Sunday 29 April 2012

3 Ways to Reset Your Day!

Ever have one of those days where it seems like the whole world is against you?  Red lights, people in your way etc.?  Or maybe you just have bad timing and things don't seem to be going right?  Maybe you feel like this has been your whole life?

Have you ever considered that you are just out of harmony with the Universe?  This is actually a simple thing to change!  First, be aware that it is happening.  Once you recognize that you are out of sync with your surroundings, there are a few things you can do to correct it!  Consider that everything is energy.  When things seem to be going wrong, it's simply your energy out of sync with the Universe, your surroundings and what you want.

I call it a Universal Reset!  Here are a couple of different things to try:

1)  Ask yourself what you want?  Say out loud "I want _________." and fill in the blank.  Say as many things as you like around what you want - the more specific the better.  You can even give it quantum power by writing it down or even better writing down a list of what you want for your day!

2)  Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, then see yourself getting into the flow of the Universe.  I sometimes refer to it as the flow of life.  Where things come easy and everything falls into place.  I like to say to myself - "I am in the right place at the right time."  Then, I feel myself shift into going with the flow.  Look at it like shifting your energy to match what you want from the Universe.  Seeing ease all around me, with perfect unity and harmony in everything that I do.

Sounds kind of simple and maybe even corny to some, but I swear it works like a charm for me every time.

3)  Take some deep breaths, with each exhalation visualize and let go of everything that isn't working for you today.  With each breath in you can breathe in a fresh supply of energy to bring yourself back into harmony with all of your surroundings.  Just try it!  It is free and if anything it is certain to make you feel better.

Friday 27 April 2012

Judgement - Is it healthy?

What I know Today is that it is challenging in society to avoid judgement.  What is judgement?  It is a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.  Discernment in our lives is good because it teaches us about what we like and what we don't like.  As creators we need to know what is right for us, so that we can attract more of the things we like into our lives.  This is healthy as long as we are keeping the reference to ourself as an individual as to what is right or wrong for us.  It is important to remember that what works for you may not be the best thing for someone else.

I am learning, as a teacher of self care and personal development, that judging things in life as good or bad, doesn't always serve us well.  Instead it is more healthy to look at things as how they are and accepting them for that.  Loving what is.  There is good that can come from every negative/bad situation, in fact bad situations can help you learn about yourself.  Every rose has it's thorn.

The point I want to put across here is that we are each doing the best we can with the knowledge, energy and information that is available to us in that moment.  When we look at the choices or actions of others and place negative judgement on them, we are giving that "thing" energy.  I always say that energy flows where attention goes.  So where are you putting your attention?

When you choose to see the good in everyone and everything that is what will grow from it.  I want you to remember that we also place judgement on ourselves - we can be our own worst critics.  So what are you judging about yourself?  Remember what I said about all of us just trying to do our best, and some days your best is going to be amazing, and other days not so much.  Trust that everything happens for a reason and that others can learn from the mistakes we make.

For today be aware of your judgements and try to allow understanding,  everyone really is doing the best they can right now and that includes you!


Take a nice deep breath, in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Let your belly rise and breathe nice and deep.   Do this several more times until you feel your tension in your neck and shoulders release, as you exhale I want you to release all of your current judgements of yourself or anyone else.  As you release those judgements see your breath leaving as a grey mist, releasing judgement, as you do see it go out of your entire body and energy field.

Take it a step further:

Now take another deep breath and let go of your past judgements either of yourself or anyone else, or even both if need be.  Set yourself free.  Really let it go, allow clarity to enter your mind in seeing some of the situations around you in a different light, with more empathy and compassion.  Now breathe in and let go of any bad feelings, guilt, or otherwise that is no longer serving you.  Let go of this non serving energy you are carrying within you.  Allow yourself to let go of the old, or anything that is no longer working for you.


