Tuesday 5 November 2013

How Powerful are You?

Do you forget that when something is not working for you in your life that you are the one who can change it?  Everything is energy, so simply by looking at a situation differently you can change it!  Do you know that by judging things in your life you could be holding it back from being something better, or something different?

What is it today that is frustrating you or that you wish you could change?  What isn't working right now for you?  Did you stop to consider that asking questions rather than coming to conclusions can change the whole outcome?  

Try asking some questions today!  What is right about this that I am not seeing or getting?  What would it take for this to turn out better than my wildest dreams?  How does it get any better than this?  Asking questions takes us out of judgment and into allowance.

Everything is energy and has a flow to it, if we are in allowance.  The trouble is we try to control everything because we want to know that we are going to be ok, and we can't see or predict what will happen in the future, so we stop or block things with our thoughts and judgements around it.  We do this because we think that we have control then.  And guess what?  We do!  But we are limiting our possibilities by being this way! What if you just let things go and trusted that the Universe has your back?  Ask some questions and simply make choices based on what comes along in your day.  Go ahead, there is no such thing as a mistake only choices.  Feel the energy.  What feels light is right, if it feels heavy choose something else!

It is that simple! 

Thursday 22 August 2013

Empower Your Life! - How to change what isn't working for you!

Hello beautiful friends!  What I know today is that sometimes we can have a tendency to get stuck in a rut!  So I would like to offer you some tools for making your life easier and more joyful!  

What is happening for you today that you wish could change? You MUST remember that you are more powerful than you realize, if something isn't working in your life you have the power to change it and make it different. All it takes is a change in how you think about it. If you are judging it as right/wrong, good/bad you are holding the energy of it and keeping it "stuck". What if you simply asked some questions? 1)What would it take to change this? 2) How does it get any better than this? 3) What is right about this that I am not getting or seeing?

Go ahead and try it, right now! It doesn't cost you a thing, it empowers you and puts you in the drivers seat of your life! After you ask the questions simply let it all go and see what shows up for you! What magic can you create today and what else is possible? Have fun!

Tuesday 9 July 2013

What Would it take to Find Your Purpose?

What I know today is that there are a lot of people who are going through the daily grind of life and feeling unfulfilled right now.  Thinking is this all there is?  Is this what life is about?

I would like to ask you this simple question.  What would it take to find your purpose?  What I love about this universe is that when you go into question, possibilities open up for you.  So what is it that you would like to change in your life?  Have you thought to ask questions around it?  These questions are not for you to answer, but instead when you ask them, they open up the energy of the situation rather than the energy being contained as you judge it.  When you judge something you hold the energy there with your judgement.  This is what is happening when you feel stuck!  You are making a judgement about the situation and keeping it there!

So what would it take for something different to show up for you?  Ask questions and start with What would it take__(fill in the blank)_____________?

Getting back to finding your purpose, what is it that you are good at?  What are your strengths? What do you love to do?  Because your purpose is really more simple than you realize!  Your purpose is a match to what you love doing and to what is fun and easy for you to do!  You see we complicate life as human beings, that is what keeps us stuck!  We get caught up in the illusion of life that it has to be hard and that we have to struggle.  What if that isn't what life is supposed to be?  What if we have been living a lie?  What if all of this has been in place to control us and disempower us?

So go ahead start asking yourself the questions!  What am I good at?  What are my strengths?  What do I love to do?

See what shows up for you!

Have an awesome day!


Tuesday 9 April 2013

What is your Purpose? It is easier than you think!

What I know Today is that it makes me so happy to see people doing something that they love to do!  Have you ever noticed someone doing something that they love, and how good they are at it?  There is an energy around seeing someone do something that they love.  It becomes an extension of who they are.  How does it make you feel when someone who loves what they do shares their knowledge with you?  It could be as simple as someone in retail helping you with a purchase or serving you in a restaurant.  Maybe it is seeing someone sing who is so connected with the song that it is magical and gives you goosebumps!  It is an awesome feeling.

I think everyone should have a connection with something that they love to do.  I also believe that your purpose in this world is exactly that, finding what you love to do and doing it.  Without worrying about what anyone else thinks, or how much money it will make you.  Just be who you are and do the thing(s) that you love to do.  The rest will take care of itself.  We are creative beings and when we are creating, we are in the power of who we are as a being.  When we aren't creating we are  stagnant, we become stuck, maybe even depressed.

I see us all like a piece of the puzzle in a much bigger picture.  When you become one with your purpose and what you love to do, your piece moves into place completing more of the bigger picture.  Imagine each and every one of us in the world doing what we love.  The harmony and peace that would come from it?  The picture complete because each piece is in its place radiant and alive, full of light and beauty.  Right now the world looks to me like a partially complete puzzle, with some pieces fit beautifully together while the rest are the remaining pieces jumbled up in the box not yet sure where they belong.  Some pieces are stuck together in the wrong place, others are upside down and dull.  Some of the pieces  are more colourful than others but each plays an important and unique role in completing the picture.

I think we tend to make finding our purpose difficult and for many it feels impossible.  It really is simple.  If you love to garden, then maybe that is your purpose, and maybe because you have followed that love of gardening, you then become an expert gardener, which now allows you to teach others who do not have a green thumb!  Purpose to me is simply doing what you love to do.  And not being stuck in what that looks like but allowing it to continually evolve as life goes along.

How easy is that?  So what do you love to do?

Do you know that by doing what you love to do, you will inspire others to do the same?  Be the example and when they see you did it they will see it is possible and then the ripple goes out!

