Wednesday 15 August 2012

Lighten up! Just what I needed...

What I know today is that as I figure out my business and where it is going, I know that I am putting lots of pressure on myself and getting too stressed out. I am not enjoying the process anymore as I am realizing that I am trying to fit into how others see how a business should be built.  I am also trying way too hard, instead of just letting it be what it is for now.  

What I am learning in this process of trying this and that, is that I know in my heart what is right for me and what isn't.  What works for me, who I am and where I see myself going and what doesn't.  I know there are a thousand ways to build a business and this process will truly be unique to me.  I have built a successful business before, my experience with it was that it was so easy and it all just came to me.  Why?  Because I was passionate and I just did what came natural to me.  It all just fell into my lap, and before I knew it - I had a business that was more than I imagined it could be.  So with this experience in my past, I know it is possible, and I am open to this happening again with ease and joy, loving the whole process.  I am learning to let go of the limitations and beliefs created by others and their experiences, and must now trust that I can and will allow myself to easily and joyfully let my business bloom, for now, I am simply planting seeds.  Now I must move forward with patience to see which seeds start to grow.

So my advice is this.  There is always going to be fear out there and we must learn to follow our hearts.  We must do what makes us feel good. If it feels right in your heart, then that is the right thing no matter what anyone else feels or thinks.  There will always be others who will try to disempower and create doubt, simply because they are not aware of their own power within.  Their fears within will try to bring others down rather than look within to raise themselves up.  

When making decisions about anything, we must remember we always have choices.  Here is a fun thing that I like to do when making a decision if the path doesn't seem clear or if I am uncertain.  I think of an option and ask myself does this feel light to me, or does it feel heavy?  If it feels light, I know it is the right thing, if it feels heavy I trust that and let it go.

Choices are about doing what is right for you, let go of outside factors, and what other people will think, it isn't about them, it is about you.  Whatever choice you make they will get over it.  Draining yourself and depleting yourself for others makes no sense.  It only serves to disempower you.  If the whole world could make choices around what is best for each individual this world would be a much better place to live.    

We live in a dual world and there is always going to be love and fear.  It is a choice in what we choose to experience.  I choose Ease and Joy in every aspect of my life, I hope you will too!  


Try it!

Tell yourself I am nothing and see how it makes you feel?  Light or heavy?

Tell yourself I am everything!

Most people will feel heavy saying I am nothing (because that is not our truth at the core of who we are.)

This is a subtle feeling the more you trust it, the stronger it will get for you as you get used to how it feels in your body.  When something is true for you you will feel lighter and when something is not true for you will feel heavier.

Your body will always let you know what is right for you.  Listen to your truth, you are the only one who can know what is right and listen to that.