Now read this and after you do close your eyes and practice it.  Place your hand on your chest and focus on the energy of peace.  If you had peaceful energy within you what would that feel like?  Connect to it and make it real.  Now as you connect to the feeling of peace allow that feeling to expand to your entire body, let it flow.  Feel it from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, permeating every single cell in your body.  Say to yourself I am Peace and Peace is me, we are now one.  Peace is yours now, in the present moment and when ever you feel you need it, you can do this exercise and peace is yours!

Have an amazing day!

Thursday 26 April 2012

Be Selfish

What I know today is that I have worked with too many clients in the past who are living for everyone else, and have forgotten who is most important, and have lost who they are in the process!  Don't get caught up in the illusions of if I don't do this than who will?  Trust that there are many capable able bodies to step in and fill the gaps that are left after you step down, or away from a position.

If you aren't looking after you, then who is?  When we go through emergency procedures on an airplane, we are told to put our oxygen mask on first before assisting others.  I have said this before - you can't help anyone if you are passed out from lack of oxygen, right?

I want you to ask yourself if you are living in balance right now.  Our entire Universe is based on balance.  The seasons, night and day, our ecosystem etc.  When things are out of balance, for example,  too much rain, there is big trouble, and it can be disastrous!  The same goes for your activities in your life!

When I talk about Selfishness what it really means is "self-care."  You know what you need, and you must listen to those needs.  You are useless to anybody if you are sick or, even worse, dead!  I am being serious here.  If you are not taking care of your needs, you are draining yourself of your life force.  If your energy is depleted how can you possibly be serving or helping others?

Life is about balance.  You can not just breathe out, you must also breathe in!  So take a look into your life.  What is not balanced?  Are you giving too much love and not receiving it back?  Are you working too much and not experiencing enough play?  You know what is right for you, but are you listening?  It first starts in whispers.  

Please don't wait until there are screams - i.e.  your body telling you that you must listen, by stopping you with a serious illness, disease or a break-down.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Fear - Is It Stopping You From Achieving Your Dreams?

Our Greatest Fear —Marianne Williamson

it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.

What are you good at?  What are you here to accomplish?  What do you love to do?  What strengths do you have?

Ignite those strengths, accept who you are and let your light out.  The world needs you!  You are unique and special - you have the key to unlock certain people, they are waiting.  Are you ready to let your light shine so that you can empower others?  

Love yourself, accept yourself, and do what comes natural to you!  You DO deserve to be happy and joyful!

Have an amazing day!

Monday 23 April 2012

Don't Stop Believing!

Do you have a dream?  Is there something you have always wanted to do, but just don't think it could possibly happen?  I watched a 10 minute video this weekend that is totally inspiring called Caine's Arcade - Click here to watch  It is totally inspiring to see how this little boy didn't give up on his dream of having his own arcade.  It only took one person to come along and help make this little boys dream come into reality!

It doesn't always happen how we think it will, because sometimes the Universe knows better than we do, what is a fit and what is not for us.  We are the only ones who limit ourselves.  We must take responsibility for how we feel and how we allow others to make us think and feel about where we are going on our paths in life.  What we are you striving to achieve here in this lifetime on earth?

If you think your dreams can't be achieved, it is time to look within.  The only person we can blame is ourselves.   When we allow the thoughts, perceptions and opinions of others to make us think and feel we can't have what we want, we are allowing them to disempower us.  I want you to know that if you want it bad enough, you can have it and you can do it.

Failure is an illusion we have known and experienced our whole lives.  What you need to know is that we have been looking at failure the wrong way!  Failure is our teacher - it teaches us what works and what doesn't, it should be teaching us how to reach further!

There is no such thing as perfection either, we have been fooled into thinking that all must be perfect.  Guess what?   Perfect doesn't exist, BUT because we all keep trying to achieve perfect, we continue to feel like failures.

No wonder so many of us give up!  Why even try if we know that it won't be perfect the first go around?  If it isn't going to be perfect in the first try it must mean we failed.  So why even start?  It is too risky and probably won't work out anyway!