Once everyone discovers what they love to do, the picture becomes complete.  All the pieces are in place.  It is total beauty, joy and harmony because we are all working together with our unique gifts and talents with the essence of who we shining bright.  How does it get better than that?

Thursday 4 April 2013

Feeling Stuck? How to Create Change!

What I know Today is that many people are feeling stuck in their lives.  Some people really have no idea that they can create change and make their life better.  As people awaken to a higher consciousness they will realize that we are not our problems or our beliefs.  We are an infinite being who is capable of much more than we can imagine.  These problems or beliefs are conditions of the human experience we call life.  With the awakening that is taking place that is all about to change.  Let me show you how!

The way you react to any situation will either bring you Joy or Pain.  We always have choices available to us at any given moment.  Since studying and teaching Access Consciousness I have discovered that living in question helps to keep the doors of possibility opening for me.  Even when I feel stuck and discouraged asking myself a simple question:  What else is possible?  When I do this I let it go, or if I am really resistant or in a serious situation and not sure how to get unstuck, I will keep saying it.  What happens is I find a different possibility.  Things I never even dreamed of happening to get me unstuck will show up!  How does it get better than that?

I have loved Law of Attraction ever since reading "The Secret."  I know many people thought this was just about "positive" thinking and many put it down.  My point of view is just that it was misunderstood.  It is much more than that, but wasn't explained well.

Understanding that everything is energy has been the greatest gift to me.  It has not only helped me to better understand how to live my life with more ease, but also helped me to understand a bigger picture that life isn't always what it seems.  That more things are possible than many can even imagine and that the way you live your life is a choice.  Want to create change?  Simply asking questions is the way to do it.

So what does a problem look like in terms of energy?  It is basically an energy block.  When energy is blocked it remains stagnant, which means that the problem will remain until the mind shifts to looking for a solution or a different way of thinking.  What I love about Access is it gets the energy moving again, thus allowing possibilities and potential to come flooding in!

Your mind is what controls/allows your experience and when people start to realize this and work with it to create more of what they are wanting for their life experience, there will be amazing shifts here on this earth!

Monday 1 April 2013

Optimal Health! Are you willing to try something different?

What I know Today is that I am very interested in Alternative Health and Healing.  My experience though where I live is that people seem super conservative around trying things that don't require surgery or drugs for their health issues.  In fact you mention any other type of healing therapy and they look like they want to run the other way!

For me it seems that natural is the way to go if at all possible.  For example having my Gallbladder removed.  It seems that I was born with that organ for a purpose, and yet it suddenly gives me problems due to stones that have formed and I am told it should be removed?  I did some research and found that you could have treatment for gallstones in the United States that would break them up with sonic waves so that they could easily pass.  Unfortunately here in Canada the only treatment is removal of the organ.  Makes me sad really to think that we can't figure out the cause and prevention, but rather rip it out or cover the symptoms with drugs.

In truth I feel there are other ways to deal with our health issues.  One of the biggest is to reduce our stress levels so our poor bodies have a fighting chance to give energy to healing and repair rather than in be in defence mode.  The other thing I am passionate about is educating people so that they can know that there are options out there and solutions for many serious degenerative diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

So for now I am wondering why there is so much fear around alternative therapy for health and what it would take for people to try it and see that it actually feels amazingly awesome and that healing can be very therapeutic and spa like, it doesn't have to be scary with surgery and needles and dirty hospitals with scary equipment etc.

What are your thoughts?

Monday 4 March 2013

True Health - Are you Open to Finding the Root Causes of Disease?

What I know today is that I am very passionate when it comes to what I believe in and even more I feel I am about finding the truth which to me is about getting to the heart of the matter.  It doesn't matter what I am about to say here, what you need to be doing for yourself in every moment is checking in to see if things makes sense to you, do they feel like truth to you and even more important does it feel right to you?  If something is true for you, you will feel light if it isn't you will feel heavy.

Today I want to write about alternative health.  It really gets me going when I see people looking for a magic pill to solve their health issues, but are totally closed to trying so many of the alternative therapies that are out there.

Your body is constantly looking for a state of balance, it needs it!  Think about this for a moment...Our ecosystem is about balance.  We have four seasons, moon cycles and night and day etc.  Our lives are meant to be lived in balance too.  Our bodies want balance in order to be healthy.  So what if we looked at illness and disease (dis - ease) as our bodies way of saying that something isn't in balance.  What if we actually started to listen to it, instead of trying to muffle it with drugs?  My feeling is that people want an easy way out and don't want to change anything about how they are living!  Instead they want a magic pill so that life can go on exactly as it is.  Well it isn't working people!

What if people were aware that by covering the whispers of their bodies that soon the many messages their bodies are trying to send them would turn to screams?  I have had many a client come to me on medications that weren't solving their health issues only to find they need to increase their dosage as time went on.  Maybe this sounds familiar?  What if their body was trying to tell them that it isn't working, and that it didn't want more drugs, it wanted to be treated differently?

Please, if you have a physician I am not telling you to stop your medication and never see a Dr. again.  I am simply asking for people to open their minds to the fact that our bodies are energy.  Our world is energy and sometimes the disharmonies in our lives are actually affecting our health.  I know for a fact that energy work makes a difference to a body.  Why?  Because I was born sensitive and feel  many things that others do not.  My body is no different than yours, so if sensing these things makes a difference for my body, then it will certainly make a difference for yours!  Likely you are just not aware of it.

So my question keeps coming back to, what are people so afraid of?  Are they afraid to find out that maybe western medicine isn't always the way to go and that for many it just isn't working?  Is cutting out body parts that we were born with really the answer?  Of course in an emergency situation these things make sense, but what if there were signs before it came to a crisis?  What if you paid attention to your body and the many signs so that you could do something about it before it became an emergency?

