Monday 3 February 2014

Working hard? How is that working for you?

I read a quote today that really got me thinking and fired up!  It said "Some People Dream of Success, While others Wake Up and Work Hard at it."  It got me thinking, is there truth in this statement?  For some yes, it may be true.  Richard Branson, Steve Jobbs, Bill Gates to name a few.  These people were doing something they loved, and are very good at what they do/did.  They did work hard, but maybe it was a love for what they did rather than forcing themselves to work at something that sucked their energy?

It got me thinking that maybe the first step to success should be asking ourselves what our personal definition of Success would be?  The dictionary says - a person or thing that has success by attainment of goals, wealth etc.  What if success had a different definition for each person as an individual?  What if your definition of success was different from mine?

My current definition of success?  Being happy with who I am at each moment of my life, doing what I love, being an expert in my field through using my gifts, talents and capacities while being in total joy with infinite abundance flowing through me as I share it with everyone around me.

Maya Angelou definition is - Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.

So ask yourself - what is your definition of success?

It makes me sad that there are people going out there every day "working hard" for success and they don't even know what that definition is for themselves.  Are you working toward success under the definition of societies beliefs of what success is?

Don't do it!  It is a trap!  One that will suck the energy and life right out of you.  Why?  Because you are not being true to you, you are falling into the collective consciousness and definition of what society thinks success is.  What if the pursuit of success could be fun, and easy?  What if we don't have to work hard.  Still with me?  Keep reading as I explain.  What if working hard is an illusion that is keeping us stuck, disempowered and unconscious?  What if it is keeping you from who you truly be?

When we look at truly successful people, like Oprah Winfrey or Ellen Degeneres it may look as though they are working hard, and they are!  But what if they are actually enjoying all of what they do, that it really doesn't feel that much like hard work?   But to the rest of us we judge it as working really hard?

You see the above quote makes me feel like people need a reminder or a push to keep going when they really don't want to.  That doesn't feel like a kindness to ourselves.  To push ourselves to keep going when we dread something.  It should feel natural and yes sometimes scary or exciting, but not dreadful!  There is a huge difference.

I believe there is a difference between working hard and enjoying what you do, that may look to others like you are working hard.  If you are doing what you love, that is a match to who you are as a being, with all of the gifts, talents and capacities you be.  Then you will not have to work a day in your life!  It will just look that way to other people!  Do you get what I am saying here?

Work shouldn't be work!  We should NOT be doing jobs we dislike just because it is good money.  That does not create more joy in this world!!  That does not bring out the light in you.  You should want to do it every time you do it, because it is easy and it flows for you.  Pure and simple!  So get your head out of the sand and start thinking about what your personal definition of success is.  Start asking questions around how to obtain that lifestyle and go for it!  It is a process, but nothing will happen unless you become more conscious of what it is that makes you come alive!

Stop falling into the trap of working 9-5, day in and day out, putting in your time.  That is living unconsciously and it is time to wake up.  What are you contributing to this world?  Do you really think that putting in time at the office to make a pay check is any way to live?  Just because the rest of society is doing it does NOT mean it is right.

The world was once believed to be flat, until someone realized that was not truth.  It took some time and some ridicule before this new concept was accepted as truth.  Do you think that maybe what I am saying here, is way different than what most people on this planet thinks?  Could there be truth in the fact that putting time in at a job that sucks your energy is living unconsciously?  What is your awareness?  Is there something more out there that is a match to who you be as an infinite being?  I think so, now what are you going to do about it?

Start with asking yourself some questions and awaken...

What is my definition of success? (please allow this to change and evolve as you do)
What else is possible here that I haven't yet considered?
How does it get any better than this?

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