We are missing the point.  Achieving our dreams is a process which helps us learn about ourselves and others along the way.  So I want to tell you, just get started, it doesn't have to be perfect!  Reaching for your dreams is a journey not a destination.  It is about enjoying the process as we create whatever it is that we want to create.  And guess what?  Your dream will likely change many times along the way as you figure out what you really like and what you don't.  Allow it to evolve, and have fun while you are at it!

What do you love to do?  What is your dream?  What is unique to you? Remember that what you enjoy and love to do matches your purpose.  It should be easy for you, it should be fun, and enjoyable, utilizing all of your strengths.

So are you continuing to live the old story of your life, that you can't do it or it will never work?   Or are you ready to change your story to - I can and I will, so when you come to the end of your life you can look back and say, I did it, I did everything I wanted to and what a ride it was!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

What Do You Need Today?

I am going out on a limb here and going to do a powerful exercise with you.  It may be very new to you - all I ask is that you keep an open mind and just try it.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Ask yourself what you are needing or lacking in your life right now?  Take the first thing that comes to your mind.  Take a moment right now to stop, and if you can, block all distractions around you.  Take a few good deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Relax your shoulders, let your neck go loose, and free yourself from the tension in your body.  With each exhalation feel your body relax further.  Simply be aware of the tension and let it go, as you do your muscles will relax. 

Now ask yourself if you are open to receiving it (whatever it is that you are lacking), or are you blocking it?  So take a few more deep breaths and release any resistance you are carrying and allow yourself to be open to receiving it.  Whatever it is that you need, focus now on having it.  Is it love, confidence, affection?  Maybe it is a new relationship, job, etc.  Allow yourself to feel it within you as though you already have it.  What does the energy of what you need more of today feel like?  Feel the energy of that thing you are desiring.  How does it make you feel inside?

Relish in it, make it as real as you can.  You all of your senses.  Feel the energy of it come from within you and allow the energy of it to become stronger.  Let it flow all through your body as you relax all of your muscles and take it all in.  Allow yourself to shift your energy to accept it into your life.  Be aware of any blocks that you might have - see them being whisked away.  Free yourself of the blocks and allow what you are desiring  to come into your life!

You must allow in order to receive it.  Give yourself permission, it is ok!

Have an amazing day, and thank you for sharing this journey with me!

Monday 16 April 2012

Are You Good Enough?

What I know Today is that everyone has vulnerabilities!  We all feel insecure at times, and that is a normal human condition.  Embrace it!  Allow yourself to embrace it.  Get to know it, and where it comes from.  When you face insecurity, you start to see that it only keeps a hold on you when you try to hide it.  When you face it, you free yourself from its grips!

Have you ever noticed how a baby is?  They are in the moment - content and happy.  They are not trying to be anything but be a baby.  They are not concerned with what happened yesterday or what is happening tomorrow.  They are not worried about how they look, what to do or say.  They are simply free to be who they are, and people love them!  Do you know why?  They have total self acceptance!  They know that they are enough exactly as they are.

I believe we strive too hard to be perfect.  There is no such thing as perfection!!  We learn from our mistakes.  Some amazing inventions have come from mistakes.  Did you know that Silly Putty was an invention gone wrong?  And that pretzels were a recipe that didn't turn out?

We try to control things too much.  There is too much structure in the world, where we try to fit ourselves into a certain box of perception.  What would happen if for one day you let go of control and allowed life to just flow through you?  To do things that make you feel good inside?  All while being relaxed, content and open to the possibilities of the day?

I know that I am tired of so much structure.  It is very draining to me, and I have lived this structured life up until now, trying to fit into the parameters of the expectations of others.  It isn't working for me.  I realize now that if I want different results in my life I must do things differently.  I used to believe that everyone else knew better than I did - about what was best for me.  I was giving my power away.  Expecting others to tell me what would be good.  Trying to be this and that, all while getting more confused, in hopes of achieving success.  I am learning that if I am to have huge success, I have to do it my way.   Then, success will be a match to who I am, and we can live in harmony together as one!

What I mean by this is that success will just be a part of me and I a part of it.  It will be a natural fit, and success will just happen.