The truth is many of us are being held back because fear, fear that we might be tricked by a snake oil salesman.   Fear that we might have to change what we have always done!  Or maybe even worse yet, fear that we might have to change what we believe and that it is possible that we have been misinformed or that we need to change how we think about the way our bodies actually work!  Maybe the fear comes from being afraid to change our diet.  Or that we are just so overwhelmed we don't even know where to begin to deal with the stress in our life, or can't/won't make time for exercise that our body desires.  Maybe we don't know how to deal with the heartbreak of losing someone or how to deal with conflict and disharmony within our family.  So instead we pretend it isn't there.  We burry our heads in the sand and hope it all goes away or that our Dr will tell us how to get fixed or give us a prescription pill to make it all go away.  Reality is - it doesn't work that way, we have been living a lie and the truth is wiggling its way out.  Western medicine has only been around for little more than 100 years.

Ancient methods of healing have been around for thousands of years for a reason.  Because they can and do get results.  The thing is - it is subtle energy.  Yes miracles have been known to happen over night and illness can disappear, I know miracles happen every day.  Remember for many their illness built up over years from neglect or misinformation, so it may take time to find the path to true health and wellness.  Change doesn't always happen over night!  Are you open and willing to take the chance that maybe, just maybe there is another way?  A way that makes sense with using natural means instead of chemicals that trick the body into thinking it is well?

Many do not realize that heart disease has been proven reversible.  Dr Dean Ornish has documented reversing blocked arteries with 3 simple changes in lifestyle.  Also many do not realize that Diabetes is also reversible.  There are documented cases of patients going from insulin dependence to - no sign the disease ever existed. Alzheimers is suspected in recent research to simply be diabetes of the brain.  So if this is true following a low glycemic diet may prevent or even reverse this?  How is this possible?

The body has an amazing ability to heal itself, when the object or causes of damage are removed!  If you keep picking at a scab on your skin it cannot heal, for disease and illness it is the same you must remove the irritant or cause in order for the body to repair.  In other words find what is picking the scab of your disease and it will repair and heal.  We need to identify the root cause of disease first.  My theory though because people tend to be resistant to change is we turn and look the other way.  How many are doing this in big pharma?  How many Dr.s and physicians are doing the same because they don't really want to see the truth for fear that they may have to change how they work?  Fear of losing BIG profits?  Or even worse that they will be out of work?

All I am asking is for you to think for yourself and ask what feels like truth to you?  Be open to the possibilities that are out there for healing.  You know your body better than anyone, so why are so many turning their health over to their Dr. and mindlessly taking drugs and advice that doesn't always make sense?  As I said earlier people are resistant to change and they don't want to think for themselves.  They want someone else to make the decisions for them.  This is living a disempowered life and it must change.  Take charge of your health, you know your body better than anyone else.  People are resistant to change in the beginning because it is a new concept.  Just like when it was discovered that the earth is round and not flat, there was much resistance in the beginning until it was accepted as truth...

I learned that I had healing hands over a decade ago and quite by accident.  Being the logical person I am I didn't understand it.  I had to make sense of it and with the help of understanding science and energy I was finally able to understand it and make sense of it.   Even though the proof was in the results that people were getting from my treatments.  The results were surprising to me at first.  Now I know that we must know and remember that we are energy always were and always will be.

Energy can not be created or destroyed, it simply moves through form, into form, and out of form!  The amazing seemingly miraculous healings I have witnessed over the years has been a blessing in my life  (and these healings are Dr. confirmed healing, even though many times it left them scratching their heads).  I had a physician shake my hand once he found out who I was he told me that I had helped one of his patients tremendously and he had seen the results his patient was getting from my sessions.

Do you want to know what is your most powerful tool for having total and complete health?  Your mind!   Your mind is like a parachute, it works best when it is open!  Your thoughts create things, how do you think the placebo effect works?  Never underestimate the power of stress to wreak havoc on your body!  Your mind and your body are connected.  Invest in meditation and personal growth for you mind, it will open you up to more truth in your life!

Trauma in your life, even little emotional events where you were teased in school, fears and beliefs whether yours or being instilled from others, or even from your ancestors can all have a tremendous affect on your health.  There are some amazing therapies out there that have changed lives by releasing emotions, fears and traumas including amazing results for people who suffer from Post Tramatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Ask yourself these questions:

Is the root of my illness/disease physical?
Is the root of my illness/disease environmental?
Is the root of my illness/disease emotional?

From here you can start to look into alternative means to help you with finding the answer(s) and a method of returning to balance or true health.  Listen to your body, listen to your gut, and talk to others you might be surprised at what people have tried...

Please remember like all things you must find good reputable therapists.  Ask for referrals or meet them for yourself first, then see if they feel like a fit for you.  If it doesn't feel right then move on to someone else...

Suggested Alternative Therapies that I am aware of out there that get results (there are hundreds more out there):

  • Meditation
  • Reiki
  • BodyTalk
  • Chiropractics
  • Accupuncture
  • Chi Gong
  • Exercise - Yoga
  • Diet - limiting the processed foods and returning to eating food in its more natural state!  Watch these documentaries Hungry for Change & Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) simple and easy to use by simply tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on the issue at hand.  Powerful!
  • Access Consciousness - Using the power of your mind the most powerful for creating change I have come across to date!
  • Reflexology
  • Adam - Dream Healer - A powerful healer who healed Ronnie Hawkins Pancreatic Cancer - Teaches you how to heal with your mind
  • John of God
  • Homeopathy
  • Naturopathy
  • Shamanic Healing
  • Access Consciousness - Empowering People to know that they know
Some Centers that have excellent reputations are:

  • Sanoviv Medical Institute - They take into consideration all aspects of healing mind &body - very holistic
  • Burzynski Clinic - Treatment for Cancer

Monday 25 February 2013

Create the Blue Print for any area of Your Life!

