Friday 25 January 2013

Transform Negativity in your Workplace & Relationships

What I know today is that this past Monday was Blue Monday.  Blue Monday is based on six factors - weather, debt, time since Christmas, time since failed new years resolutions, low motivational levels, and feeling a need to take action.

My favourite all time quote by Zig Ziglar is: People often say that motivation doesn't last, well neither does bathing that's why we recommend it daily!!

With all this negative energy coming from every direction we can be susceptible to feel it or pick it up along the way.  Everything is energy and just like walking into a room after someone has had an argument we pick up on and feel these energies on many different levels.  More than we realize I might add.

If you find yourself feeling a little blue and don't understand why it may be that you are picking up this energy and it isn't even yours!  Try this little experiment.  Ask yourself is this mine or someone else's?  If the feeling leaves it was just something you picked up.

Last evening at my daughters soccer game I had a chance to chat with a friend.  She mentioned that the negativity at work was starting to get to her even though she is a positive person and knows she has so many things to be thankful for in her life!  What came of it was a suggestion that I find can be very powerful and yet the other person doesn't even know that you have helped them redirect their thoughts...

For example, if Bill is complaining at work let him vent for a few minutes.  Then simply ask him some questions so that you get his mind focused and redirected in a different direction.  If he is complaining about how things are around the workplace simply say, I understand your frustration.  If you could do it your way what would you like to see change around here?  Then it gets their thoughts focused on what they want rather than complaining and focusing on what they don't want.

This takes their mind off of the problem and opens up doors to finding solutions!

I have found this can take some quick thinking on your feet, but the more you do it the better you get at it.  This also works well with children.

Remember the goal here is to gently help them redirect their thoughts without them realizing you did it, then they feel like they are the one who is in the drivers seat!  It is a win, win for all!  Have fun with it!

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