Tuesday 27 March 2012

Career - How to Get More of What you Want!

What I know today is you can get more of what you want in every area of your life, by changing what you are putting your attention, energy and focus to.  In my previous post How to Get More of What you Want!  I mentioned the four key areas of life.  Health, Relationships, Career and Finances.  Today I want to share how you can get more of what you want in your Career.

It is extremely helpful to sit down and make a list so that you can get crystal clear on what it is that you want more of out of your career.  Everything that exists in our world started out first as a thought, the next step is the blue print (writing it down), the next is manifestation (your desire comes true).

Often, when in the midst of looking for a total career change, many find themselves not knowing what they want.  What can be helpful in this situation is to make a list of what they don't want.  We often find it easy to identify all the things we didn't like about our past jobs!

Divide a piece of paper in half down the middle of the paper top to bottom.  On the left side you will put all those items that you didn't like about past jobs.  After you have your list switch each item to what you do want.  Put all of the items you do want on the right side of the paper.   For example - I don't like working shift work (left side).  You would change it to - I want to work 9-5 (right side).  Be sure to cross off all your items on the left once you have re-written them to what you do want - so you are not giving the things you don't want any more attention, energy or focus.

The idea of this exercise is to get you thinking about your desires and to make a clear list of what you are desiring more of in your Career.  The more specific you can get the better!  Example - Supportive Boss, friendly co-workers, nice office space with a view, 4 weeks of holidays, paid benefits etc.

Each time you read your list and you give it your attention, energy and focus.  The more times you read or think about it in a day the more you bring your desires into your reality.

Remember the mind/body connection I shared in my post More Joy in Your life? Would you like some?  It will allow you to open up to new opportunities and it gets your mind focused on more of what you want.

Allow yourself to dream about it, really feel what it would feel like to have all of the things on your list become your reality.  Feel the excitement. Visualize yourself there!  The world is a magical place and when you get more clear about what you do want, putting your focus there will bring you more of what you want because that is where your attention will be!

If you feel so inclined, share what you learned about yourself!  Sometimes sitting down and getting more clear about what it is that we are desiring in your life - can bring some ah-ha's!  Would love to hear from you!

Monday 26 March 2012

A Kind Word!

What I know today is that we should try to give more credit where credit is due.  Do you take the time to give sincere heartfelt compliments or praise to those around you?

I was speaking with a very close friend of mine today who was telling me she went to Hedley's concert this week and how it made her feel when he said his closing words of gratitude to the fans.  She said it was so sincere and heartfelt, that it really impacted her.  She went on to tell me that she decided that she needed to do this more in her life as well.   So a few days later she let a co-worker know that she was doing a great job and that she wanted her to know it.  The co-worker said "You know, I really needed to hear that today."  My girlfriend got chills, and so did I, as she told me the story.

We should all be working on our own self-acceptance, and believe in ourselves and be self-sufficient in knowing that who we are is enough.  We give too much value to the opinions of others especially when those comments can be rude and hurtful.   But it certainly feels good and lifts our spirit to hear kind words from someone around us.

When you compliment someone on a job well done, it also helps to nurture and open up channels to focus on our strengths as individuals, and helps us to break our focus on our weaknesses.  Research has shown that one of the most powerful mood-boosting experiences you can have is to make someone else feel good,  as we then experience the same boost within ourselves.

Try your best to see the good in everyone for there is a saying - "In every Buddha there is a devil and in every devil there is a Buddha."  We live in a dual world and there is good and bad in everything.  Energy flows where attention goes.  So see the good in each person that you meet and that is what you will bring out in them!

Thursday 22 March 2012

Spring Time Energy Boost!

What I know today is how good it feels to walk into a room that has been de-cluttered!  It seems to feel so spacious and inviting doesn't it?

Would you like to know why?  There is science behind it!  Everything is energy and I talked about energy in a previous post How to Get More of What You Want.  When your house is full of stuff it is like being in a noisy room where the music is too loud, your hearing is overwhelmed!  It isn't as obvious because energy is subtle, but on a feeling level too much stuff is the same as the noisy room.  This is why it always feels so good to de-clutter.  It is such relief when all the "noise" is gone!

It can be very draining on our energy to see stuff everywhere you look.  We may try to drown it out, but in our higher awareness or sensory perceptions of energy our bodies know it is still there.

So if your closets are so full you can barely close the door, it might be telling you something!  Why do we hang on to so much stuff?  The reasons - we might need it one day, we don't know what to do with it, someone really special gave it to us, or we just go into denial that it is even there!  It is time to give yourself much needed relief!

Change How you Look at Letting Go of Your Stuff

Remember that our stuff  is just that STUFF!  We don't NEED stuff to live.  We need air, food, water, and shelter.  Your stuff may be pulling you down more than you realize!  Because it accumulates slowly over time we don't really realize how much it is draining us.  As you are going through the process you must be aware of your emotions and also be aware of what your fears are.  For example if you are tossing something while thinking I am going to regret this as I may need it one day.  You are setting up a reality that will likely come true.  Instead of thinking in terms of lack, think of the world in terms of abundance.  That if you need that thing one day, there will be another one available to borrow, or maybe you will find one on sale somewhere and it will be no big deal.  The world can work in our favour (it is a world of plenty), but we need to learn to let go and trust.  Many of us hold on to too much stuff because of fear!  

To add a little more I would like to explain where this fear comes from.  Our ancestors had to work really hard to gather food and necessities back in the day.  If everything is energy who's energy made up our conception?  We came from a sperm and an egg right?  So the energy in those two parts that made us who we are is our Mother and Father's energy.  Are you following?  So who's energy made up our Mother and Father at conception?  Yup your Grandparents and goes back through the generations.  So sometimes we can be carrying thoughts, feelings, hardship and so on from generations back, it can be in our energy.  We are shifting the old ways to the new, it is about healing our ancestors hardship and realizing we are now living in a time of abundance.  Interesting isn't it?  

My challenge to you - now that it's officially Spring, pick a closet or area that needs de-cluttering and donate, trash and sort whatever you don't need or haven't used in a long time!  If it is in your closet and you haven't worn it in a year, time to let it go!  If you think you might need it one day but it has been a long time since you have used it, trust that you will attract a new one when you need it, or you could borrow one from a friend if the need arises.

It can be hard to let go of things.  Especially if you are someone who is sentimental and has a hard time with change.  With this challenge comes freedom as you let go of the old you allow the new to come in.  We are ever changing and what was a match to you last year, may not be now.  If you once loved it, but now no longer do, let it go to someone else who can love it!