What I know today is that I was inspired to write last week about creating and remodelling your life.  We get too busy with life and forget that we really can have what we want, but we need to take the time to slow down and ask ourselves what it is that we really want?

From what I see with most people is that they don't take the time to figure out what it is that they really  want/need.  Where they are right now is something they wanted at one time in their life, but now it feels stagnant and maybe even depressing.  Sound familiar?  Most people are too busy keeping themselves busy, in a comfort zone of familiarity or living for others, that they don't even know who they are or what fulfills them anymore.

What if you actually started to pay attention to you?  What if you started to think about what makes you happy, what makes you feel full of life?  Do you need to remodel or rebuild an area of your life?  Relationship?  Career?  Finances?  Health?

This is the way I see it.  Your home started out as a picture in someone's mind.  Think of it like an idea in the planners mind, the next step to making it happen or come true is to create a blue print.  So the building your are in or your home then got taken from an idea to being drawn as a blue print onto paper.  The blue print is the second step to manifestation (making it happen).  The third is actually building it.  Gathering the materials and turning it into a reality.

As you start to create this remodelled area in your life, realize that the more time you spend with it, the more ideas will come.  Sometimes you need to tweak things here and there.  As you go along you will get more specific about how you want it to look.  It will start to unfold like a story, you are creating the story of your life.  The beauty with life is that you can change it as you go along.  

Where to start?  Your life is out there waiting to come to you, but first you must go inside of yourself and ask what it is that you even want?

Please understand that with life and creating, getting what you want is a process and doesn't always come in an instant!  The problem is, most of us don't even take the time to do any planning or thinking because we aren't even aware that in truth WE are the creators of our life.  We have free will because we are meant to create our lives!  Instead most of us just let life happen to us thinking this is the way it is and that it will always be this way!

Not true, but it all starts with you.  No one else can do this for you - well they could but I can tell you that you probably won't like it!  Maybe you already know what this feels like, because it is what you have been doing to now?

Of course as you start creating your new desires, it doesn't have to be in stone, you are allowed to change your mind!!  That is the beauty of life, try a little of this and a little of that!  Explore and have fun with it.

As you start to go inside of yourself and ask questions the answers will start to surface.  What is extremely important with creating change, is that you stay focused on what you want.  Let go of what you currently have or don't like about your current situation.  You want to steer your thoughts to what you want to draw more of into your life.  Look ahead to where you want to be, let go of looking back because that will keep you stuck!

If you haven't already done so, make a decision right now to pick an area you want to improve.  Relationship, Career, Health, Finances.  Did you pick one?  Ok!  Next start asking questions!

If I could have this area of my life any way I choose and money was no object, how would I like to see it?  Dream it and dream big!  Let go of what is right now, this is your chance to envision your wildest dream!  It doesn't cost a dime to dream and expand your mind to the endless possibilities.  Now keep asking yourself questions.  Questions are what open up all of the doors of possibility to you.

What would fulfill me?  What are my strengths?  What do I want?  The more details you put down, the better your 'project' will turn out.  But also be open to what comes as a result, because often things will come in ways even better than we thought and more suited to how we are!  So allow it to come even if it wasn't exactly how you thought it would.  Put all of your ideas on paper in a journal.  Spend time with it on a regular basis, allowing remodifications as you go along.

The most important step, is to play with this and have fun with it!  Life is about joy and ease.  Our children are excellent examples of this because they can be in the moment as they create and not worried about the outcome, they simply enjoy the experience as they go along!

Have fun!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Your Life - Do You need to Remodel? Maybe Just an Update?

What I know today is that as I am searching for a topic to write about, I understand that life is all about synchronicity and allowing.  I trust that I will be lead to what is needed here on this blog for today and that the material will show up!  So here is what came through!  I hope it inspires some remodelling or an update in some part of you!

I have said this many times and I will keep saying it because sometimes we need to hear it more than once and in different ways to really get it!  You create your life, and you are the only one who knows what is exactly right for you.  No one else can tell you or do it for you.  If you want a to have a  guaranteed miserable life, then let others tell you how to live it with their opinions and judgements!

There is no such thing as a coincidence only experiences.  I feel in life we try to judge the things that happen to us as right or wrong, good or bad.  But truly what if we stepped out of judgement and went into awe and openness to what life is trying to offer us?  Why must we assume that when something happens it is bringing bad things to us?  Maybe we are just being shown a better way than we were aware of?  Maybe these things happen to teach us something about who we are or to show us a different way to live.

I am not saying to just sit back and allow life to happen to you either as what might show up is likely not what you are wanting.  Too many people are doing this in the world right now.  What I mean is really know what you want in your life but be open to how it shows up.  You are the creator of your life and allowing life to just happen to you is what takes place when you don't go inside of yourself and really ask what you want, need or desire.

What I have found to be true is when you live in question you open up the doors of possibility around you.  If you think that you have the answers and that you know how your life should run, you are definitely limiting yourself!  I don't know about you but I definitely need  more ease and joy in my life, and you can never have too much of that!  EVER!

Some examples of living in question are:  When something doesn't go as planned ask the question what is right about this that I am not seeing right now?  What would it take to ___________.  What do I want?  What are my strengths?   Using my strengths, what would fulfill my deepest desires?  What would it take to live my purpose doing what I love?  What do I love to do with my time?  What would I do if money were no object?  What am I good at?  What would I like to get good at?

