Thursday 29 May 2014

Living a Different Reality. Is it possible?

What I Know today is that I am always a few steps ahead in this game called life!  It used to be so frustrating because I would want products before they were being made.  For example when we were having our first baby we wanted a baby stroller with big single wheels (not those dinky little dual tire things) with grips for being on trails and sand etc.  We couldn't find anything when we needed it.  They came out several years later.  Another example, when we were getting married in '94 I wanted a simple gown, not the big poofy sleeves etc.  Couldn't find anything like that, until a few years later all the dresses were coming out that I was looking for.

I recall also in grade 6 having a crush on the new boy in our class.  No one else was interested.  I was the first one.  It didn't take long and suddenly all the girls were in love with him.  I wonder if it is because I have the ability to see the potential before anyone else.  I was even made fun of at first because they didn't see it.  I could write an entire book on more examples and this being the theme of my life that and being ahead of the majority of society, but I won't bore you with those details.

Fast forward to my life now.  I have always known that we could be living a different reality for how we are living in this world.  I was seeking it and knew it was possible.  When I was introduced to Access Consciousness the Bars I knew this was a really cool modality and what I learned would  catapult me into a new life of what I know is possible!  It was the missing piece of the Law of Attraction puzzle and to so many other things I was already teaching.

Why am I telling you all of this?  If you are willing to trust me and my gift of insight and ability I can show you something totally different.  I want to share these amazing tools with you.  Being a psychic medium, people look to me for insight.  Especially if there is anything they are missing within their lives and for signs and messages.  What if I actually know something about these tools too?  That they work!  What if these tools actually work as if by magic.  (Only when you use them - I might add!)

Would you be willing to invest in you and take the class?  What if this was the best money you ever spend on yourself and the returns from this investment were to infinity and beyond because the tools will keep working for you for the rest of your life?  What price would you put on something valuable like this?   To learn and have tools that you can use for the rest of your life to change anything and everything that isn't working for you?  Would you be willing to choose it?

The Bars Class

For more information and class dates/locations contact me:

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Do you know death is a choice?

Today another beautiful soul left this planet.  Maya Angelou truly left this world a better place through her work and who she was as a being.  I have to say what gets me is all the people who feel sad when someone passes.  This tells me how many do not have an understanding of who we are as beings or our purpose.  We are spiritual beings first that decide to incarnate into a body to learn, grow and contribute to the world around us.  As an individual soul we all have our set time for how long we will remain in our body.  There is  no right or wrong here, good or bad.  Simply how long we decide is enough for our journey and soul's growth.

How is being sad about a soul's passing a contribution to them, their family, you or the world?  Please people we must know that it is about the soul's journey.   It is about what they choose for their growth and experience.  No matter what means they chose to die or leave their body by.  Honour their choice.  I am not saying there won't be grief or sadness for those close to them.  It certainly is an adjustment period.  That is what grief is.

What if we all had so much awareness and consciousness that we already know when our loved ones are going to choose to leave?  Wouldn't it be so much easier?  You would have time to do the things you wanted to do with them, ask them the questions you wanted to ask and told them how much they mean to you before they leave?  Having said your goodbye's would be so much easier to adjust to.

Death is not an ending but a continuation as we return to spirit form.  Our true form.  If we as a society were more aware and awake with consciousness we would know that we have total choice in when our time is done.  It isn't about what God wants or God's will!  Many want to believe that because then they don't have to be responsible for not choosing in their lives.  Then they have someone or something to blame for their life or someone else's life not going how they wanted it to.  People!!  We have free will and for a reason.  Why don't people get this?  Why is no one embracing this?

However many are walking around totally unconscious and unaware  there even is a choice.  I once heard Deepak Chopra tell the story of his Father's passing.  His father said his goodbye's to those important to him and laid down for a rest and left.  Simple!  No trauma or drama.  It was time to go.  No pain and suffering.  Not to mention ease for him with his passing but also ease for the family as well!  He simply left.