Letting go of the old brings in the new.  Let yourself evolve, because we are energy we are ever changing and we must remember that we are changing for the better, see the good in all of it!!  Each day you are getting better and better!  Each year we gain more wisdom, and that is awesome!

The Guidelines

  • If you haven't used it in over a year it's time to let it go.
  • If you don't LOVE it - Let it go!  Yes even if it was from your dear Grandmother!
  • Be aware of your emotions and fears and auto correct as necessary.  Switch from a world of lack to a world of abundance.  What you need will always be available to you.
  • If emotion or fear comes in - take a moment and take some deep breaths - give it your awareness and let it go.

Did you take action?  Share your experience and comment below.  Others will benefit from your experiences!

Share this article with someone you love!  They will probably thank you (or they might want you to come over to help)!

Wednesday 21 March 2012

You are a Creator - You CAN get More of What you Want!

What I know today is we are all a spark of the Divine.  If we all come from one Source and that source is the Creator, then we too are Creators!

In my previous two posts, I touched on the areas of Relationships and Health.  Today, I thought I would give a little lesson to help you understand that if you are a Creator, you can design the life that you want in any area that you want!

Let's look at the process of creation.  How do we get things in this world?  Everything has to first start out as a thought.  So thoughts become things.  For example, consider your home.  Before it was built, it started out as an idea in someone's mind.  The next step is to get the idea(s) put down or drawn onto paper.  Those ideas on paper became blueprints.  The next step was to build it - what we call manifestation.  

One of the biggest blocks people have in designing the life of their dreams is that they don't know what they want or they don't know how to get it.  So what do we get more of?  More "I don't know what I want!"

Do you want to know how to change that?  Sit down and figure it out by following the exercise below.  Some people are afraid to start because they don't know exactly what they want.   My advice is to go for it!  If you get it and decide it isn't really what you wanted after all, then you just got more clarity on what you do want.  It is no different than trying clothes on to see if they look good and fit well.  Then you get more clear on what you want to try out next!  There is no such thing as a mistake.  Only learning and growing that is what we are here for!


Take some time to do some deep breathing, until you feel relaxed.  In through the nose, out through the mouth.  Breathe in self-acceptance, breathe out self-doubt.  Ask yourself some questions.  So what it is that you desire?  What is it that you want more of in your life?  I recommend writing in a journal all of your thoughts of what your desires are.  Make a list and dream big.  Don't hold back because you just never know what may come of it!

Take it a step further - how would it feel if you had what you are desiring?  Make it as real as you can.  Close your eyes and really feel it!

I would love to hear from you if you've had any Ah-ha! moments, please share by posting a comment!

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Your Health - How to get more of what you want!

Everyone has the ability to heal their body, and I don't care what the title of the illness is!  The body is an amazing healing machine!  What you need to to do is find what is right for you!

In healthcare today, there are more choices than ever before.  Are you open to alternative health options, or do you stick with what you grew up with (North America) and have come to know as Western Medicine?

My opinion is that our health care system should be called "sick care."  There is little to no focus on prevention.  We have been trained to go for check ups so that they can look for illness and disease, and if such is found we are prescribed medications for it.   Or we wait until there is a problem and then seek out medical advice.  A band-aide solution in my opinion.  Why does it seem like people are not getting better after a diagnosis?  All that seems to happen are just more interventions.  Surgery, drugs, and tests...

What do you think would happen if suddenly everyone on the planet stopped taking their medication?  It should be no surprise that their health problems and symptoms would still be there.  We are drowning out the messages the body is giving us, kind of like throwing a mat over a hole in your living room floor.  The body tells us that something is not right because it wants and needs to heal.  In order for that to happen, we need to provide the correct ingredients or materials the body needs.  The problem?  Most people aren't even aware that there is a choice, and that other options are available!

The most helpful solution is to identify what is causing the issue(s) in the first place.  Are you getting optimal nutrition?  Are you mainly eating a well balanced diet or processed, nutrient-poor food?  Are you stressed out, or happy and fulfilled?  Consider the things the body requires in order to be healthy.

After all, we are made up of trillions of cells.  Those cells need the right fuel (i.e., nutrients) in order to perform their daily functions.  At the cellular level your body DOES know what to do.  But your cells can't do their jobs if their energy supply is blocked and their fuel source is poor.  So in this case it is your health that suffers the consequences.

What would happen with your car if you were putting water in your gas tank instead of fuel?  What about if your battery was only partially connected?  Your body is no different!  Are you getting optimal levels of nutrients?  Junk food and processed foods are lacking nutrients (that is why it has a long shelf life in many cases) and are the wrong fuel source for your cells.  Nature has it right - consume natural foods more.  And, your stress levels and emotions are the two things that block your energy flow.  What are you doing for management of that?

Our body performs amazing functions on a daily basis all on it's own without our needing to think about it.  Miraculous, really, when you think about it.  Here's a thought - what happens when you cut yourself?  You don't need to plan the healing of that cut because your body knows exactly what to do to take care of it.  

Once healing is under way, what would happen if you picked that scab every day?  Would you heal then?  When we cover our symptoms with drugs, and surgery, etc.  it is similar to picking a scab.  Why?  Because we are not changing what we are doing, and if we don't change what we are doing we are going to keep getting the same results.  It is time for us to realize that maybe our Western doctors don't have all the answers.  Many of them are admitting that.  We NEED to look at doing something different.  We must find what it is that is preventing us from healing.

Did you know that Type II Diabetes and Heart Disease are reversible?  I didn't know that until a few years ago.  Nothing is irreversible in the body so long as it is living.  It simply needs the right means to be able to heal.  Your role as your body's rightful owner is to find those solutions!  To find what your body is lacking or needing - whatever the case is for you as an individual.

Dr. Ray Strand, author of Healthy for Life has over 50 documented cases of reversing Type II Diabetes simply by eating a Low Glycemic diet.  Dr. Dean Ornish, author of The Spectrum, has helped people reverse their heart disease and given people who were sent home to die new leases on their lives.  Three simple steps 1. meditate daily, 2. exercise 30 min/day, and 3. dietary changes (fruits/veggies).  Other results are a return to normal blood pressure, increased energy levels, and more.

Please do yourself a favour and don't listen if you are told your condition is incurable.  Incurable simply means curable from within.  Most people today want it easy!  Right?  That is, to go and get their diagnosis, get their medication so they can sit back and say "This is my life."  I want to tell you that is a cop-out, and that you have a bigger purpose here.

We have bought in and listened to Western medicine and the media and it has disempowered us.  I am here to tell you that there is a solution to every problem, but you must be looking for it in order to find it!  I am not here to tell you that it is always easy, and that it will happen over night (you didn't get sick over night - in most cases it happened over many years).  It may take some time, persistence and trying this and trying that until you get it right for you.  One step leads to the next, and you must start somewhere if you want to make any type of progress!

