Wednesday 2 May 2012

YOU Have the Answer!

What I know today is that sometimes in life it is easy to identify our problems!  Often where we tend to get stuck is on the problem which then blocks us from finding solutions.  Here is what I have discovered.  When we stay focused on the problem it stops all solutions from reaching our minds!  Similar to being closed minded - other options won't seem possible.

When you switch your thinking and mindset to finding, or looking for a solution doors open that otherwise may not have.  Here is an example.  I called my husband one day and I could tell he was frustrated.  When I asked him what was wrong, he said that the new program he was in the process of learning wasn't putting out the right results, and it had been a constant issue.  So I told him instead of looking at the problem, I wanted him be open to finding the solution.  He literally called me within 5 minutes saying he had figured out what he was doing wrong.  He had suffered with this problem for several days and with a simple change in his focus it was resolved within minutes!


So take a moment to identify something recent that you have identified as a problem in your life.  Now take a few deep breaths and clear your mind.  Be open to seeing solutions come to you to help rectify the current situation.  Relax your body and be open to receiving the answer even if you don't know how or where the solution will come from.  Ask yourself what the solution is to this situation.  Allow your mind to be open to receiving.  Now let it go and forget about it.  Usually what will happen, is when you least expect it, the answer will pop into your head!  Take a deep breath now and know that - all is well...

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