Today I must remember that all that I am and who I am yet to become, is inside of me already.  My story and what I have learned so far has value to move others.  I may not connect with everyone and that is ok.  Not everyone is going to like me! That is ok too.  Who I am right now is enough.  What I have to offer could be life-changing for someone, so why am I hiding behind waiting for it to be perfect before I even get started?  There is no such thing as perfect!  It is an illusion that many of us have been hiding behind.  This hiding must stop for all of us, as it is holding your gifts from seeing the light of day.

Don't leave this world with your music still inside of you.  Your purpose is in alignment with who you are and what you love to do.  Connect with it and make your world a better place!

Friday 13 April 2012

Are You Abusive - To Yourself?

When you do things for others, do you do them out of duty, guilt or charity?  As creatures of habit, I think many of us have learned a behaviour that needs to change.  Several weeks ago I posted an article about What Feeds Your Energy and What Drains It?  Click here to read  If you are doing something because you feel you should, then you are coming from the wrong place.  When you offer your help to someone, it should be coming from a place of genuinely wanting to help and from love.

So take some time and think about it before you say 'yes' to someone.  You should only say yes if you really want to do it.  If not - you really shouldn't.  It is time to shift our thinking out of a mentality of lack.  What I mean by this is that you think, "If I don't do it then who will?"  When you shift your thinking to plenty and abundance, it should be more similar to  "I can't really do this, but I am sure there is someone who can and will help," then you must let it go.

I don't know about you, but I would much rather have someone offering their help from love than regret.

Next, we need to let go of keeping track.  When you do a good deed, it needs to come from a true place in your heart, doing it because it makes you feel good to make a difference.  This then feeds your energy as well as the other person's energy.  Can you see the difference?  When you give, you get - but it doesn't always come from where you think it will.  Good things will come in other ways and from other places that are a match to what you need,  instead of the old school thinking of "I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine."

Let life flow and trust that the right people are there at the right time and that it isn't about keeping track but instead about feeling good while making a difference to those around you - it will come back to you ten-fold!


Take some deep breaths, in through your nose and then out through your mouth.  Really breathe deeply, your belly should come out as you do this, as your lungs fill your chest should rise last.  Do this a few more times letting go of all tension in your body, feeling more relaxed with each exhalation.  Just let it all go!

*As you read this - take time to pause and close your eyes as you experience it in pieces.  Really allow yourself to feel...

Place your hand on your chest and focus on genuine, unconditional love.  What does it feel like?  Feel its warmth, breathe into this love that is within you.  It comes from within, NOT externally from others.  Let yourself feel it, connect to the love and acceptance within you.  Tell yourself that who you are right now is enough.

You don't need to do anything more, that you are enough right now, you are whole and complete.  You are a good person, with good intentions.  You need to love and accept yourself.  You don't need to do things to please others or for acceptance.

You are unique and special in your own way.  So honour who you are right now.  The things you love, your talents and strengths are who you are and so valuable.  There are people in this world only YOU can make a difference to.   But first you have to be true to who you are.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Your Success - Maybe You're Being Hidden On Purpose!

What I know today is that I have been teaching for nearly a decade now, and at times it has been frustrating that the work I have been offering hasn't taken off more quickly.  I have been teaching Law of Attraction, EFT, and emotional release work long before many had even heard of it.

This video message really connected to me, and I feel it is a message for all to hear.  To keep doing what you do best, allow yourself to do what you are passionate about!

Enjoy!   Click here to enjoy Inspirational Corner!

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Sugar - Are You Addicted?

What I know Today is that as I am striving to live a healthy lifestyle, it is sugar that I am finding a challenge to let go of.  I am a Healthy for Life Coach, so I know what I should be eating and what I shouldn't.  As I go through this new transition into my business, I am feeling more stressed.  I am constantly doing things I have never done before, and totally out of my comfort zone.   I am wondering if I can really do this, and  wanting to know what this business is going to look like when it is up and running.  