The biggest piece that has been left out of the equation in Western Medicine is the fact that everything is energy!  If science has already proven this, why are we not looking here?  The focus is on the physical and physiology of the body.  What about the mind-body connection?  There is getting to be more and more research on stress and the ill effects on the body, but there is still the old-school thinking that you come for a diagnosis and they give you your medicine and you are supposed to go away and get better.

Well, it isn't working and it is time for us to wake up to reality.  It is OUR responsibility as individuals to find what works for us.

There are so many options out there!  You can check them out and see if they work for you.  EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique,) an amazing therapy and form of stress relief gets results quickly and effectively.  BodyTalk is another holistic therapy that takes into account the energy systems of the body.  Acupuncture is Chinese Medicine that works with chi (energy) and the channels in the body.  If there are blockages in the chi there will be health issues.

Lacking in Western Medicine is the focus on prevention.  How about looking at the root cause of disease and starting there?  Do you realize that research has proven that 95-98% of all disease is caused by stress?  Interesting fact isn't it?

I recently have discovered that I have food intolerances, and have had to avoid certain foods as they cause severe intestinal discomfort.  I am totally open to alternative therapies and have seen amazing results which I wasn't getting through Western Medicine.


If you want:

  • total health
  • healthy body weight
  • youthful vitality,

they will come naturally if you live a balanced life unique to you.  Your Relationships, Finances, Career, and Health must all be balanced.  Your Truth is within you.  You must seek out what works for you and what makes sense to you.  The other thing that I must tell you, is you must seek out what your purpose is - to find what makes you happy, fulfilled, and what makes your heart sing!  When each of us perfects our own individual piece of the puzzle true health, happiness, and fulfilment is the result.

Monday 19 March 2012

Relationships - How to get more of what you want

In my previous post How to Get More of What You Want, I mentioned that I would be touching more on the  key areas in life.  Relationships is a BIG one!  In terms of energy, think about the relationships you have in your life.  Which relationships make you feel good?  Which ones drain you?  We are all unique, and you need to figure out what works for you!

This can be a touchy subject and it may strike a nerve with you.  I ask you to keep an open mind and look at your relationships in a different light.

I think of relationships this way:

The purpose of relationships is to sweeten life.  Relationships allow us to share our experiences with others.  Relationships are meant to bring out the best in each other.  Relationships are meant to be nourishment for our soul.

When that isn't happening, it is important to evaluate why?  What needs to change to bring harmony to the relationship?  It takes two to tango, remember, so even if you are willing to do what it takes, if the other person isn't willing, it may be time to make a decision.  I will give you an example from my own experience.

My relationship with my only sibling - my sister - has been interesting.   My sister and I have always been like oil and water and have rarely gotten along.  When we were kids, I thought that it would get better when we became teenagers.  Wrong!  Then I thought it would get better in our twenties.  Wrong!  I thought that it might get better in our thirties.  Wrong again!  It seemed I would do anything it took just to keep the peace.  I was just so tired of arguing and fighting.  I pretty much just took the abuse.

That is, until my oldest daughter was two and our middle daughter was a baby.  When my sister started cutting me down in front of my daughters, I knew this was not behaviour I wanted them to see.  This was their aunt being mean verbally and not the view I wanted them to have of her and I certainly didn't want them to think that this kind of abuse from anyone was acceptable.

First, I tried talking to her, and I asked her what it was that I do to make her so angry.  I asked her what I could do to make myself better so that we could get along.  She looked dumbfounded!  I think she realized she didn't have an answer.  She continued to point her finger at me and yet she had no answers.  I wrote her a few letters to no avail.  If she called, I never knew if it would be a good conversation or if I was just going to get more verbal abuse because she was in a "mood."  I realized that it was time for the relationship to be done.   Believe me - there were tears.  I grieved because I just wanted us to be friends.

I also began to realize after a visit with her (she lived several hours away) that I was left feeling depressed, as she totally zapped my spirit.  Raising children is hard enough, let alone being so down afterward.  I did not want to be a depressed mother.  It was then that I decided that the relationship must end.  For me, it was the best thing I ever did.  I was taking a stand.  There were family and close friends who didn't like what I was doing, but I had to let that go.  They were not in MY shoes.  They didn't see what I put up with all those years as it was usually when no one else was around that she would act out.


When you first meet someone you either have a feeling that you like the person or you don't.  Scientific research has proven that we make a decision about someone in only the first few seconds of meeting them.  Fascinating!  This is something we should all be more aware of.  We all need to learn how to be more discerning, because it is our feelings and intuition that let us know from the soul if something is good for us or not.  Try to let go of judgement here, and just trust that it means they are a match to you or they are not.  It isn't right or wrong, good or bad, it just is.

When you connect with someone, it happens because you may have the same interests or something similar going on in your life.  You are in vibrational harmony.  Sometimes, friendships can last many years.  Through the good, the bad, and the ugly, your friend is there.  But, over time, you may find that you no longer have much in common any more.  It isn't right or wrong, good or bad - it just is.  Energy is always changing.  It can not be created or destroyed, but it simply moves through form, into form, and out of form.

Because we are all individuals who are always experiencing new things every single day, we are a little bit changed.  Our values, opinions and even our beliefs can change.  Because we are individuals these things change at a rate that is unique to us.  When the energy between you and a friend changes a lot, you may not feel as close as you once did and you drift apart.

The saying is "Friendships are for a reason, season or lifetime."  That is determined by both parties.  When one or both no longer feels the relationship is beneficial, let it go and allow it to be what it is.  Sometimes a distance is needed and years down the road it can be picked up again.  Friends may come and go through your life and as you let go of the old ones, you allow new ones in.  It is a natural process of life.


This is where we have no choice do we?  Who we have as family comes with being born!  For some, family are the most loving, supportive relationships they have.  For others, unfortunately, there is nothing but pain and despair.

It is up to you to make sure that you surround yourself with healthy relationships.  It is ok to have boundaries, and if there are unhealthy relationships, you must make some changes or adjustments. This is called self care.

This is a very touchy subject, as no one wants to speak up for themselves or voice their opinions, especially with family.   We need to think of relationships and who we choose to be around as self care and make sure that we are managing our relationships.

Let's digress for a minute.  Food nourishes the body, right?   Think of eating food - when we no longer like something or we become allergic to it, we must look after ourselves and stop eating it.  Or, does it make sense to go to an all-you-can-eat buffet and eat everything you don't like?  Not very good self care is it?  And besides, why would you want to do that to yourself?  So, relationships are nourishment for the soul.  Like food, only take what will sustain you, not drain you.  If a relationship is not working for you, communicate that just as you would let a chef know how you want your steak done.