My daughter heard me say that we have choice in how we leave this world in a class I was teaching.  She said to me the other day that she was so relieved to hear me say that we can choose how we leave this earth and this body.  She was totally at ease after hearing she had choice!

I have communicated with enough souls after their passing to know there is way more to our world and how the universe works, and I know a different reality is possible!  Are you willing to open up to a different possibility?

I am not sure about you but this is the way I choose to go.  I don't need a car accident or disease of pain and long drawn out suffering to leave my body.  Thank you very much!    So I leave all of this as food for thought!  What if we didn't have to be distracted by the limitations of this reality and worrying about safety etc.  What if we could just live?  Wouldn't you like to just live?  Knowing that when it is your time, it is your time.  No trauma, no drama, just choice!

Keep spreading your light beautiful soul, Maya Angelou!

Choosing a different reality, I invite you to join me!

Ease, Joy and Glory my friends!

Thursday 27 March 2014

Are you choosing to be stupid? We all do it!

No offence but we are all doing it.  How?  By shutting off our awareness.  Your sixth sense.  We are ALL guilty.  You are living with your eyes closed!  Want to learn how to change that?

What would your life look like if you had awesome nurturing relationships instead of mediocre?  How about a career that you LOVE and the money you receive from it flows continuously beyond your wildest imagination?  Body?  How about a body that feels good, looks good and radiates beauty?  Why would we not choose to have more money?  What if choosing awareness could change your whole life?  Choose more money?  Why wouldn't we?  Can we change the world easier with money or without it?

All successful people are connected with their awareness.  Those stock brokers that go with their gut!  That is where the success comes from.  Donald Trump, listens to his gut.  He is reading the energy of his staff etc.  He knows when to say "You're Fired"!  That is how these people have the success they do - it is a knowing.  They have awareness.  They might not even know they are doing it because it just comes natural to them.  I am going to teach you a tool and if you choose to use it and learn how to listen to it, your life will change in a big way!  You will learn how to make that knowing natural for you.  Ready to stop choosing stupid?

Having awareness is easier than you think!  Look at it this way.  Living your life is purely about making choices.  Look at living in 10 second increments and with each 10 seconds you have choice.  Choose to be happy or sad, choose to sit or stand, choose to eat or have a drink.  You get the picture.  What about mistakes?  How aware are you of the fear of making a bad choice?  Truth, are mistakes real?  Or is it simply a judgement we make on a choice we made?   Reality?  We judge ourselves and allow others to judge us too!  How stupid is that?  So my question for you is, what if you had a tool that showed you how to choose with total ease and if and when that choice no longer works for you, you simply choose again?  No choice is in stone except when we place judgement on it.  So what if the secret of living a joyful life, full of ease was all about choice and following your awareness on that and living in 10 second increments!  Choosing what would bring us more ease and joy instead of chaos?

The tools of Access do this.   They are beyond simple.  Unless you don't want simple then choose difficult, no judgment here.  It is your choice!  Access is the most simple, empowering method I have discovered to date that gets results where nothing else has.  Trust me I have worked with and tried many modalities.  They all work and get results, but just know I am very impatient and love seeing this change quickly and magically.  So why would you choose to not learn how to have more awareness?   What if you could have a 'magical' tool that opens up more possibilities in your world?  This tool would give you more choice than you ever fathomed, rather than having a life full of problems and road blocks.  The truth is, it works.

You learn how to be in question.  When you judge, conclude, decide that something is the way it is.  You shut all doors and close down your awareness and that becomes your reality.  Did you even know that you have been doing this to yourself?  We all do it!  I like to call it choosing to be stupid.  Every time you make a choice without using your awareness, you are choosing stupid!

I was doing it, we are all doing it.  It is the nature of the world and this reality we call life.  So what if you could change it, easily and quickly.  What if you didn't have to choose stupid?

Awareness is the new black!  


