Monday 1 April 2013

Optimal Health! Are you willing to try something different?

What I know Today is that I am very interested in Alternative Health and Healing.  My experience though where I live is that people seem super conservative around trying things that don't require surgery or drugs for their health issues.  In fact you mention any other type of healing therapy and they look like they want to run the other way!

For me it seems that natural is the way to go if at all possible.  For example having my Gallbladder removed.  It seems that I was born with that organ for a purpose, and yet it suddenly gives me problems due to stones that have formed and I am told it should be removed?  I did some research and found that you could have treatment for gallstones in the United States that would break them up with sonic waves so that they could easily pass.  Unfortunately here in Canada the only treatment is removal of the organ.  Makes me sad really to think that we can't figure out the cause and prevention, but rather rip it out or cover the symptoms with drugs.

In truth I feel there are other ways to deal with our health issues.  One of the biggest is to reduce our stress levels so our poor bodies have a fighting chance to give energy to healing and repair rather than in be in defence mode.  The other thing I am passionate about is educating people so that they can know that there are options out there and solutions for many serious degenerative diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

So for now I am wondering why there is so much fear around alternative therapy for health and what it would take for people to try it and see that it actually feels amazingly awesome and that healing can be very therapeutic and spa like, it doesn't have to be scary with surgery and needles and dirty hospitals with scary equipment etc.

What are your thoughts?

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