So why do we torture ourselves so much with our relationships in our lives?  I have learned that with the ones that are draining or pointless for me, to either limit my time with them if they are family, or if they are friends just let the distance between visits grow.  Again, this is my experience and what works for me.  I am continually changing and growing.  I have always loved change, and feel stuck or stagnant if life isn't changing.  I take the good, leave behind what didn't work, and move on to the next project that fulfills me!

My advice - if there are toxic relationships in your life,  you can and should set limits.  Especially if you are emotionally drained after a visit.  This isn't black & white by any means, but learn that if you aren't taking care of yourself no one else will do it for you.  It is pointless to keep relationships going if they are not serving to bring out the best in each of you.  If you are finding that there are relationships in your life that are bringing out the worst in each other, it may be time to take a break!

Allow the old to fall away and better-suited relationships will stream into your life!  Please take responsibility to do your part (it does indirectly affect everyone around you) and nurture your soul with enriched relationships that bring out the best in both of you!

Friday 16 March 2012

How to Get More of What You Want!

Today, we are going to start with understanding energy!  Why would you want to?

When you understand energy, you can make sense of anything in your life!  How cool is that?  Understanding energy is all about the Law of Attraction (LOA), which is a Universal Law that I learned about several years ago after reading a book called "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne.

It doesn't matter what your beliefs are - if you are young or old, male or female - it works the same for everyone.  When I discovered The Secret, it dramatically changed the direction of my life and good things have been happening ever since!  That is why I am so passionate about teaching it.  Like the Law of Gravity, no one is immune to this Universal Law.

Understanding energy and The Law of Attraction can have a very dramatic impact on your life!  Is there an area in your life that could use a lift?  Career? Relationships? Finances? Health?

Are you aware that everything in our entire universe is energy?  Science has already proven this, and most of us learned this at some point in school.  I remember learning that all matter is made up of atoms, which are simply vibrating parcels of energy.  I clearly remember looking at my desk thinking "Really?  There are little particles (atoms) that are moving in this?"  It was too much for my mind to comprehend!  Now, I love it and can't get enough of it because I know that understanding it better can help you create the life of your dreams!!  We are all meant to be living in Joy, and abundance is all around us.

 Now to Science class for a moment!  Bear with me, there is method to my madness!!  What determines something as a solid, liquid or a gas is the rate of vibration.  Let's use water as an example in all of its forms.  In a solid, the atoms are at a slow rate of vibration = ice, medium vibration = water, and high rate of vibration = steam or even higher rate of vibration = humidity (can't see it but you can sure feel it.)  What makes water a solid, liquid or gas is the rate of vibration of the atoms.  It really is very simple.  Are you still with me?  Re-read the above if necessary.

Our thoughts are a very high frequency.  Can't see them (just like humidity) but they go out into the Universe.  Let me give you an example.  How many times have you thought of someone you haven't seen in a really long time, and suddenly they phone you or you run into them somewhere?  Then you say "I can't believe you are calling - I was thinking of you yesterday!"  That is Law of Attraction in action.  Our bodies are like a radio station and a radio - broadcasting and receiving frequencies.  When you are desiring or praying for something, you are broadcasting.

So LOA is all about vibes!  We live in a world of vibrational energy.  How many times have you been somewhere and you say "I don't like this place - it gives off bad vibes." (maybe not that terminology but you get the point,) or you walk into a room where someone has had a fight and as the saying goes "You could cut the tension with a knife!"  You are feeling energy.

Definition of Law of Attraction (LOA) - Whatever I put my attention, energy and focus to, I will get more of it, whether Positive or Negative.  Many of the great thinkers, and inventors of our time were using LOA.

There is much more to LOA than I can give in a blog post, as it is a full day seminar that I teach.  There are really 3 steps to manifesting your desires:
  • Identify your desire 
  • Give your desire attention
  • Allow it
If you are missing one of these steps is slows the process of receiving your desires, so if you are wondering why you aren't getting more money even though you really want more of it, check that all three steps are in place.

My point to this blog post today is to teach you that we don't have to settle for mediocre lives, that when we have more happiness and joy we spread it, when we have more money, we can help more people.  It isn't all for selfishness, unless that is what you really want!  We really can live the life of our dreams, and by doing that we can also teach others along the way that they can do it too.

I LOVE what I do, do you?  As I build upon my new business I will be teaching my readers along the way how to have what you want, and how to find what you love to do so that just by being who you are you will change lives too.

I am going to blog about each of the 4 key areas - Relationships, Finances, Health, and Career - over the next week, using LOA as the foundation to teach you that you really can have what you want!  In fact, it is our God-given right to have what we want, so that we can spread more joy and live our true purpose!

Thursday 15 March 2012

Are we Living too much in Fear?

Fear is an energy that can save us from danger, but on a day-to-day basis can keep us from really living the life we want to live.  These days, fear is all around us.  It comes at us from many different directions every single day.  The media and television are probably some of the worst sources. I think our health is a big target because it is so important to life.  If we don't have our health, what do we have?  

The focus - cancer, heart disease, diabetes, the economy - and the list goes on.  Eat this, don't eat that!  How many of us are fearful that we are overweight?  That we will die of some horrible disease?  The economy - will we have enough money to retire, what about our kids? Fear of making mistakes.  And, of course, I am sure you can add much to this list!

What kind of reaction is this creating in our bodies on a daily basis?  Is this energy beneficial to our Mind/Body connection?

Fear does have a purpose - it serves us when there is danger.  It kicks us into "fight or flight" so we can instantly react in a dangerous situation.  But many of us are living fearful on a daily basis because we have bought into certain beliefs,  advertising, and what is going on in the world around us.  

A book I read recently - which was in my post yesterday called "Dying to Be Me" by Anita Moorjani - explains how toxic fear, stress and worry can be.  This woman had a NDE (Near Death Experience) where in the end her organs had completely shut down she was full of cancer, died, and came back.  

While she was in her NDE, she became aware that she had caused her own cancer and it was all because of Fear.  Fear is an illusion, and that the only thing in life that is real is Love.  She had a fear of getting Cancer, fear of letting others down, worry about this and worry about that.  She grew up in Hong Kong with her ethnicity being East Indian - even her religion created fear for her.   

Prior to getting Cancer, Anita had the experience of supporting a close friend through Cancer and her treatments but her friend eventually lost her battle.   Within a close time period Anita also lost her Brother-In-Law to Cancer.  Because cancer was so close to her Anita was very fearful of getting it herself.  She was fearful of everything she ate and tried to avoid anything that could be cancer causing - yet it didn't prevent her from getting it.   