What would it take to live an inspired life with joy and ease?  What would it take to make a difference in the world everywhere I go?  What would it take to make a positive difference to each person my presence is around just by being me?  Next week, I will elaborate on this topic!  You create the blueprints for your life by going inside and opening up to what you need more of, once you bring it to the surface and create your blueprint, it can now become your reality...

Tuesday 19 February 2013

How to Bring out the Best in You!

What I know today is that too many of us are hanging on to old friendships and relationships that are bringing us down, or that have maybe served their purpose.  Is this you?

The above quote sums it up nicely.  I have been blessed to have the ability to be a good judge of character and through the years I have had to let go of many people in my life, simply because I didn't feel good being around them anymore.  Friendships have a reason, season or lifetime.  You can look up that quote and read it, it is very good!  Everything has a purpose and we don't always know the bigger picture.  All I know is that it is important to surround ourselves with the people who bring out the best in us, as that is what will make the world to a better place.

Staying with someone who is abusive is certainly not helping you, unless of course you are able to hold your own, in the midst of it.  But remember too that there could be something about yourself that is bringing out something in them that is an insecurity.  If they are unwilling to face it and deal with it so that they can evolve or change, it may be time to move on.

Relationships are what feed and nurture your soul.  It is important to choose the people who are nurturing it, not poisoning it.  Always remember that!

There is no right or wrong here, good or bad, we are not to judge.  All we can do is choose what is right for us.  Self Care.  Life is an experience and you are the creator of that experience, simply by making choices, so do what works for you and take care of yourself.  If it doesn't feel right or good, then that is communication from your inner being guiding you to something better.  Listen to it, it is there for a reason.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Settling in life? Ideas to get more awesome in your life!

What I know today is that too many people are holding on to things that are no longer serving them or working for them!  I guess we are living from what we have observed our parents and Grandparents doing, and that is doing what we have always done because it is all we know!

There is a saying out there if you do what you've always done you will get what you've always gotten! Sometimes we need to let go of the old in order to make room for the new!  What area in your life would you like some change in?  Ask yourself what needs to go to make room for something new?
Maybe what needs to go are old ways of thinking!  It doesn't always mean getting rid of something physical in your life although I have a good example of clearing your clutter can do for you!

An example of what cleaning your closets can really do:

I wanted new clothes desperately and yet it seemed like every time I shopped I just didn't like what was out there, styles, colours, nothing!  One day I decided it was time to clean out my closet, and I must admit it was pretty full!  So I started going through it.  Clothing with tags still on - if I hadn't worn it by now I obviously wasn't going to!  Time to get rid of it!  By the time I was done I had a lot more room in my closet.  What happened next surprised me!  I went to one of my favourite stores (which I was having no luck with b/c I just wasn't liking their clothing for the past several seasons) and ended up filling a change room with stuff to try on!  I ended up going home with nearly a whole new wardrobe!  I had to create the space to make it happen...

Your Career - Are you settling?

I am having a hard time seeing people go to jobs they don't love and dreading it.  Would you go to an all you can eat buffet and eat the same old food you are literally sick of and possibly even don't like anymore?  It doesn't make sense does it?  So why are you choosing to feed your soul the same old job, boss, co-workers or tasks that you dread?  It isn't feeding, nurturing or nourishing who you are and at the same time, you are now walking around with that negative energy and spreading it to everyone you see; friends, family and yes even your kids.  You deserve to be happy and to make money doing something you love to do.  So why are you settling?  

I Want to tell you to forget about the degree, or the years of schooling or whatever.  Forget what everyone else thinks!  Maybe life is meant to be an experience and who says what the time limit is for how long you stay there?  Yes at the time you loved getting that job, but now it's time to broaden your horizons!  We are meant to live in joy, doing what we love.  All of the things we have done to this point were simply stepping stones leading us to the next great thing!

If this is you, I can't tell you how to do it, or what the right way is for you.  What is important is that you are thinking about making a change, and taking action steps to make it happen.

Doesn't it feel so much better when you are greeting by someone who is passionate and loves what they do, than having someone who is obviously not interested and doing it simply because they need the money?  Your career or job is where you spend most of your life, so why not make it something you really want to do or are extremely interested in?  The money will follow and when you are doing what you love you will be so good at it that the money will take care of itself!

Relationships - Are you settling?

How many relationships are you holding onto because of loyalty that really aren't working for you anymore?  Do the people you surround yourself with truly support and accept you for who you are?  Do they leave you feeling drained after?  Or do you feel uplifted?

Sometimes relationships clash and all it serves to do is bring out the worst in each of you.  When you have people in your life who bring out the best in you - your whole world can change.  I have made choices to let go of what wasn't working for me in my life, and the people I have in it now, are amazing and supportive, helping me achieve my dreams!  How does it get better than that?

Ask yourself, is it time to limit spending your time with someone who doesn't fully and completely support you?  Would it be nice to meet new people who are more suited for who you are today?  I think one thing people don't realize is that we are constantly changing simply because we are energy beings.  Someone we met 10 years ago was a match to who we were then, but not to who we are now.  It isn't right or wrong, good or bad, it just is.  As energy beings we are constantly changing and we all change and grow at different rates.

Holding on to things that are no longer serving us whether physical, emotional or otherwise isn't making this world a better place.  Take personal responsibility and make sure that you are doing what you love and surrounding yourself with support and love in your relationships too.

You might be doing that person a favour too, because maybe they are in need of different experiences in their relationships too to help them grow and evolve!  Let go of judgement and trust more in how you feel.  When we go with what is in our heads we can get into trouble, listen to your heart, that is what is real!  Your head can make up all sorts of crazy stuff! Do what FEELS right!