There are so many unknowns right now.  At times, I can be a control freak, so it is the "unknowns" that are stressing me!  It is such a challenge to try to let go and let it all unfold into what it will be.  Allowing myself to just show up.  Letting go of all expectation.  What I am learning is to have fun with what I am doing in the day, and to meet others where they are at and trusting that the pieces I have are what they need.  I guess sugar relieves that for me, as it must be bringing me comfort in these uncertain times. 

Do you crave sugar?  Have you thought to look within yourself at the emotional reasons you are craving it?  Are you stressed or unhappy?  Some will turn to sugar to fill the voids.  For example, not enough sweetness in your life.  Maybe you feel something is lacking in your life.  You see, sugar, gives us an instant good feeling.  It produces chemicals in our brain that gives us an instant high that makes us feel good.  The downside is that there is always a crash.  It wears, off leaving you looking for your next fix!  Unless you can address the real issue(s).

Many people don't realize why sugar is not good for us.

Sugar causes inflammation in the body, and most degenerative diseases are caused by chronic inflammation in the body.  Heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes and so on.  C-reactive protein (CRP) is a key factor of inflammation. In a major study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, people with elevated CRP levels were four and one-half times more likely to have a heart attack. Not only is elevated CRP more accurate than cholesterol in predicting heart attack risk, but high CRP levels have turned up in people with diabetes and pre-diabetes and in people who are overweight.

There is research showing that the damage caused by high Blood Sugar levels are behind type 2 diabetes as well.  Dr. Ray Strand has over 50 documented cases of reversing type 2 diabetes, and by eating low Glycemic you can also reverse high blood pressure.  

Do you know that the latest research shows that Alzheimer's disease is suspected to be diabetes of the brain?  This makes sense to me as Alzheimer's and diabetes is in my family, and I do notice that I get total brain fog when I have had too much sugar!  Probably a sign that my brain's blood supply is choked off because of the inflammatory effects sugar has on our arteries and veins.

In conclusion my belief is that nothing is harmful to our bodies if we are living totally in balance (diet, exercise, nutrition - mind/body/spirit) and completely living in faith and stress free!  Our body has an immune system that when taken care of can handle viruses, bacteria and toxins without medication or medical intervention.  But most of us have compromised our immune systems because of our inability and lack of education to handle our stress and emotions. 

So today my decision is to go off of sugar and have a detox for a few weeks.  After that, I am going to be aware emotionally what is going on, so that I am not addicted but can enjoy once in a while in moderation instead of needing a daily fix.  

Tuesday 10 April 2012

What is Right for You?

What I know today is that too many people torture themselves trying to do what they think everyone else wants them to do, instead of what is right for them!  As I go through this process of change and transformation with my blogging and on-line business, I find it quite terrifying!  I find myself letting go of old beliefs and letting go of my old way of doing things.  Through this process if you want different results in your life you must do things that you have never done before.

I find myself wanting to do things that other people want and realize that I am too focused on what people want from me.  What I am quickly realizing is that I need to do what I WANT to do, and the rest will take are of itself.  I was brought up with high expectations and therefore never want to do anything unless it is perfect.  What I have realized is that my life is passing me by because I am waiting for it all to be perfect before I get started.  Well, if I wait until it is all perfect, it will never happen will it?

Fear has been holding me in it's grip!  I now realize that waiting for perfection is a backward approach, and have realized that I need to just start doing what I do, and the rest will start to play out.  It doesn't have to be perfect, as long as I just get started.  I have too many things to share with others, things that I have learned through studying what I love.  If things go in a direction I don't want them to I can always course correct!

The other thing I need to remember is that it is ok to make mistakes!  We learn from our mistakes and sometimes mistakes take us down an unexpected path to something bigger than we ever dreamed of!

No matter what you have going on in your life, take a good look within.  What do you want?  What feels right for you and where you are at?  Let go of what others are expecting of you, or wanting from you.  What do you need to do to feed yourself and nurture yourself on the deepest levels?