When Anita came back from her NDE she knew she was healed of her Cancer because she had a new perspective and had a knowing from her NDE.  She realized that life is about unconditional love.  Love is the opposite of fear.  She told the doctors her own test results before they were available, that her organs were restoring their proper functioning .  The doctors were amazed when the results came in and she was indeed right!  Within 2 days her lemon size tumours down her spine were 1/2 the size, within 4 days they were gone.  

The doctors still wanted to treat Anita to be sure, even though she knew it was unnecessary she allowed them to put her through the treatments.  As she went through each chemo treatment she would watch them hang the medicine bag that  was marked in red bold letters.  Poison!  She watched as the nurses carefully handled it with gloves protecting themselves from the dangerous substance.  The very substance that was going directly into her veins.  

After reading her amazing story I've decided I am living too much in fear.  If Anita's body could handle toxic chemo treatments, worrying about the foods I was eating such as treats once in a while wouldn't hurt me.  I have decided I no longer need to worry about what I eat. Sometimes (ok most of the time) I found myself feeling guilty when I allowed myself to have treats, or junk food.  Please understand my point here - of course I make food choices that have optimal nutrition after all our food is our energy source, and processed foods are not the best choice by any means.  But that doesn't mean I have to avoid it!

Previous to reading Dying to Be Me, I would feel guilty for eating treats, and junk food.  Thinking it was making me fat and not good for my body and even contributing to degenerative diseases.  I too would worry about what I was exposing myself to on a daily basis.  I know that my body can handle any environmental toxins etc, as long as I am keeping it balanced, managing stress, exercising, getting my proper rest, and well nourished.

What kind of energy am I creating in my body if I am feeling guilt, worry and fear?  Not  energy that is beneficial to my mind/body connection.  So now when I choose to have something that I am craving, I allow myself to eat it and I enjoy the entire experience.  My thoughts are focused on my body breaking it down in a healthy way for my body.  After all if Anita can come back from Cancer with a body that was shut down at deaths door and receive poison treatments, a bit of junk food now and then isn't going to hurt me!  

I will continue living in balance and reducing my stress.  Making sure I am doing things in my life that feed my energy and feel right to me.  Generally my rule in life is everything in moderation and living a balanced life is what makes us healthy.  This includes sleep, exercise, diet, even work/fun.  After all nature is balanced, the seasons, our eco-systems etc. I try to eat foods that are unprocessed and as close to natural as possible because I believe that is what nature intended.  

In conclusion 

Wellness in the body is optimal when we can reduce or even eliminate stress.  When we are feeling love, peace and fulfillment, our cells are happy (exercise below to connect your mind/body to these three things).  When our cells are happy our body is in balance and in a healthy state.  This is why I LOVE to teach meditation.  It gets the mind/body connected to all of the above, love, peace and the fulfillment comes when you are practicing a balanced focused life allowing yourself to create your unique true to you reality.  You have the power within you to create a life that is fulfilling for you.  Guess what?  What fulfills you will be a match to doing what you love- isn't that awesome?  


What are you fearful of?  When you become aware of your fears, it is easier to let them go.

1)Give yourself a gift  

Take a moment to breathe deeply (this releases pent up stress energy and tells the body everything is ok) and it gives your mind a break!

2) Love 

Breathe in Love (through your nose) and feel its warmth fill your lungs.  As you exhale (through your mouth) let go of all your fear, worry and stress.  See it leaving you as a grey mist.  Let it all go.  Repeat breathe in Love exhale fear, worry and stress.  Do this as many times as you need to until you feel cleared!

3) Peace 

Focus on peace within, what would it feel like if you were totally connected with a peaceful energy inside of you?  What does peace feel like to you?  Close your eyes imagine what peace energy feels like and allow yourself to connect to it.  Let if flow all through you.


Ask yourself what fulfills me?  What do I love to do?  What are my strengths and what am I naturally good at?  Be patient with yourself, even if you have no clue, just by asking yourself the questions you are opening yourself to receiving answers.  Watch for whispers, you will feel them in your heart.

Instead of Fear, choose Love.  Love is the opposite of Fear.  Trust that you're always guided, protected and Loved!  Say yes to your fears, and then let them go...

Would you be interested in on-line meditations?  I am working on a business to record and have these downloadable versions available to you.  Would love hear your comments, or you can email me at loacertified@gmail.com.  

Thank you for your continued support!  In gratitude for your presence here on my blog.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Wishes Fulfilled - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Today I want to share with you a blog post by Dr. Wayne Dyer.  He is also speaking of Anita Moorjani's book Dying to Be Me which I have read, and I highly recommend it!

Wishes Fulfilled

Last fall I had the great privilege of filming my ninth fundraising special for PBS. The show will arrive this month on your local public television station and I hope you’ll join me for an in-depth look at “Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting.” Not only will you see me wearing those new shoes I mentioned here in December, but you’ll meet Anita Moorjani, the incredible young woman whose story of her near-death experience will turn your world around.
Anita’s story, beautifully told in her new book Dying to Be Me, has taught me what death really means, and just how much lies beyond our sensory reality. I’ve been sharing Anita’s story with just about everyone who’ll listen since I first discovered it. One person I was most eager to share it with is my 95-year-old mother.  And it’s been a wonderful source of comfort to a lady who has breakfast every morning with friends who might not still be around by dinner time. As Jesus said, “Be at peace.” We can trust that we come from God. Our reality is divine.
This ability to feel and to trust in our divine connection is exactly the key to manifesting, your “wishes fulfilled.” We can develop this ability to trust despite the absence of physical evidence as perceived by our senses. No matter the circumstances or obstacles, draft your dream and the way can be cleared. Trust your divine connection, know that your soul has no limits and the universe responds and works with you to manifest that idea into a physical reality. It has always worked that way for me.
Even as a child, and certainly against all odds given my background, I imagined myself speaking to large crowds. As a college student sitting in classrooms, I visualized myself working to transform lives, being uplifting and empowering to audiences around the world. All that time, I had nothing but a dream to work with—in foster homes, in the U.S. Navy, and in college. Feel the connection, focus on what you have to give, have faith in your dreams, and you will overcome all doubt and make your wishes reality.

Monday 12 March 2012

Are you a Worry Wart?

Many of us believe or think that when we worry about someone it means we care.  Many of us have learned this behaviour through watching others, especially if we have a parent or close relative who is a worrier.  For many of us it comes natural and it is what we do best, it is just part of who we are as a person because it is how we have learned to be.  My goal here is to help you understand what worry is and to teach you that if you want to - you can change.