Want more ease in making choices?  Can't decide which restaurant to go to?  Follow the energy and your awareness on it.  This takes some practice but is so easy to do.  It is about getting out of your head!  When something is true for you it will feel light or expansive.  If something is not true for you it will feel heavy or contracted.  Just like the feeling you get if you are in a bad area of town.  Our awareness is always trying to communicate with us, but we are so in our heads making decisions and trying to figure things out that it stops our awareness.

Try this:  Close your eyes and say, my name is ___(say your name)_____________.  How does that feel to you?  Now say my name is Apple.  How does that feel and where do you feel it?  Get to know the difference between what is true for you and what isn't.

Each body is different and the more you work with this the more you will know what is true for you and what is not.  Next time you have a choice to make what will my life be like if I choose (X) and what will my life be like if I choose  (Y)

This is how you make choice from awareness not stupidity.  When we got to our head and try to figure things out.  That stops the awareness…

If you want more awareness and to learn the tools of Access please contact me:


Monday 3 February 2014

Working hard? How is that working for you?

I read a quote today that really got me thinking and fired up!  It said "Some People Dream of Success, While others Wake Up and Work Hard at it."  It got me thinking, is there truth in this statement?  For some yes, it may be true.  Richard Branson, Steve Jobbs, Bill Gates to name a few.  These people were doing something they loved, and are very good at what they do/did.  They did work hard, but maybe it was a love for what they did rather than forcing themselves to work at something that sucked their energy?

It got me thinking that maybe the first step to success should be asking ourselves what our personal definition of Success would be?  The dictionary says - a person or thing that has success by attainment of goals, wealth etc.  What if success had a different definition for each person as an individual?  What if your definition of success was different from mine?

My current definition of success?  Being happy with who I am at each moment of my life, doing what I love, being an expert in my field through using my gifts, talents and capacities while being in total joy with infinite abundance flowing through me as I share it with everyone around me.

Maya Angelou definition is - Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.

So ask yourself - what is your definition of success?

It makes me sad that there are people going out there every day "working hard" for success and they don't even know what that definition is for themselves.  Are you working toward success under the definition of societies beliefs of what success is?

Don't do it!  It is a trap!  One that will suck the energy and life right out of you.  Why?  Because you are not being true to you, you are falling into the collective consciousness and definition of what society thinks success is.  What if the pursuit of success could be fun, and easy?  What if we don't have to work hard.  Still with me?  Keep reading as I explain.  What if working hard is an illusion that is keeping us stuck, disempowered and unconscious?  What if it is keeping you from who you truly be?

When we look at truly successful people, like Oprah Winfrey or Ellen Degeneres it may look as though they are working hard, and they are!  But what if they are actually enjoying all of what they do, that it really doesn't feel that much like hard work?   But to the rest of us we judge it as working really hard?

You see the above quote makes me feel like people need a reminder or a push to keep going when they really don't want to.  That doesn't feel like a kindness to ourselves.  To push ourselves to keep going when we dread something.  It should feel natural and yes sometimes scary or exciting, but not dreadful!  There is a huge difference.

I believe there is a difference between working hard and enjoying what you do, that may look to others like you are working hard.  If you are doing what you love, that is a match to who you are as a being, with all of the gifts, talents and capacities you be.  Then you will not have to work a day in your life!  It will just look that way to other people!  Do you get what I am saying here?

Work shouldn't be work!  We should NOT be doing jobs we dislike just because it is good money.  That does not create more joy in this world!!  That does not bring out the light in you.  You should want to do it every time you do it, because it is easy and it flows for you.  Pure and simple!  So get your head out of the sand and start thinking about what your personal definition of success is.  Start asking questions around how to obtain that lifestyle and go for it!  It is a process, but nothing will happen unless you become more conscious of what it is that makes you come alive!