In conclusion, what area of your life do you need to release what isn't working?  It's ok, only you know what is right for you.  Believe me you will feel so much better, and when you feel better, the ripple will go out and you will take it every where you go, and this my friend is what creates a better world to live in!

Thanks for taking care of you!  In gratitude to you for allowing your evolutions via self awareness and self care!

Monday 11 February 2013

True sympathy, what's right?

Let go with Love, and let them be free on their new journey!
What I know today is that I saw a post on FaceBook and saw someone feeling sorry for someone because their everything passed away.  She meant this genuinely I am not meaning to sound cruel here, she just isn't conscious about what she is doing by feeling sorry for them.  Think about this for a moment, if we are feeling sorry for someone how can we give them strength?  Isn't this what they need from us in order to move through and heal the pain?

When we lose a loved one the pain and emptiness can seem unbearable, yet we have no choice but to go through it, it is a part of life.  What I notice is that people seem to want to feel sorry for those who are grieving.

I recently lost my aunt whom I was very close to.  She was like a second Mother to me.  My aunt and Uncle were both important to me growing up and I feel we had a very special bond.  To see my Uncle going through this dramatic change in his life, has been difficult to see, but I made the decision that I am not going to feel sorry for him, simply because I love him and want to see him have joy in his life again.  My opinion is this, if we feel sorry for them we are not helping them move through it, we are buying into the story that it is all very sad.  There is a much bigger picture we must learn to consider.

We must look at death from a broader perspective.  Many of us don't understand what death is.  Death in truth is simply a transformation.  We are all energy.  What we know of energy is that it cannot be created or destroyed, it simply moves through form,  into form and out of form.

It is not an ending but a new beginning.  Yes change can be upsetting at first, but when you learn to trust that ALL change happens for a reason, and learn to see what good can come out of that change, we can move through life with more ease.  Confucius says it best, "Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated."

We each have our journey and there is no such thing as a mistake or an accident.  Ever!!  There is only, growth, learning and lessons.  When our time is up, that is it, no matter what kind of experience we choose for the avenue of our transformation.  Heart attack, stroke, cancer, or an accident etc.  There are lessons and learning for everyone involved.  The ripples can go out further than we are even aware of.

How we react to death, is what creates our ability to move through the experience with ease or intense pain.  It is a choice actually through our awareness and willingness to let go or hang on.  Death is simply how we transform back to our spiritual self.    Death is not an end, it is a beginning.  This goes for everything in life.  When a job ends no matter how it happens, it is simply the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new.  See the magic and opportunity within the experience.

We may see accidents as tragic especially if our loved one seems to have left too soon or too young.  This a judgement and an opinion, and nothing more.  These judgements come from pain not truth.  When we step back and look at the bigger picture we must remember that we all have our purpose here in life and when a soul chooses to go home, it is what was right for that soul.  It isn't our journey it is theirs.   If we can remember this important piece it makes it easier to be happy for that soul and to learn that they really aren't gone they have simply changed form, like water changes to steam, they really aren't gone, we just can't see them anymore.

As a medium, I have experienced so many amazing healings and transformations in people when they get a message from their loved one.  There is life beyond death and it really is a beautiful thing.  What our loved ones can do from spirit is awe inspiring.  They can take care of their loved ones in different ways than they would have here by providing guidance and opening their loved ones to a new awareness that they otherwise may never have experienced.  All of this can happen if we aren't all too busy feeling sorry for the person left to grieve.  Instead choose to be the clarity for them as they are clouded in pain, and remind them that life will go on and healing will take place.  That there is a new angel watching over them bringing more ease into their life, even if they can't see it yet!

I have personally experienced this through my Aunts passing.  She has given specific signs for each person and the messages she has brought are beyond anything I could ever make up!

Believe me I have thought about what it would feel like to lose one of my children or my spouse, and I know that I would react the same way anyone would initially, but once the shock of it wore off, I would remember that is about their journey, not us.  We want to be selfish and keep them in our lives forever, but we must remember it is their journey not ours.  We must learn to love and let go, respecting their choice to grow and evolve as a spiritual being on a new journey, and it is awesome for them!  We should rejoice and be happy for them.  Please always remember and know, they are always with you, guiding and protecting.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Create Yourself! You have the Power to "Be" Anything you want!

What I know today is that I found a quote that states: Life isn't about Finding Yourself it is about Creating Yourself!  Author Unknown.

Where you are right now is exactly where you are meant to be.  Do you find yourself wondering what your purpose is or what you are supposed to be doing?  My thoughts are that we are meant to be doing what we love.  Doing what fulfills us.  Don't know what that is?  It is your job to go within and start asking yourself questions.  The only way to find answers is to ask questions.  When you ask questions the doors of possibility start to open!

What am I good at?  What do I enjoy doing?  Where are my strengths?  Where do I feel most comfortable?  Keep asking the questions as one question can lead to another and before you know it you are new territory that you never considered before!  Remember it is ok to be different than everyone else around you!

Don't like who you are?  Maybe you need to accept who you are first before change can occur.  When we are in a state of resistance what you are experiencing will persist.  Ever heard the term what you resist, persists?  Accept that you are not perfect and neither is anyone for that matter.  What kind of person would you like to be?  Is it possible you could create that?

You have a purpose that matches what you love to do, so go seek what that is, and make a difference in your world.  It doesn't have to be huge like having your own network like Oprah.  Sometimes just by finding your joy and being in it is enough to make a change in those around you, simply by being who you are!

Spread your light beautiful being!

Monday 4 February 2013

What Nourishes Your Soul?