In my previous posts I have talked about the mind/body connection. Take a moment and think about worry. When you are worried where in your body do you feel it?  I ask this question of my class attendees all the time.  Some say they feel worry in their stomach, some in their chest, others feel it as tension in their neck and shoulders.  Some will say 'yes' to all of the above!  Everyone is unique so you may feel worry in other areas of your body.  

When you are worried (even if you don't feel it) it causes tension in your body right down to the level of your cells. Your body is always reacting to your thoughts because it is wired to do that.  When you worry your body goes into stress mode, when this happens your cells react by going into a state of protection (freeze up) which can cause energy blockages in your body.  When we are calm and happy our cells are in a state of growth (healthy state) which means our energy is flowing.

Stop and think about this for a minute.  When I worry about myself or someone else are these thoughts helping them?  Are these thoughts helping me?  I hope you all answered 'NO'.  Worry is like praying for what you don't want!

What is worry?  Worry is your mind/thoughts focused on the worst case scenario of a situation.  It is Fear of the unknown.  Worry is a form of stress, and it comes from how you feel or think about things that are happening in your life, especially when life isn't going in the direction we planned or wanted.  

Why do we do this to ourselves?  For most of us it is habit and for many of us it is in our blood, it is what our ancestors have done for centuries.  Like anything that is no longer working for us we need to learn to change our old ways.  When you know better you do better!

Ways to Release Worry and re-wire your mind!

Just because you have always been a worrier, doesn't mean you have to continue to be one!  You can teach old dogs new tricks (admit it - sometimes your mind can be like an old dog with those habits)!  It just takes a bit of effort, but it is oh so worth it.   So allow yourself to find what works for you, we are all unique.  There will be times where one method will work for that time, and another method will work another time.  Take what fits for each situation and make yourself feel better!
   1. Flip your thinking   

When you 'flip' your thinking, the results start to change, you start to feel better, and remember no matter what happens in our lives it always works out somehow!  So how do you flip your thinking?

Identify the problem that is causing you to worry.  Now ask yourself a very simple question.  What do I want?  

When you ask yourself this simple question it changes the direction of your thoughts toward what you want and solutions.  It is easy to identify problems, we do it all the time.  But when we worry we stay 'stuck' on the problems instead of being open to solutions.  

   2.  Ask for some guidance

It doesn't matter what your religious/spiritual beliefs are just ask for that guidance.  I will often ask for a shift in my perceptions, and that can help me to shift my thinking to a more positive outlook.  I also find it helpful to ask my higher self connecting more at a soul level.  We do need to remember that we have all the wisdom within us, all we need to do it connect to it.

My experience here is that it really doesn't matter where you stand what it does is - it allows you to open up to receiving answers.  Sometimes we forget to ask for help, so simply asking and surrendering to receiving answers is very freeing.  

Be open to receiving those answers.  They may come in ways you are not expecting.  It can be in the words of a song speaking to you.  It might be a conversation with a friend, who mentions a book that they are currently enjoying.  They come in many forms, and the synchronicity of events can be miraculous.  If you remain open!

    3.  Meditation

Exercise for Meditation below...

Take 5 minutes to Still Your Mind 

Take some time and do some deep breathing.  When you deep breathe, it tells the body that everything is ok, so that it can restore proper functioning and blood flow.  This allows for the brain to get much needed oxygen and restore itself.  Just doing some deep breathing can do wonders for clearing the fog out of your head, so that you have clarity for what steps to take next...  In through the nose, out through the mouth.  Do this for as long as you feel you need to allow your body to relax itself.

Now allow yourself to still your mind and focus on peace.  If you had a peaceful mind what would that feel like?  What does peace feel like to you?  Allow yourself to connect to that place of peace within you. It is in there!  If you can't feel it - it simply means you have disconnected from it.  Get the connection back.  Do this for as long as it takes if you have the time.  It may take several attempts (even over several days) depending on how worried you are.  Practice this daily until you make the connection to peace within.  (For some of you this is very foreign and new - learning new skills takes practice, I promise you that it is worth the effort)  

If you were able to achieve the above and connect to peace within, take this next step.  Allow yourself to contemplate what a solution might feel like?  You may not have all the answers, but open your mind and just feel what it might feel like to have a solution that would make you feel better about the situation.  Is there something that you are resisting that might need your acceptance?

Friday 9 March 2012

Take a Minute to Dream!

If you read my post yesterday and you read the lemon meditation (are you salivating?), you are well aware of how powerful your mind/body connection is!  So take a moment to dream about what you want.  Remember how your physiology changes with your mind?  Take a mini vacation in your mind, and see how good it makes you feel...

What do you need today?  Peace?  Love?  Acceptance?  Calm?  Clarity of Mind?   Maybe in this blustery weather we are having here in the prairies you would like to escape to a tropical island in paradise!  Go ahead use your 5 senses and experience it.  Make it as real as you can.  Pina Colada in hand?  (zero calories but you can enjoy the experience just as much! Enjoy every single sip!)  A trip to the spa where you can experience an amazing massage?

So I ask you now to create within your mind your ideal place. It can be whatever you choose!  Be sure to create every detail using all 5 senses.  While you are doing this, be sure to do some deep breathing, using your diaphragm and really allow your belly to expand as you do.  So go ahead close your eyes, and make yourself an awesome experience.

Your body will reward you after, by feeling like it had a little get away, and that is an awesome feeling!

Thursday 8 March 2012

More Joy in your life? Would you like some?

As I am in the midst of this major career/life transition, I find myself stressed, and too serious!  I shouldn't be stressed I teach meditation and wellness after all!  I know all too well that life is about being present and to enjoy each moment and to experience peace in each moment.  I also know to trust because all is unfolding as it is meant to and to welcome each experience as it is presented.

I am not currently working and financially we are getting by, so shouldn't I just enjoy this process?   There are people out there who work full time (my hubbie and I am sure there are many of you out there too) that would LOVE to be able to stay home in their PJ's do some tidy up and take some time for a cup of coffee or tea.  I guess I am just so excited about this next step on my journey that I want to run before I have walked!  Patience is something I need to work on, and these days it is teaching me well!

So, yesterday was one of those days, where I just had to acknowledge what I was feeling, and be ok with being sad and feeling unhappy for no particular reason.  (Probably because I am being too impatient).  I allowed myself to be what I was feeling, instead of pushing it all away.  It felt kind of good to just allow myself to feel what I was feeling.  That is was ok to be me.  To not try to be what others wanted me to be, but to actually be real.

