Friday 29 June 2012

When Life Gets Difficult - Love Yourself!

What I know today is that life has been supremely busy in the last 2 months!  I have been going through more change and transformation, and it hasn't been easy, but let me tell you how worth it - it has been!  The difficulties have been gifts that have given me more perspective to help others.

As go through this process of building a business of helping more people through my teachings and coaching, I am learning so much about myself and others.  I have learned that there are people who are going to be afraid that I am growing and leaving them behind.  That is ok, because we each have our own journey's and we must do it at a pace that works for us as individuals.  In this process I have learned which people in my life truly love and support me unconditionally and which people have conditions or expectations of what they want from me.

The biggest lesson I have learned today as I feel the pain of misunderstanding, and fear of loss, we must above everything else, love ourselves.  No one else can do it for us.  Even your parents and family can't always give you the unconditional love and support that you need and deserve.  Even if they are doing it the best way they know how.  When we look to receive love externally we may get disappointed, and we may also disappoint others.  I have learned that when I believe in and love myself truly magical things begin to happen.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience, there is a much bigger picture out there then many of us are even aware of.  I have learned that fear is the illusion that stops us from being who we are meant to be.  It makes our energy contract and it blocks us from experiencing ease and joy in our lives.  Love is the only thing that is real.  Love expands our energy and who we are.  Love allows us to be connected within to our soul and divine guidance.  It is where our creativity comes from which allows us to have ideas and possibility in our lives.

So please I ask you right now, to take a moment and love yourself, truly accept who you are.  Allow yourself to open to your unique talents, gifts and strengths.  Let go of how others have made you feel about yourself and the things you have done.  Today is a new day.  You are special and you can make a difference to those around you, just by loving and accepting yourself!  


Place your hand in the middle of your chest over your heart centre and feel the warmth of love beneath it.  Know that your true source is from Love and that as you open yourself up to it, you will receive love, and more importantly become love.  Breathe in self acceptance, breathe out self judgement.  Do this a few times, until it feels good to you.  Next breathe in self acceptance and breathe out feel gratitude for who you are.  Now say to yourself, Who I am at my foundation is love, who I am right now is perfect, kind and gentle.  I am light and love, and I am the only one who is allowing my light to be dimmed.  I let go of believing other people's judgements on me, I am the one who knows my truth.  I trust my inner knowing and guidance, knowing that I am love at all times, I just need to always remember that I am Love and Love is me we are one.

Friday 15 June 2012

Two Choices

What I know today is that in each moment we have two choices before us.  To do things that bring our energy up and feel good, or choose things that drain our energy.  Like choosing an apple or an orange.  Sometimes neither is right or wrong, good or bad.  It is just about choosing what fits for you.  It is up to you to take care of yourself.

Are you doing things that make you feel good inside?  When something is right it will feel light for you.  If it isn't you will feel heavy.  At first it may not seem obvious, because most of us are not used to feeling.  We have not been allowed to feel, it has been shut down.  We have not been allowed to learn and trust ourselves.

We have learned and been taught to focus on everyone else and what their opinions are.  You must learn to listen to your inner feelings.  What feels right and good for you.  When your energy is up you bring the energy of others up.  It is that simple.  Let your light shine.  You know what is right for you.  Now honour it.

In gratitude to you for making yourself and this world a better place.

Monday 11 June 2012

2012 The Year of Change

There is so much talk about the Mayan calendar ending in December 2012.  My take on this is that we are all meant to grow and change.  The end of the calendar is simply a shift in the consciousness of the people on the earth.  It is about realizing that we are spiritual beings here for growth and evolution.  We are here to learn that only love is real and fear is an illusion that keeps us stuck in pain and suffering.

If everything is energy and energy is never stagnant, it means that we are ever changing and evolving as well.  Some of us however are resisting and making this change more difficult than it needs to be.  When we resist change, it causes great pain.

The picture I chose represents growth and love the two most important aspects of our journey here on earth.  You chose to be born here and experience this.  You have two choices.  You can grow and love and experience joy, or you can resist and experience pain and suffering.

Many of you may be finding that we you are not feeling happy and in a funk lately.  If this is you, I want to offer a tool that may help you to move through it more easily.  Because everything is energy we can sometimes be picking up on things that are happening around us, which means it isn't always ours, but we are still feeling it.  We could be picking up on someone else's energies.

See because we are energy our thoughts, moods and feelings are being broadcast like radio waves from us, and we are also receivers so we may also be picking up on those moods and feelings from others as well.

So here is a tool that you can use to help shift yourself.  Ask yourself the question "is this mine or someone else's"?  If it is someone else's then it will leave.


Take a deep breathe in through your nose and hold for 3 seconds.  Let it out through your mouth.  Do this deeply for several breaths until you feel you are more relaxed.  Now put your hand over your heart centre and feel the love in your heart.  Feel love like you have never felt it before.  Make it expand and grow until your whole body is radiating love.  As you do this you feel love but you also send it out.  Now you are broadcasting love from your whole entire being.  Feel how good it feels!  Let it shine, let yourself expand.  Know that you are here for a purpose to help show others the light and love within.

Thank you for taking the time to make a difference in this world and your world around you!