Tuesday 9 July 2013

What Would it take to Find Your Purpose?

What I know today is that there are a lot of people who are going through the daily grind of life and feeling unfulfilled right now.  Thinking is this all there is?  Is this what life is about?

I would like to ask you this simple question.  What would it take to find your purpose?  What I love about this universe is that when you go into question, possibilities open up for you.  So what is it that you would like to change in your life?  Have you thought to ask questions around it?  These questions are not for you to answer, but instead when you ask them, they open up the energy of the situation rather than the energy being contained as you judge it.  When you judge something you hold the energy there with your judgement.  This is what is happening when you feel stuck!  You are making a judgement about the situation and keeping it there!

So what would it take for something different to show up for you?  Ask questions and start with What would it take__(fill in the blank)_____________?

Getting back to finding your purpose, what is it that you are good at?  What are your strengths? What do you love to do?  Because your purpose is really more simple than you realize!  Your purpose is a match to what you love doing and to what is fun and easy for you to do!  You see we complicate life as human beings, that is what keeps us stuck!  We get caught up in the illusion of life that it has to be hard and that we have to struggle.  What if that isn't what life is supposed to be?  What if we have been living a lie?  What if all of this has been in place to control us and disempower us?

So go ahead start asking yourself the questions!  What am I good at?  What are my strengths?  What do I love to do?

See what shows up for you!

Have an awesome day!


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