So today I woke up feeling much better but I decided that what I was lacking was Joy and even if I am not where I want to be yet (yes patience - again), it is a choice in how I want to live each moment.  I can experience joy at any time I wish - it is a decision.  So I closed my eyes and started to think about things that make me feel Joy.

I know (because I teach this) that as I allow my thoughts to connect to all these wonderful things that are unique to me - that make ME feel good inside, my body starts to change.  

New chemicals are created in my brain, and they start to flow through my body.  I know it sounds silly but allow yourself to smile while you do this as well.  You will see that you start to feel different!  Just try it, and trust me it is a good experiment (just make sure no one is looking - they might think you are up to no good)!

It is important to understand that we all have something called the mind/body connection.  What your mind focuses on your body must follow!  It is our nature because it is our bodies instinct we ALL have this beautiful connection within us.  Why?  Because if something were to happen to you in this moment, say a bear was on the loose and about to attack, your body instantly goes into fight/flight response.  Your physiology changes so that you have strength to fight or run for your life!  What your state of mind is, your body will always reflect, that is it's job!

Your body doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is made up!  I love to take my meditation students through an exercise of imagining the most bright Yellow Lemon -ripe, plump and juicy.  Then I have them imagine cutting into the lemon as it sprays its fragrant oils and juices into the air.  Can you smell it?  Next I have them imagine squeezing some of that luscious juice into their mouth, letting that sour goodness fill up all of their tastebuds.  Are you salivating yet?  So if it isn't real, why is your mouth watering?  Because our body reacts to what our mind is focused on!  Do you see the connection now?


Your turn to add some Joy into your life!  This will only take a few minutes but you can make it as long as you desire!  

Take a few deep breaths now ask yourself some questions.  What are things that make me smile?  What is Joyful to me?  What are things that make me feel really truly good inside?  What do I love? Make it real, allow yourself to feel it, see it, taste it, hear it, smell it, use all 5 senses as they fit.  Allow the feeling you create to flow through you.  Let your whole body experience it.  Remember to relax your muscles so this amazing energy you are creating with your mind can be experienced by your entire body.


My gratitude to you for taking some  time today out of your busy schedule for self care!  We don't always realize it but when we are feeling more Joy we spread it to everyone around us.  

You are doing your part by taking time for you so that your positive energy be felt by others!  If you know someone whom you think would enjoy my blog, please share it by clicking share at the top of page!  My goal is I to help more people feel better about themselves so that goodness can spread!  

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Change - Do You Know How to Adapt?

The only thing that is constant in our world is change.  Do you resist change, or are you able to go with the flow?

I am somewhere in the middle I would say.  I can make up my mind to do something and at times depending on how badly I want it to happen, I can get very frustrated when it doesn't go the way I wanted it to.

So I am learning to allow life to flow through me.  There are more people involved in my activities through my day than I realize and I believe we all tend to forget this important fact.  It is all about those ripples that go out from our actions throughout our day.  Those ripples involve our children, spouses, co-workers and yes even strangers.  We are so focused on ourselves as individuals in this world that I think we can easily forget about a bigger picture.

I am learning to trust in a bigger picture so that when my plans are changed, I am learning there must be something better coming my way.  I am seeing as I learn to trust more that it always works out,  and it works even better when I just let go of the result but still keep in my mind what I want.  I know what I want more of in my life, as I have gotten very clear about what I need.  What I want is to enjoy life, be joyful, and have ease in everything I do.

I will give you a recent example of letting go.  There were a few girls planning a surprise "40th" birthday party for a friend of mine.  I was told it was going to be at a spa, and it was going to be a group massage.  My mind was curious on how this would work, and to be honest I wasn't sure I wanted to take part.  Would we be chatting and visiting while trying to enjoy a relaxing massage?  I couldn't get my mind to understand how this would be enjoyable!  All that I knew was that when I have a massage, I need to close my eyes, so that I can relax and enjoy the process.  I always try to be mindful that I am present and aware of what is taking place within my body.

I was open to the experience because it was being presented to me.  Then I got an email saying that there was no room for me, but I could use the steam room while the rest of the group participated.  I was completely fine with it, in fact I think I was relieved.  I thought it would be good for me to take some time to myself as it must be what I needed, and maybe I could just meditate and relax in the steam room.  I was completely open to the whole experience.  It would be what it was meant to be.

While we were waiting to all meet in my girlfriends driveway to surprise her the organizer of this events phone rang.  It was the spa calling and they told her there was an opening.  I was in!  My thoughts came back to - do I want to do this?  But again I assured myself that everything happens for a reason, and that I would welcome the experience!  I am so glad I did, it was the most amazing experience I have had yet in a spa, it was beyond what I could have imagined it to be, and I got to share it with some amazing people.  Yes it was relaxing, there was a perfect balance of chatting in between the process and quiet time while enjoying our massage.  I am so thankful to all who took part and for the experience itself.  It was divine!


Take a few deep breaths and relax your body.  Be aware of any tension or resistance.  How are you feeling in this very moment?  Are you allowing your day to flow through you, or are you resisting it? If you feel you are resisting it, it means you are unsure and unhappy with what is taking place.  Remember we don't always have the answers or understand the bigger picture of what is taking place.  So allow yourself to just acknowledge this resistance.  Say yes to it, it is there and you are feeling it.  Now relax your body and let it go.  Trust that even if the day isn't going how you planned, there must be something better trying to make it's way to you.  So relax, let go and trust.  Let all the tension go, because tension blocks the flow of what life is trying to give to you.  Do this several times in your day.  Schedule it if you need to.  It only takes a few minutes to do...  So allow your day to unfold, let go of your resistance to it, and see how magical it can be!

Thanks again for reading with me today, and please share this on Facebook or email!  You can also choose to click on Follow at the top of my blog!

Do a good deed for someone and share this with the first person you think of.  Trust that this is something they needed in their day too,  you have lots to gain as you may have just helped them create a magical day too!

Monday 5 March 2012

Your Energy Levels - What feeds your energy and what drains it?

We are in the home stretch (here in North America) to approaching Spring!  I love it when the days get longer, and I love all the excitement and newness of Spring!  Winter, as beautiful as it is, can take its toll on us emotionally and mentally.  This is the time of year that some people can feel the most down and their energy stores feel low or depleted.

It is time to start paying attention to you!  It is all about how you FEEL!  If you aren't looking after yourself who is?  Some people have a phobia of thinking about or taking care of themselves because they see it as 'Selfish'.  Did you know that selfishness really means "self care." Think of it this way - when you are on an airplane and we are told when the oxygen masks come down to put our own on first before assisting others.  Makes sense right?!  Otherwise we will pass out and then we can't help others.  Well, many of us are running around in life without our oxygen masks on!!!  Some of us are about to pass out!  We are not helpful when we are functioning this way, and if you think that you are - you are simply fooling yourself!

