Tuesday 9 April 2013

What is your Purpose? It is easier than you think!

What I know Today is that it makes me so happy to see people doing something that they love to do!  Have you ever noticed someone doing something that they love, and how good they are at it?  There is an energy around seeing someone do something that they love.  It becomes an extension of who they are.  How does it make you feel when someone who loves what they do shares their knowledge with you?  It could be as simple as someone in retail helping you with a purchase or serving you in a restaurant.  Maybe it is seeing someone sing who is so connected with the song that it is magical and gives you goosebumps!  It is an awesome feeling.

I think everyone should have a connection with something that they love to do.  I also believe that your purpose in this world is exactly that, finding what you love to do and doing it.  Without worrying about what anyone else thinks, or how much money it will make you.  Just be who you are and do the thing(s) that you love to do.  The rest will take care of itself.  We are creative beings and when we are creating, we are in the power of who we are as a being.  When we aren't creating we are  stagnant, we become stuck, maybe even depressed.

I see us all like a piece of the puzzle in a much bigger picture.  When you become one with your purpose and what you love to do, your piece moves into place completing more of the bigger picture.  Imagine each and every one of us in the world doing what we love.  The harmony and peace that would come from it?  The picture complete because each piece is in its place radiant and alive, full of light and beauty.  Right now the world looks to me like a partially complete puzzle, with some pieces fit beautifully together while the rest are the remaining pieces jumbled up in the box not yet sure where they belong.  Some pieces are stuck together in the wrong place, others are upside down and dull.  Some of the pieces  are more colourful than others but each plays an important and unique role in completing the picture.

I think we tend to make finding our purpose difficult and for many it feels impossible.  It really is simple.  If you love to garden, then maybe that is your purpose, and maybe because you have followed that love of gardening, you then become an expert gardener, which now allows you to teach others who do not have a green thumb!  Purpose to me is simply doing what you love to do.  And not being stuck in what that looks like but allowing it to continually evolve as life goes along.

How easy is that?  So what do you love to do?

Do you know that by doing what you love to do, you will inspire others to do the same?  Be the example and when they see you did it they will see it is possible and then the ripple goes out!

Once everyone discovers what they love to do, the picture becomes complete.  All the pieces are in place.  It is total beauty, joy and harmony because we are all working together with our unique gifts and talents with the essence of who we shining bright.  How does it get better than that?

Thursday 4 April 2013

Feeling Stuck? How to Create Change!

What I know Today is that many people are feeling stuck in their lives.  Some people really have no idea that they can create change and make their life better.  As people awaken to a higher consciousness they will realize that we are not our problems or our beliefs.  We are an infinite being who is capable of much more than we can imagine.  These problems or beliefs are conditions of the human experience we call life.  With the awakening that is taking place that is all about to change.  Let me show you how!

The way you react to any situation will either bring you Joy or Pain.  We always have choices available to us at any given moment.  Since studying and teaching Access Consciousness I have discovered that living in question helps to keep the doors of possibility opening for me.  Even when I feel stuck and discouraged asking myself a simple question:  What else is possible?  When I do this I let it go, or if I am really resistant or in a serious situation and not sure how to get unstuck, I will keep saying it.  What happens is I find a different possibility.  Things I never even dreamed of happening to get me unstuck will show up!  How does it get better than that?

I have loved Law of Attraction ever since reading "The Secret."  I know many people thought this was just about "positive" thinking and many put it down.  My point of view is just that it was misunderstood.  It is much more than that, but wasn't explained well.

Understanding that everything is energy has been the greatest gift to me.  It has not only helped me to better understand how to live my life with more ease, but also helped me to understand a bigger picture that life isn't always what it seems.  That more things are possible than many can even imagine and that the way you live your life is a choice.  Want to create change?  Simply asking questions is the way to do it.

So what does a problem look like in terms of energy?  It is basically an energy block.  When energy is blocked it remains stagnant, which means that the problem will remain until the mind shifts to looking for a solution or a different way of thinking.  What I love about Access is it gets the energy moving again, thus allowing possibilities and potential to come flooding in!

Your mind is what controls/allows your experience and when people start to realize this and work with it to create more of what they are wanting for their life experience, there will be amazing shifts here on this earth!

Monday 1 April 2013

Optimal Health! Are you willing to try something different?

What I know Today is that I am very interested in Alternative Health and Healing.  My experience though where I live is that people seem super conservative around trying things that don't require surgery or drugs for their health issues.  In fact you mention any other type of healing therapy and they look like they want to run the other way!

For me it seems that natural is the way to go if at all possible.  For example having my Gallbladder removed.  It seems that I was born with that organ for a purpose, and yet it suddenly gives me problems due to stones that have formed and I am told it should be removed?  I did some research and found that you could have treatment for gallstones in the United States that would break them up with sonic waves so that they could easily pass.  Unfortunately here in Canada the only treatment is removal of the organ.  Makes me sad really to think that we can't figure out the cause and prevention, but rather rip it out or cover the symptoms with drugs.

In truth I feel there are other ways to deal with our health issues.  One of the biggest is to reduce our stress levels so our poor bodies have a fighting chance to give energy to healing and repair rather than in be in defence mode.  The other thing I am passionate about is educating people so that they can know that there are options out there and solutions for many serious degenerative diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

So for now I am wondering why there is so much fear around alternative therapy for health and what it would take for people to try it and see that it actually feels amazingly awesome and that healing can be very therapeutic and spa like, it doesn't have to be scary with surgery and needles and dirty hospitals with scary equipment etc.

What are your thoughts?