Thursday 17 May 2012

3 Reasons to Pay Attention to What You Are Eating

What I know today is that we abuse our bodies.  Many of us are probably not even aware that we are doing it.  I am guilty as well, but I am beginning to become a lot more conscious of what I am putting in my mouth.  What you put in your mouth, is your bodies fuel source.  It is a fuel source that can be like a slow poison, or a medicine to keep us strong and healthy.

1) Energy

When you are eating the right foods your body is now given the proper nutrients to sustain your energy levels through out the day. You are what you eat!  If you are inputting a poor energy source your body has to put it's energy into cellular repair. Eating whole foods will give you sustained energy until your next snack or meal. The key is the less processed the better!

Pay attention after you eat to how you feel.  As you become more aware you will notice which foods will make you feel sleepy and lethargic after a meal and which ones will leave feeling energized.

2) Health

Did you know that Heart Disease is actually reversible? I didn't know this until I saw a Dr. Oz episode where he had Dr. Dean Ornish on his program. You can actually reverse a 99%blocked artery to a healthy one in three simple steps:
30 minutes of walking each day
Meditation and De-Stress min 15 min per day
Eat a diet rich in Vegetable and Fruits and reduce animal fats to only 10%

Type 2 Diabetes - This is another common disease that I discovered has been documented and proven reversible. Dr. Ray Strand has a book called Healthy for Life. Has over 50 + documented cases of completely reversing type 2 diabetes. No more meds and no indication diabetes ever existed in these people's bodies.

Lower Blood Pressure - We are eating foods that are inflammatory to our bodies. When there is inflammation that is a sure indicator that our body is in repair mode. Why do we eat foods that cause damage to our bodies and then has to expend that energy in repair mode? Seems silly doesn't it?

Lower Cholesterol - Our bodies produce plaque when damage is done to our arterial walls. It is sort of like a putty that repairs holes made from the damaging effects of eating inflammatory foods Click here for top 10 list.

3) Mental Clarity

When we eat sugar it goes straight into our blood stream it is a pure energy source.  What happens though is our blood sugars rise too quickly and then our pancreas has to kick in insulin to bring those levels back within a safe range.  Insulin is a fat storage hormone.  If you are getting thick around the middle this could be the culprit!  Learn more about eating Low Glycemic to shrink your spare tire!

There is getting to be more and more research that sugar makes us forgetful and affects our brains.  There is also research showing that Alzheimers is diabetes of the brain.  I know that when I have too much of it I lose my concentration and it affects my moods.  It can even create anxiety for me and that is a form of fear.  It isn't fun when I am feeling this way, so I choose to stay away from it as much as I can.  Sugar is also highly addictive.

Final Thoughts 

This article is not to scare you, but to empower you.  I want people to really start thinking about what they are doing when they eat food.  Just because food like products are on a grocery store shelf, does not mean we should be buying and consuming these products.  I want to empower you to think about what you are doing to your body.  That body needs to be with you for a long long time.  You can't trade it in for a new one.

If you were handed the keys to a car when you turned 16 and were told it was the only car you would ever have.  How would you treat it?  What type of fuel would you put into it?  What would you do to maintain it?  Guess what?  This is the only body you will ever have!

Are you giving it the exercise it needs? What about recharge time?   Your body recharges when you give it the rest it requires (the best time for your body to do it's cellular repair is during sleep).  Are you around people who nourish, accept and support you?  Are you doing things that make you feel good inside?  These are all factors that affect your body through your mind/body connection.  Stress management is imperative, because what the mind is focused on the body always reflects.

Your body has a miraculous ability to repair itself.  Just think about when you cut yourself.  It takes care of it for you.  When we have illness or disease the body is trying to tell us that we are not giving it what it needs in order to repair itself.  We need to figure out what the source is.  I know for a fact that all disease is reversible, if you can identify the source.  If you picked at a cut and took away the scab every day, it wouldn't heal.  Eating the wrong foods is similar to this.  It can be like taking a wire brush each day to the inside of your body.

The less processed something is the more nutrition it will have.  Boxed and packaged means long shelf life.  The reason it has a long shelf life is because it doesn't have nutrients in it, they have been processed out.  It is the nutrients in food that makes them go bad quickly.

Do yourself a favour, start with small changes, be conscious of what fuel sources you are feeding your body.  Before you eat it - ask yourself, is this going to fuel my body or deplete it?

Stay healthy my friends!


  1. Absolutely great. Except, you can't reverse heart disease- you can reverse atherosclerotic deposits to some degree- but not when it reaches a certain point- by changes in activity and diet.

  2. Thanks for your comment. We may have to agree to disagree here, as heart disease is caused by the buildup of plaque in the arteries to your heart. This may also be called hardening of the arteries. There are many Dr's - Dr. Dean Ornish being one, who have documented reversing this plaque build up in the arteries with as much as 99% blockages.

    Your body can and will repair itself if you remove the cause which is an improper diet, stress and lack of exercise. As long as your lungs are taking in air and your heart is pumping never underestimate the power of the body to heal itself. There is no such thing as incurable - incurable simply means curable from within.