Take a moment to think about your energy levels.  Do you have lots of energy each day, or do you feel like you dragging yourself around each day?  Give yourself an evaluation right now.  On a scale of 0-10 what would you say your average energy level would be?  0 being you are pretty much dead and 10 being it couldn't be any better.  

Now that you have an idea of where you stand, could you use some help in improving your energy levels?

The key to creating change in your life is - awareness!  Were you surprised at the rating you got?  Maybe you were already aware, but feel powerless to change it.  Well, I am here to tell you that you can and I am going to help you do it!  

All it takes is a switch in your thinking from awareness and identifying the problem to finding solutions that work for you.  Ask yourself these questions.  "What is it that feeds me to the core of my soul?"  "What things do I do that make me feel really good inside?"  "What things do I do in my life that feed my energy?"  Now let's look at the flip side.  Are you aware of the things that drain your energy?  You can even take it a step further and ask yourself "Who in my life drains my energy, and who in my life feeds it?"

The above exercise is something you should consider doing on a regular basis, I would even recommend daily.  Ask yourself "What feeds my energy?  What drains my energy?"  When you identify something that is draining your energy you should either reduce it or completely eliminate it, or mentally change how you think about it.  Next of course is that you should find and do more things that bring your energy up, things that make you feel really good and do more of them!

Another important point in maintaining your energy levels is living a balanced life!  The entire Universe is about balance.  Yin and Yang.  Remember to be balanced in your: sleep, exercise, eating habits, work, relationships, and anything else you can think of in your life!  When you experience balance and joy, your body will thank you by giving you more energy!

5 things you can do to boost your energy! Pick one that you are drawn to, or maybe it is all of them and make yourself feel better!

1.  Do you say 'yes' when you really want to say 'no'?  

One thing that is very draining to a person's energy is when you do things out of duty instead of from your heart.  It is very draining on your emotions and energy stores.  It is important to do things because you WANT to do them, because it feels good to make a difference and you feel valued for your efforts.  Listen to what your body is telling you.  If someone is expecting you to do something for them, and you really feel drained just thinking about it - maybe it is time for that someone to find a new helper, or maybe it is time they try to manage it on their own!

2.  Do something that makes YOU feel good!

Are you taking time to do something for yourself each day that makes you feel good?  When you do something that makes you feel good, it is an instant energy booster.  It could be as simple as a bubble bath, enjoying a good book, or simply making yourself a cup of your favourite tea.  Once you have decided, enjoy every moment of it by being present.  Stop thinking about what needs to be done next and enjoy how good this is making you feel.  Really FEEL it!!  Savour the moment while it lasts.  Some times I just force myself to smile if I am being too serious and that is enough to change how I am feeling inside!

3.  Relationships!

Take a look in your life at the relationships that you have.  Who makes you feel good?  When you feel good around someone, that means you are bringing out the best in each other.  That there is acceptance of each other and harmony when you interact.  You are a match to each other and where you are at in your lives right now.  

TRUST your feelings, as they are always right.  Even if your logical mind doesn't understand it.  These feelings are usually in whispers, but we must learn to trust them.  I have learned over the years to trust those feelings, otherwise I end up learning the hard way.  I could do a blog for a whole week on this subject - maybe even longer, I am sure of it!  For now, just be aware of how you feel around people.  Just pay attention, and you will find this very interesting.  

As you do this exercise please remember it is not for judgement!  There is no right or wrong here, good or bad.  It just simply means you are either in harmony with certain people and others you may not be because they may not be a match for who you are and what you are trying to accomplish.  I have people in my life who I have come to realize can be really draining on my energy.  In some cases it took me days to recover after a visit.  So now I just choose to see them less, and there is nothing wrong with that.  In fact you are doing them a favour too - they just aren't as aware of it as you are!

If it is someone really close to you like your spouse, then you are really going to need to go inside of yourself and evaluate what you really want.  Is the relationship salvageable?  Do you want to fix it, or are you too far apart from where you both want to be to even make it work?  Communication can do wonders, so if you think I am saying you need to go home right now and sever all of these draining relationships, you may have misunderstood!  You do have choices, but it is an inside job of discovering what you want from it!

4.  Make someone else feel good!

It is proven fact that when you make someone else feel good, you receive equal benefits!  So you both win, and now you have doubled the FEEL GOOD quotient!  Look for opportunity in your day to make someone else feel good.  It doesn't have to cost you a dime!  Maybe it is as simple as a smile to that Grumpy Gus in the office next to yours.  Maybe you can keep an eye out for an opportunity to compliment someone genuinely and sincerely about how they look today or what they are wearing.  It MUST be sincere to get the full value!  So pick something that genuinely appeals to you and extend a sincere heartfelt compliment to them.  The energy created by this exchange between you is something money can't buy!

5. Self Acceptance

What are you focused on throughout your day?  Where your mind goes, your body follows!  So if you are focused on making decisions that make you feel good, your whole body will follow.  Are you being kind to yourself?  Most of us are looking for love and acceptance externally (from others) but what is really important is that you are looking within yourself first, as that is where it really counts.  When you genuinely accept yourself others will naturally accept you too.

Can you look in the mirror and tell yourself that you love yourself?  Have you ever tried it?  It can be very uncomfortable, but as you do it more, it gets easier and you will be surprised at what it can do for your self esteem.  Do you accept yourself right now exactly as you are?  Do you completely love and accept yourself?  

Just knowing that you are perfect right now exactly as you are, is enough!  We are always trying to accomplish this and achieve that, but we are already whole.  So savour the present moment and know that you are an all loving kind and caring person who doesn't have to TRY to be anything more than you already are!


Take a nice deep breath in through your nose and then out through your mouth.  On your next breath I want you to - Breathe in "self acceptance", and as you exhale release "self judgement"!  
Even more powerful if you can close your eyes and allow yourself to feel self acceptance as you do the exercise.  Do this several times in your day and you will see your confidence in yourself and the decisions in your day begin to improve!


Breathe in as you say to yourself (out loud or in your head whatever works for you) "I am wonderful", and exhale as you say "It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks!"

My final thoughts for today - Found a quote on Facebook by Christina Seitz - I couldn't have said it any better myself!!  

Taking care of YOU is the foundation for all great things to evolve in your life. Self care is the FIRST building block to your own greatness. When you are taking care of you, you are getting those great ideas, you have the energy to act on them and you are acting like a magnet for ease and flow to enter into your life.

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