Do you feel depleted?  If you answered yes, you have been acting for others instead of taking care of your needs.  It is time to change that old mindset.  No one else can do it but you!  Only you know on the deepest levels what you are needing at this time.  So give yourself a gift today and start listening.  What do you want?

The Secret To Life!

What I Know Today is that there is a great book out there that changed my life when it came out.  Today I want to share it with you, if you haven't heard of it or haven't read it you should consider it.  Especially if you feel there are areas in your life that are in need of improvement!

There are four key areas in life Career, Health, Relationships, and Finances.  If you can't give each of the 4 key areas in your life a 10/10, then you need to keep reading!   Below I provide the 3 steps to getting more of what you want/need in your life.  If you have already read the book, please read on for some important reminders, on how to continue designing your ideal life!

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is a book based on the Law of Attraction (LOA).  This Universal Law is similar to the Law of Gravity in that no one is immune to it.  It doesn't matter if you are young or old, male or female, short or tall!  This Universal Law is in action 24/7 365 days per year!

What is Law of Attraction?  The definition is - what ever you put your attention, energy, and focus to, you will get more of it, whether it is positive or negative.

There are many people who believe that LOA is a farce and that you can't just think your way into having what you want.  However, I believe that many have misunderstood the premise of it.  You must take action in order to get results.  You cannot just sit and visualize what you want and think it will just come to you.

The secret to life, is to identify and know what it is that you want.  Most people are stuck right here on step one.  Maybe you can relate!  You must identify what you want in order to bring it to you!  What do you want in your Relationships?  What do you want for a Career?  It needs to be a match to you and what you love to do!  The key is to be mindful of where your thoughts are taking you!

If you are focusing on all the things in your life that aren't working, that you don't like, complaining etc.  You will keep getting what you have always gotten!  If this is you, no matter what area in your life, you need to redirect your thoughts to the direction you want to see yourself going!  Stop observing what isn't working and look for what you want instead.

Remember that all the things we have in the world, had to start first as a single thought!  Thoughts do become things!

What many people don't realize is that there are 3 steps to manifesting what you want in your life.  If one of them is missing or blocked, you will not manifest it!  Just wanting something really bad isn't enough to make it happen!

1)  Identify What you Want
2)  Give it Your Attention
3)  Allow It!

The biggest challenge for many is the allowing part.  Especially when it comes to beliefs!  If you don't believe you can have or do something that wins over every single time!  No matter how bad you want something!  So awareness of where your thoughts are directed is of utmost importance.  Awareness is key!  My favourite quote that sums it all up is by Henry Ford, "Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't you are right."

My forte is helping people with the Allowing, releasing the old parts and old beliefs that you are carrying from childhood, and possibly even from your ancestors...  If it is in your vibration, it is blocking you from having the amazing life that you desire to have!

Stay tuned, I am looking at returning to coaching clients one on one.  If you are interested contact me at

Monday 9 April 2012

Want to Feel Good? Stop Worrying About What Everyone Else is Doing!

What I Know Today is as I build my business and I see how much there is to be done to get there, I get overwhelmed.  It is easy to look at what everyone else is doing with their blogs, websites etc. and get discouraged as it feels like there is so much to do to get there.  I had to stop  and remind myself today that I am and will get there, it is one day at a time.  The most important part, is that I show up.  Just be me, because who I am right now is enough!  I am perfect right now as I am and all I am meant to be is inside of me waiting to come out with each opportunity before me.  All I need to do is show up each day and give the best that I have for that moment and trust that it is good enough for those who are in touch with me.

When we start looking at what everyone else is doing it takes away from what we are supposed to be focused on.  When you compare yourself to others you are usually focused on their strengths, which are not a match to your strengths.  Stop looking outside of yourself and start looking within.  What are YOU good at?  What makes you unique and what can you offer?

Remember that what you have to teach, share or offer is unique to you.   You don't have to know it all, you just need to be a few steps ahead of where they are at, and you will provide value to those around you!

So go out there today and do your best, because you can only make a difference when you are focused on  what you are here to accomplish, and let go of the comparisons because who you are is enough!

