Sunday 2 February 2014

What is Death? More Ease in this Transformative Process Comes with Understanding what Death is.

What is death?  Death is merely the ending of an old and beginning of a new.  This can be in anything in our lives.  Relationships, careers, material things too!  There is grief with any kind of loss, especially if it is sudden.

When we lose a loved one death is simply a transformation from the physical into the vastness of energy that we be as infinite beings.  It is always hard to say goodbye to those we love, and truly there is never a good time to say good bye!

We humans (earthlings) want to keep things the same forever or at least as long as we can, we resist change.  What we must remember is that each of us as an individual soul has a journey that is right for us.  Our loved ones who have passed are also choosing for their growth as an infinite being.  The time they had here has come to a close.  They have so much more to accomplish on the other side.  We get so caught up in the means that they chose to pass.  Be it an accident, illness, or suicide.  Ultimately it was their decision, their choice to leave the physical world to enter that of the spiritual.

The pain we have from loss is caused by our unwillingness to release and let go of what was.  The grief is the pain of knowing that things are changed forever.  If you are willing to work with it, the pain is less intense.  Especially if you are willing to do emotional release work and alternative healing therapies.  Learn tools that you can use on your own when emotions surface, as they will.  Especially when memories are triggered or events come along throughout the year.

Grief is a human emotion and something that we all go through at some point in our lives.  Like an injury to the body there will be pain.  In the beginning it will be most painful.  How we choose to deal with it is what can either help or hinder the emotional healing process.  There are so many good tools out there for emotional release and therapies for healing.  The choice too is yours.  Many are not open to trying these therapies because their unwillingness or call it stubbornness, prevents them from seeing another way.  There are always choices, hang on to what was and stay the same, or allow yourself to accept it, and see the gifts in the process of change, transformation and growth.

I have seen many souls who have passed, so that they can help their families connect more with their spiritual journey.  Still many are not open to it and fear that their belief system is going to be challenged and worse yet be shattered.  Maybe they fear being wrong, or that they might have to change in some way.  There is no right or wrong, there is simply we know what we know at the time and when we know more we can make better choices.  So why do people resist so much?  This is the big question.  What are people so afraid of?  They don't want to see that there is a whole other world out there waiting to open up.  You see it isn't only those in spirit who have had a change or transformation, those who are left here are also meant to go through change and transformation as well.

Life after losing a loved one, isn't about going through the motions of daily life trying to get by.  It is about truly learning how to let go.  To honour those who have passed and know that they are with us always and that they haven't really left they simply transformed.  You can still feel them, and sense them in a different way.  They do try to help us understand but we are too stubborn to have it any other way.  This only serves to block us from feeling their loving presence all around us.

Our purpose here in the death process when we lose a loved one, is healing and letting go of grief, our purpose is to let them go as they continue their journey as an infinite being.  Our new objective is to accept our new way of life no longer having them with us in the physical, but with us in spirit now on a higher realm and different reality.

No one said it is easy, but you must be willing to work through the process of letting go and continuing on your journey too.  Allow the change to move through you.  Allow the change to make you better than you were before.  Find your new normal as you continue to let your light shine.  Knowing you are never alone, they are with you always just in a different way.

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