Thursday 22 August 2013

Empower Your Life! - How to change what isn't working for you!

Hello beautiful friends!  What I know today is that sometimes we can have a tendency to get stuck in a rut!  So I would like to offer you some tools for making your life easier and more joyful!  

What is happening for you today that you wish could change? You MUST remember that you are more powerful than you realize, if something isn't working in your life you have the power to change it and make it different. All it takes is a change in how you think about it. If you are judging it as right/wrong, good/bad you are holding the energy of it and keeping it "stuck". What if you simply asked some questions? 1)What would it take to change this? 2) How does it get any better than this? 3) What is right about this that I am not getting or seeing?

Go ahead and try it, right now! It doesn't cost you a thing, it empowers you and puts you in the drivers seat of your life! After you ask the questions simply let it all go and see what shows up for you! What magic can you create today and what else is possible? Have fun!