Thursday 5 April 2012

What Do You Love to Do? Make it Your Business!

What I know today is that I am passionate about helping people to find their purpose!  As I step out onto this new ledge of opportunity, I wonder exactly what my business is going to look like!  I know that I love teaching others and helping to empower them to find their way in their own journey.  To help them go within and find their strengths, and natural talents.  I know in my own life that Joy, Happiness, and Fulfillment are what have been lacking.  My goal is to help others achieve this in their own lives.

I think we all have our own unique gifts to share with the world, and that whatever it is that you love to do is a total match to your purpose.  Joy is something that we are all meant to have and experience in every moment of our lives.  When people say that you have to work hard to have success that is true, but why can't we love the work at the same time?  Imagine working all day and looking back at what you have accomplished realizing that it did't really feel like work at all?  That it was fun and you enjoyed every moment of it!

Think of a basketball player or hockey player.  They love the game, right?  Yes there are practices and training but for the most part, they love what they do and there is a big benefit to their efforts.  How about a singer, or band?  They love what they do and they practice and play until their art is perfected!

Truly when we are in alignment with our purpose, this is the experience.  We all have a unique piece of the puzzle that makes up the whole of our world and beyond that our Universe.  When we each perfect our piece there will be more love and harmony in this world.  Why?  Because we are all doing what we love and the parts in our lives we don't love to do, someone else will be there, and they step in to do that.

For example, I don't love accounting or working with numbers in my business.  That is why I hire an expert who is passionate about numbers.  See how it all works?  Don't like cleaning your house?  I happen to know many people who love to clean because it gives them a sense of accomplishment, and find cleaning rewarding and fulfilling.  So hire them to come and do it!!

Another plus?  When you master what you love doing, everyone wants a piece of it, and that means more money!  You will be a money magnet!  So you can afford to hire others that love what they do, to do what you don't want to do!

Why waste time doing things that drag you down, when you could have an expert fill in those parts while you continue to perfect and master what you love doing?

Remember the world was once thought of as flat!!  It is time to get out of our old school, old fashioned thinking and allow our world to change into a better place to be.  We can all live here in harmony, perfecting our niche.  Isn't it awesome when you receive great service from someone in retail who loves what they do?  They feel good and in turn make you feel good too, because they are good at what they do and they are sharing those gifts with you, which then makes you feel good, which then brings out the best in you.

So tell me what do you love to do?

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Grumpy? 3 Quick Ways to Get Out of That Funk!

What I know today is that we are all human and there are going to be days where your mood is low in ratings!  Being a teacher of energy and Law of Attraction, most of us know that sending out negative vibes brings more of the same.  So how do you shift yourself back into the positive?

1) If you are upset about something vent!  Give yourself 3-5 minutes (seriously time it!) to rant to a friend or write it out on paper and shred it when you are done.  Get it out of your energy field.  Sometimes a good rant helps us to get more clear about what we are wanting!  Then you are going to spend 3-5 minutes talking or writing about what you want instead!  The idea is to get it out of your system and then get clear about what you are wanting/needing more of!  Ask yourself, so what do I want?  I call this my reset button!

2) Put on some music!  What songs really get you going, or make you feel good inside?  Let yourself lighten up, move your body let loose and let go!  If you like singing, sing like no one is listening and dance like no one is watching!  My favourite song right now is Flo Rida - Good Feeling!

3) Laughter!  Do you have a good friend who always has a way of making you laugh?  Find a movie, or YouTube video that makes you laugh, and keep it handy for when you need it!  This YouTube video on the Ellen show made me belly laugh, and it helps to remind me to have more fun and that life shouldn't be so serious!  Click here to see!

What Makes You Beautiful?

What I know today is the song What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction makes me feel so good!   Click here to see YouTube Video!  So today I ask you, what makes you beautiful?  What is your gift to the world?  What are you truly good at?  What is the beauty that is within you?

