Monday 4 March 2013

True Health - Are you Open to Finding the Root Causes of Disease?

What I know today is that I am very passionate when it comes to what I believe in and even more I feel I am about finding the truth which to me is about getting to the heart of the matter.  It doesn't matter what I am about to say here, what you need to be doing for yourself in every moment is checking in to see if things makes sense to you, do they feel like truth to you and even more important does it feel right to you?  If something is true for you, you will feel light if it isn't you will feel heavy.

Today I want to write about alternative health.  It really gets me going when I see people looking for a magic pill to solve their health issues, but are totally closed to trying so many of the alternative therapies that are out there.

Your body is constantly looking for a state of balance, it needs it!  Think about this for a moment...Our ecosystem is about balance.  We have four seasons, moon cycles and night and day etc.  Our lives are meant to be lived in balance too.  Our bodies want balance in order to be healthy.  So what if we looked at illness and disease (dis - ease) as our bodies way of saying that something isn't in balance.  What if we actually started to listen to it, instead of trying to muffle it with drugs?  My feeling is that people want an easy way out and don't want to change anything about how they are living!  Instead they want a magic pill so that life can go on exactly as it is.  Well it isn't working people!

What if people were aware that by covering the whispers of their bodies that soon the many messages their bodies are trying to send them would turn to screams?  I have had many a client come to me on medications that weren't solving their health issues only to find they need to increase their dosage as time went on.  Maybe this sounds familiar?  What if their body was trying to tell them that it isn't working, and that it didn't want more drugs, it wanted to be treated differently?

Please, if you have a physician I am not telling you to stop your medication and never see a Dr. again.  I am simply asking for people to open their minds to the fact that our bodies are energy.  Our world is energy and sometimes the disharmonies in our lives are actually affecting our health.  I know for a fact that energy work makes a difference to a body.  Why?  Because I was born sensitive and feel  many things that others do not.  My body is no different than yours, so if sensing these things makes a difference for my body, then it will certainly make a difference for yours!  Likely you are just not aware of it.

So my question keeps coming back to, what are people so afraid of?  Are they afraid to find out that maybe western medicine isn't always the way to go and that for many it just isn't working?  Is cutting out body parts that we were born with really the answer?  Of course in an emergency situation these things make sense, but what if there were signs before it came to a crisis?  What if you paid attention to your body and the many signs so that you could do something about it before it became an emergency?

The truth is many of us are being held back because fear, fear that we might be tricked by a snake oil salesman.   Fear that we might have to change what we have always done!  Or maybe even worse yet, fear that we might have to change what we believe and that it is possible that we have been misinformed or that we need to change how we think about the way our bodies actually work!  Maybe the fear comes from being afraid to change our diet.  Or that we are just so overwhelmed we don't even know where to begin to deal with the stress in our life, or can't/won't make time for exercise that our body desires.  Maybe we don't know how to deal with the heartbreak of losing someone or how to deal with conflict and disharmony within our family.  So instead we pretend it isn't there.  We burry our heads in the sand and hope it all goes away or that our Dr will tell us how to get fixed or give us a prescription pill to make it all go away.  Reality is - it doesn't work that way, we have been living a lie and the truth is wiggling its way out.  Western medicine has only been around for little more than 100 years.

Ancient methods of healing have been around for thousands of years for a reason.  Because they can and do get results.  The thing is - it is subtle energy.  Yes miracles have been known to happen over night and illness can disappear, I know miracles happen every day.  Remember for many their illness built up over years from neglect or misinformation, so it may take time to find the path to true health and wellness.  Change doesn't always happen over night!  Are you open and willing to take the chance that maybe, just maybe there is another way?  A way that makes sense with using natural means instead of chemicals that trick the body into thinking it is well?

Many do not realize that heart disease has been proven reversible.  Dr Dean Ornish has documented reversing blocked arteries with 3 simple changes in lifestyle.  Also many do not realize that Diabetes is also reversible.  There are documented cases of patients going from insulin dependence to - no sign the disease ever existed. Alzheimers is suspected in recent research to simply be diabetes of the brain.  So if this is true following a low glycemic diet may prevent or even reverse this?  How is this possible?