What I know today is that too many people hang on to those relationships that are sucking them dry!  Yes there are some relationships that we can't end completely, but we can respect our energy and what we subject ourselves to by limiting our time with these people and/or setting boundaries.  My business partner and good friend Wendy always says people will treat us how we let them.  We can set those boundaries in loving ways.

What I have learned is that food can nurture or poison the physical body depending on the food choices we make.  Want to know what nurtures your soul (you guessed it)?   Relationships.  Depending on our choices, the people we choose to surround ourselves with can either nurture who we are or damage who we are. The relationships in our lives are so important!  I don't think that people think about this or take is seriously enough!

I found a great post on FaceBook that I would like to share with you by Kyle Cease, who is an amazing comedian who describes himself as comedy meets transformation.  Kyle loves to "help people get better at doing stuff".

Today I would like to share Kyle's post:

I am only sharing this as encouragement. This is not to show off. I am hoping this drive you.
There are people who I can be around, who allow me to be who I really am. They embrace the things I do and it causes me to be better and better at being in my zone. When I am around these people, life is completely effortless. Time passes extremely fast and before I know it, I have created less work and more real results in my life. Then there are the people who my ego wants to be around.
My ego likes to be around these people to overcome some inner past story. Maybe I want to prove to someone who I have known for many many years that I am a changed person, because I am under the illusion that if they would just like me I would be happy.
It could also be someone who is in their own shit and I want to prove to them that they can do anything, but they are resisting. For some people it could be hitting on someone who is not interested in them.
What I am realizing is life moves faster and faster when you stay in the path of least resistance. If you continue to move from your core, or just be around the people who want to be around you, you will move extremely fast.
The people who let you be who you are, are more comfortable with themselves. Which also means they are moving faster too. They are healthier, more successful, more positive, have better ideas, etc. You get more, and become more just from being with these people.
After a true realization I had years ago, I spent a lot of time attempting to convince people that what I was saying was important and real. Meanwhile, there were other people who knew it was real and those people are some of the most amazing people on the planet.
By staying in my truth, I was honored to speak last night with Jim Carrey, Michael Beckwith, and many other legends. In this world, I was able to say EXACTLY what I truly believe, so it came out effortlessly. I had to do no work. No preparation, no prewritten jokes. I was just able to speak what I believe, which also still was funny, and I did not care about the results.
Even though I didn't care about the results, they were amazing. I was offered so many different TV, movie roles, gigs, etc right after my performance. It felt like I was being handed things just for being real. No work, just truth.
In the old days, I had to get an agent, get a meeting, go audition, and hope that I am chosen out of 500 people, and maybe do something for a project that I might not have even believed in. This is the harder way to make life work. I sacrificed what was true to me and just wanted to become famous, rich or feel successful.
The path of least resistance is all you need to take. I was just reminded that I don't need to prove anything to anyone. What I have to say is real for me. As I know this for a fact, own it, and wait, bigger and faster results show up. But I don't care, because those results don't complete me. They are a by-product of me saying and living in what I truly believe.
Remember that your truth is the most important thing you have. It is original, which makes it scary. You have no certainty of how things will go. But when you live it. When you own it, the world will move for you in ways you can not see right now.
The people who affected the world most, started speaking out about something that was true for them, but was extremely unpopular......... AT FIRST.

For more information about Kyle visit his website at:  http://www.kylecease.com

Kyle's post fits with my motto that life should be easy, and full of joy and glory!  It is all about choices and conscious awareness!  What would happen if you decided to choose the path of least resistance?  Choose people who lift you up, that believe in you and all that you are!  This will nurture you to your very essence.  This is the healthy way to bring change and love into this world!  Who knows, once you let go of some of those relationships that aren't working for you, you might be surprised at the space you create to allow new people to come in and appreciate who you are now, not who you used to be.  After all we are energy beings and we are always changing, those who allow us to change and evolve are the ones we need to be around.

Hope you enjoyed this!  Let your light shine and make a difference in the world, thank you for evolving to a better you!

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Life Gets Scary Sometimes! Breathe...

What I know today is that when life get tough, stressful or even painful (emotional and/or physical) our reflex seems to be to hold our breath!  Have you ever been aware that you are breathing shallow?  My theory is that when life gets scary we tend to lock up.  We want to freeze for fear of moving through the unknown territory.  It is like we really think time will stop and we can hold back from life for a while.  I would like you to ask yourself a question.  How is that working for you?

I once had a women in one of my meditation classes who said that when she was giving birth she was frustrated with how little the breathing she learned was helping.  So she made a decision to hold her breath on the next contraction to see if it was better.  She quickly found out that it only served to make the pain worse, so she returned to breathing through her contractions.

I had an aha with this experience that she shared and realized this really does apply to life - everyday we are giving birth to new experiences and opportunities.  It is natural to want to freeze up when we don't know what the outcome is going to be.  What we need to practice more of is having a little faith that the universe is taking care of us.   Going into uncharted territory can be so rewarding and we need to let go of the fear of making mistakes or failing.  This fear of making a mistake or failing is an illusion as there is no such thing.  All there is - is learning.  We learn what we like, what we don't and what we want more of in our experience through this process, which is called life!

So take some time right now and think about something recent that has you locked up in your life.  While you think about all of the different outcomes and fears that go with it, try breathing in through your nose and out through you mouth.  As you focus on the fear and breathe, you release the energy from your being.

Let it all go and know that where your mind goes it draws more of it to you.  Let go of those illusions of fear and worst case scenarios breathe them out so that you can refocus on where you really want your life to go!

You are awesome, thanks for taking the time to breathe.  You have made the world a better place by bettering yourself!