These are all good questions you should contemplate because as you do, it starts the process of bringing out more beauty in you!  In terms of energy, this process helps you to put your focus in the direction of your beauty and gets your energy flowing in that part of yourself which then, in turn, brings out more of your beauty!

Beauty to me is when someone is doing what they love and it just flows.  It brings tears to my eyes when I see someone doing what they are passionate about and in turn become a true master.  Choose to see the beauty around you, and it will be amazing what comes into your experience.  It is easy to find things we don't like, or that drive us crazy.  But truly open yourself to seeing the beauty.  When you start looking for it you will start to see it everywhere, because that is where your attention is going.  Beauty is in everything, everyone and all around you.  When you shift your focus, beauty becomes your experience.


Take some nice deep breaths.  In through your nose and out through your mouth.  As you do this, relax your body.  Each exhalation allow your muscles to relax even further, letting go.  Close your eyes and imagine beauty,  whatever that may be to you.

Now - connect that beauty to your own life.  It's all about what is unique to you!!  What's beautiful to you?  Allow yourself to feel what beauty feels like inside of you.  How does it make you feel?  Breathe beauty in, and as you exhale let go of what isn't beautiful in your life...

Monday 2 April 2012

Orlando - Be The Change

What I know today is that I have been away at an amazing event and am feeling a little bit guilty over not posting for several days!  I had intended to have my materials ready before I left so that I could schedule them to post while I was away like I didn't miss a beat!  My best intentions fell apart and, in my preparation to leave to Orlando for my training, time ran out.  A lesson for all of us that no one is perfect.  The world still goes around, and even if we can't get to something, it isn't the end!  I didn't want to let my readers down, but I realize that you will be OK without my posts for a few days!

I went to Orlando, Florida for a conference called Be The Change.  The inspiring woman behind this amazing event is Suzanne Evans.  I have been following her for a few years and she is an amazing example of living your purpose.  She is a joy to listen to, simply because she speaks from the heart.  She teaches, while providing laughs at the same time.  Truly inspiring!  Stories we heard from others who have followed her program and have become successful entrepreneurs are a testament to her wonderful talent!

For me, I truly have come home changed.  While I was there, I made a decision that literally brought me to tears.  As Suzanne spoke, it was as though she was speaking directly to me.  My work is about getting out there and helping more people.  I don't want to leave this life with the music still inside of me.  I was teary-eyed all morning knowing that I must take this bigger, and yet it is all so scary.  How will I do it?  It seems so overwhelming with all that will need to get done!  I am not technical at all, all I want to do is what I do!  Who has time to figure out all this computer techie stuff?

I decided to join her advanced coaching program.  As she spoke about the benefits of her coaching, I was fighting tears.  When it came time to sign up I was shaking.  Not because of the financial commitment, but because I knew this was so right for me.   I was teary because I was FINALLY saying yes to me and to my purpose.  I know if I do what she asks me to do, I WILL succeed.  I have been wanting to take my teaching onto a bigger platform for a number of years now, and the dream is coming true.

The really scary part is doing something that I have never done before.  Something that I don't even know that I am capable of.  But I must try.  I don't want to look back at my life and wonder what it could have been like if I had tried.  I must be the change that I want for my clients.  I must do this so that I too can lead the way.

As I said in my very first post, I am done with ordinary, and settling for a mediocre life.  There has to be something better than this!  It is time to create big changes in my life and, in the process, show others the way.  It isn't just about making money (although that will certainly be a bonus, as when you make more money you can help more people.)  It is about helping more people.  When Ellen Degeneres gives away cars on her show to struggling families, that makes my heart swell.

I am making a commitment to all of you that I am doing this and ready to take this bigger and on-line.  My dream is helping people to find their purpose, re-design their lives and teach them that they can have it all.  I have been teaching and coaching for nearly a decade and it is time to share the tools and knowledge I have learned along the way.  The tools get results, but not unless I am teaching others how!

Stay tuned - you will see big changes in the coming months ahead!  Thanks for sharing this journey with me.  My dream is that you too will be inspired to Be The Change!