The body has an amazing ability to heal itself, when the object or causes of damage are removed!  If you keep picking at a scab on your skin it cannot heal, for disease and illness it is the same you must remove the irritant or cause in order for the body to repair.  In other words find what is picking the scab of your disease and it will repair and heal.  We need to identify the root cause of disease first.  My theory though because people tend to be resistant to change is we turn and look the other way.  How many are doing this in big pharma?  How many Dr.s and physicians are doing the same because they don't really want to see the truth for fear that they may have to change how they work?  Fear of losing BIG profits?  Or even worse that they will be out of work?

All I am asking is for you to think for yourself and ask what feels like truth to you?  Be open to the possibilities that are out there for healing.  You know your body better than anyone, so why are so many turning their health over to their Dr. and mindlessly taking drugs and advice that doesn't always make sense?  As I said earlier people are resistant to change and they don't want to think for themselves.  They want someone else to make the decisions for them.  This is living a disempowered life and it must change.  Take charge of your health, you know your body better than anyone else.  People are resistant to change in the beginning because it is a new concept.  Just like when it was discovered that the earth is round and not flat, there was much resistance in the beginning until it was accepted as truth...

I learned that I had healing hands over a decade ago and quite by accident.  Being the logical person I am I didn't understand it.  I had to make sense of it and with the help of understanding science and energy I was finally able to understand it and make sense of it.   Even though the proof was in the results that people were getting from my treatments.  The results were surprising to me at first.  Now I know that we must know and remember that we are energy always were and always will be.

Energy can not be created or destroyed, it simply moves through form, into form, and out of form!  The amazing seemingly miraculous healings I have witnessed over the years has been a blessing in my life  (and these healings are Dr. confirmed healing, even though many times it left them scratching their heads).  I had a physician shake my hand once he found out who I was he told me that I had helped one of his patients tremendously and he had seen the results his patient was getting from my sessions.

Do you want to know what is your most powerful tool for having total and complete health?  Your mind!   Your mind is like a parachute, it works best when it is open!  Your thoughts create things, how do you think the placebo effect works?  Never underestimate the power of stress to wreak havoc on your body!  Your mind and your body are connected.  Invest in meditation and personal growth for you mind, it will open you up to more truth in your life!

Trauma in your life, even little emotional events where you were teased in school, fears and beliefs whether yours or being instilled from others, or even from your ancestors can all have a tremendous affect on your health.  There are some amazing therapies out there that have changed lives by releasing emotions, fears and traumas including amazing results for people who suffer from Post Tramatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Ask yourself these questions:

Is the root of my illness/disease physical?
Is the root of my illness/disease environmental?
Is the root of my illness/disease emotional?

From here you can start to look into alternative means to help you with finding the answer(s) and a method of returning to balance or true health.  Listen to your body, listen to your gut, and talk to others you might be surprised at what people have tried...

Please remember like all things you must find good reputable therapists.  Ask for referrals or meet them for yourself first, then see if they feel like a fit for you.  If it doesn't feel right then move on to someone else...

Suggested Alternative Therapies that I am aware of out there that get results (there are hundreds more out there):

  • Meditation
  • Reiki
  • BodyTalk
  • Chiropractics
  • Accupuncture
  • Chi Gong
  • Exercise - Yoga
  • Diet - limiting the processed foods and returning to eating food in its more natural state!  Watch these documentaries Hungry for Change & Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) simple and easy to use by simply tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on the issue at hand.  Powerful!
  • Access Consciousness - Using the power of your mind the most powerful for creating change I have come across to date!
  • Reflexology
  • Adam - Dream Healer - A powerful healer who healed Ronnie Hawkins Pancreatic Cancer - Teaches you how to heal with your mind
  • John of God
  • Homeopathy
  • Naturopathy
  • Shamanic Healing
  • Access Consciousness - Empowering People to know that they know
Some Centers that have excellent reputations are:

  • Sanoviv Medical Institute - They take into consideration all aspects of healing mind &body - very holistic
  • Burzynski Clinic - Treatment for Cancer