Much gratitude to you...

Monday 28 January 2013

Grocery Store - Pay it Forward!

What I know today is that Pay it Forward is something that has been around for a while now and according to wikipedia's definition:  The expression "pay it forward" is used to describe the concept of asking the beneficiary of a good deed to "repay" it to others instead of to the original benefactor. The concept is old, but the phrase may have been coined by Lily Hardy Hammond in her 1916 book In the Garden of Delight.[1]

I was in the grocery store the other day and ahead of me in line there was a little boy buying a pack of gum.  He didn't have enough money so he put the one he wanted back and picked a different one.  I thought to myself I should buy it for him, so I told the cashier to put it with my groceries (which happened to only be a pack of ground beef).  He looked at me with disbelief at first but then it quickly turned to gratitude.  I then said to him, "you know what I want you to do for me"?  He look up at me and sweetly said,  "carry your groceries"?  I laughed and said, "no I want you to pay it forward".  "Do you know what that means?"  He shook his head no and so I said I wanted him to do something nice for someone else that day.  As the cashier handed him his gum she reminded him to follow through on his promise.  It was an awesome feeling and such a small act.  It made my heart swell and made me feel so good!  I wonder what little ripple came from that and who the recipient was and what act of kindness they received?

What can you do for someone to create a ripple of pay it forward?  It doesn't have to involve money...

Here are some ideas:

*Brush the snow off of someone's car at the end of the work day.
*Shovel someone's walk way.
*Smile at a complete stranger and give a genuine compliment
*Plan to make a double batch of that casserole you are making for supper and tell them supper is on     you that day...
*Lend a book that you found helpful or interesting
*Write a letter and mail it to someone whom you admire and tell them what they mean to you or write a   letter to someone who made a difference in your life

What other creative ways can you come up with?  It should be something that is effortless for you and that just comes natural... We all have unique talents to share in this world!

Spread the Joy!  Would love to hear your comments on here, or stories of your random acts of kindness, no matter how old this post is! :)  Who knows you might inspire someone else with your unique idea!

Friday 25 January 2013

Transform Negativity in your Workplace & Relationships

What I know today is that this past Monday was Blue Monday.  Blue Monday is based on six factors - weather, debt, time since Christmas, time since failed new years resolutions, low motivational levels, and feeling a need to take action.

My favourite all time quote by Zig Ziglar is: People often say that motivation doesn't last, well neither does bathing that's why we recommend it daily!!

With all this negative energy coming from every direction we can be susceptible to feel it or pick it up along the way.  Everything is energy and just like walking into a room after someone has had an argument we pick up on and feel these energies on many different levels.  More than we realize I might add.

If you find yourself feeling a little blue and don't understand why it may be that you are picking up this energy and it isn't even yours!  Try this little experiment.  Ask yourself is this mine or someone else's?  If the feeling leaves it was just something you picked up.

Last evening at my daughters soccer game I had a chance to chat with a friend.  She mentioned that the negativity at work was starting to get to her even though she is a positive person and knows she has so many things to be thankful for in her life!  What came of it was a suggestion that I find can be very powerful and yet the other person doesn't even know that you have helped them redirect their thoughts...

For example, if Bill is complaining at work let him vent for a few minutes.  Then simply ask him some questions so that you get his mind focused and redirected in a different direction.  If he is complaining about how things are around the workplace simply say, I understand your frustration.  If you could do it your way what would you like to see change around here?  Then it gets their thoughts focused on what they want rather than complaining and focusing on what they don't want.

This takes their mind off of the problem and opens up doors to finding solutions!

I have found this can take some quick thinking on your feet, but the more you do it the better you get at it.  This also works well with children.

Remember the goal here is to gently help them redirect their thoughts without them realizing you did it, then they feel like they are the one who is in the drivers seat!  It is a win, win for all!  Have fun with it!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

I am back!

What I know today is that I have been away from my blog for some time!  I took a much needed break and have also had some major changes happen in my life!

At first it was shocking to think about moving over 700 miles back to my home town where my husband and I both grew up after being away for nearly 18 years!  The opportunity that was presented to my husband was an amazing one and in my heart it felt so right.  Everything was clicking into place as though it was all meant to be.  But my head was fighting it.  What about all of the friends and connections we had made over those years?  What about the kids, would they be ok with this move?  So many unknowns and yet I had to trust that it was all happening for a reason.  Now we are getting settled and it was easier than I thought!

The result?  My husband LOVES his job and being a business owner again.  The kids are loving their new schools and have made several new friends.  Our family is so happy to have us near again, and I must say it is so nice to have the kids able to see their Grandparents at a moments notice!

Thank you to all of my readers for being patient and not giving up on me!  I know many of you come here and just read old posts and are still gaining value from my past blogs.  That is the beauty of life we are always changing and yet an old article may give you something that you never saw before because  we always get what are needing for the time we are in.

For me there have been many changes and I am learning even more that I must go with the flow and know that there is no such thing as a mistake ever.  Timing and sychronicity is all there is and we have free will to change our reality by focusing on what we want and allowing ourselves to let go of what isn't working for us as individuals.

I love my new life and can't wait to see what grand and glorious adventures await!  My goal here is to be back posting regularly again, I would like to try to be consistent but again there is no right or wrong here I am only human after all and I can only work when I feel inspired and trust that I will connect with those who are meant to hear the messages that flow through me as I write.

Please know that you are unique and special, just by being who you are you make a difference in this world.  Love yourself and know who you are right now exactly as you are is enough to make a difference to others.  Always remember that!  Stop trying so hard and just be!  Thanks for who you are, live in joy!