Tuesday 15 May 2012

Struggling? The Answer is Closer Than You Think!

What I know Today is that source energy, the universe, God whatever you like to call your higher power is in communication with you constantly.  We are simply extensions of that source.  The Question is are you listening?  There are signs all around us, but many times we are not paying attention.

If there is something you are struggling with right now in your life - ask for guidance, and see what shows up!  It can come in so many ways so long as you are open to receiving the answers.  It might show up in the words of a song, or a conversation that someone is having in the check-out line.

I have a girlfriend who has been having troubles with doors lately and she asked me about what that could mean?  So I said to her let's think about this for a minute, what is the purpose of doors?

Doors are about transitioning from one place to another.  I told her I felt that there was a block to do with transition in life.  I also felt that it was resistance in moving forward for fear of doing what is right for her and instead she is thinking of everyone else first.  It makes perfect sense for where she is at in her life right now.

So when you are noticing things happening like dropping things or things falling on the floor pay attention to what it means to you.  It does't matter what it means to anyone else but you.  What is YOUR interpretation?  If you need to you can ask others it may provide some clarity for you if you are really feeling stuck.

Issues with your body?  There are messages here too!  Knee pain?  This is about moving forward in your life and some resistance or fear around moving forward.  Eye issues?  What is it that you don't want to see in your life?  Issues with your back could mean you are not standing up for yourself - no back bone.

Think about the body part and what the function does for the body and then look outward to see what the correlation is in the events in your life.

We all have wisdom within us, we just need to learn how to listen to it.  The answers really are within us, they always have been!  Learn to pay attention, it will help you live your life with more ease.

We are never alone, and sometimes we forget to ask for help from the higher realms, so go ahead - ask, and see what miracles come!

You are awesome, believe in yourself and know that you are perfect as you are!  Keep being you, because who you are makes a difference to everyone around you.  But first you must love and believe in yourself!

Much love!

1 comment:

  1. I really needed this guidance today... my back has been troubling me for about a week know and it hasn't given me any problems for over 2 years. I do completely feel that I am not standing up for myself... I need to correct this! Thank you for your wise words.