Stop falling into the trap of working 9-5, day in and day out, putting in your time.  That is living unconsciously and it is time to wake up.  What are you contributing to this world?  Do you really think that putting in time at the office to make a pay check is any way to live?  Just because the rest of society is doing it does NOT mean it is right.

The world was once believed to be flat, until someone realized that was not truth.  It took some time and some ridicule before this new concept was accepted as truth.  Do you think that maybe what I am saying here, is way different than what most people on this planet thinks?  Could there be truth in the fact that putting time in at a job that sucks your energy is living unconsciously?  What is your awareness?  Is there something more out there that is a match to who you be as an infinite being?  I think so, now what are you going to do about it?

Start with asking yourself some questions and awaken...

What is my definition of success? (please allow this to change and evolve as you do)
What else is possible here that I haven't yet considered?
How does it get any better than this?

Sunday 2 February 2014

What is Death? More Ease in this Transformative Process Comes with Understanding what Death is.

What is death?  Death is merely the ending of an old and beginning of a new.  This can be in anything in our lives.  Relationships, careers, material things too!  There is grief with any kind of loss, especially if it is sudden.

When we lose a loved one death is simply a transformation from the physical into the vastness of energy that we be as infinite beings.  It is always hard to say goodbye to those we love, and truly there is never a good time to say good bye!

We humans (earthlings) want to keep things the same forever or at least as long as we can, we resist change.  What we must remember is that each of us as an individual soul has a journey that is right for us.  Our loved ones who have passed are also choosing for their growth as an infinite being.  The time they had here has come to a close.  They have so much more to accomplish on the other side.  We get so caught up in the means that they chose to pass.  Be it an accident, illness, or suicide.  Ultimately it was their decision, their choice to leave the physical world to enter that of the spiritual.

The pain we have from loss is caused by our unwillingness to release and let go of what was.  The grief is the pain of knowing that things are changed forever.  If you are willing to work with it, the pain is less intense.  Especially if you are willing to do emotional release work and alternative healing therapies.  Learn tools that you can use on your own when emotions surface, as they will.  Especially when memories are triggered or events come along throughout the year.

Grief is a human emotion and something that we all go through at some point in our lives.  Like an injury to the body there will be pain.  In the beginning it will be most painful.  How we choose to deal with it is what can either help or hinder the emotional healing process.  There are so many good tools out there for emotional release and therapies for healing.  The choice too is yours.  Many are not open to trying these therapies because their unwillingness or call it stubbornness, prevents them from seeing another way.  There are always choices, hang on to what was and stay the same, or allow yourself to accept it, and see the gifts in the process of change, transformation and growth.

I have seen many souls who have passed, so that they can help their families connect more with their spiritual journey.  Still many are not open to it and fear that their belief system is going to be challenged and worse yet be shattered.  Maybe they fear being wrong, or that they might have to change in some way.  There is no right or wrong, there is simply we know what we know at the time and when we know more we can make better choices.  So why do people resist so much?  This is the big question.  What are people so afraid of?  They don't want to see that there is a whole other world out there waiting to open up.  You see it isn't only those in spirit who have had a change or transformation, those who are left here are also meant to go through change and transformation as well.

Life after losing a loved one, isn't about going through the motions of daily life trying to get by.  It is about truly learning how to let go.  To honour those who have passed and know that they are with us always and that they haven't really left they simply transformed.  You can still feel them, and sense them in a different way.  They do try to help us understand but we are too stubborn to have it any other way.  This only serves to block us from feeling their loving presence all around us.

Our purpose here in the death process when we lose a loved one, is healing and letting go of grief, our purpose is to let them go as they continue their journey as an infinite being.  Our new objective is to accept our new way of life no longer having them with us in the physical, but with us in spirit now on a higher realm and different reality.

No one said it is easy, but you must be willing to work through the process of letting go and continuing on your journey too.  Allow the change to move through you.  Allow the change to make you better than you were before.  Find your new normal as you continue to let your light shine.  Knowing you are never alone, they are with you always just in a different way.