever you resist persists.  What can you do about this?  Accept how you are feeling!  We are not meant to hold on, we are meant to allow life and the experiences of life to flow through us.

Emotions create an energy within us.  Emotion stands for energy in motion.  Emotions are not meant to be held on to.  Many of us are carrying emotions from our childhoods as well.  Why?  Because we have not been taught how to release them and let them go!  When I tell people this they don't believe it!  Here is how I know that we do carry those emotions and that most of us have just stuffed them down inside - it as a fact. 

I have worked with clients for many years doing emotional release work.  They will tell me oh, that happened 5, 10, 20 even 30 years ago.  Yet when they start to tell the story the emotion is there as though it happened yesterday!  The tears well up -  if it is sadness, or the heart starts pounding - if it is a fear.

Life is meant to flow through us each day.  We are not meant to hang on to things that happen to us.  In a spiritual context there is a bigger picture here.  What do you need to do with your emotion?  Do you need to communicate with someone and tell them how you really feel?  Do you need to go within yourself and see what the real reason you are upset is?  Do you really just need to learn how to let it go?

Allow your inner communication to guide you, that is the purpose.   To move you and help you grow.  To learn about who you are and what you stand for.  Let go of your negative emotions by accepting that they are there, feel them acknowledge them and them set them free.  If someone or something is upsetting you ask yourself what it is that you are upset about?  Keep asking why until you get to the bottom of it.


Journal your feelings around something that is bothering you.  Keep asking why you are so upset.  Right the answer down, and then ask Why do I feel this way?  Keep asking after each question, until you get to the real root of it.  You might be very surprised at the real reason why you are so upset.  Use life experiences to learn about yourself and your core emotions.  Then accept them by acknowledging how you really feel.  Journal to get it out if you need to or focus on it while deep breathing until the emotion is gone.

Example - I am angry at my Sister because she is mean to me?  Why? Because it hurts.  Why?  Because I don't like being talked to the way she talks to me.  Why?  Because it makes me feel bad.  Why?  Because it makes me think I am a bad person.  Why?  Because I am not good enough.  Why?  Because I can never do anything right.  Why?  Because this is what I believe.  Why?  Because I don't give myself enough credit.  Why?  Because I don't feel worthy of people liking me.  Why?

I think you get the picture...