Thursday 27 March 2014

Are you choosing to be stupid? We all do it!

No offence but we are all doing it.  How?  By shutting off our awareness.  Your sixth sense.  We are ALL guilty.  You are living with your eyes closed!  Want to learn how to change that?

What would your life look like if you had awesome nurturing relationships instead of mediocre?  How about a career that you LOVE and the money you receive from it flows continuously beyond your wildest imagination?  Body?  How about a body that feels good, looks good and radiates beauty?  Why would we not choose to have more money?  What if choosing awareness could change your whole life?  Choose more money?  Why wouldn't we?  Can we change the world easier with money or without it?

All successful people are connected with their awareness.  Those stock brokers that go with their gut!  That is where the success comes from.  Donald Trump, listens to his gut.  He is reading the energy of his staff etc.  He knows when to say "You're Fired"!  That is how these people have the success they do - it is a knowing.  They have awareness.  They might not even know they are doing it because it just comes natural to them.  I am going to teach you a tool and if you choose to use it and learn how to listen to it, your life will change in a big way!  You will learn how to make that knowing natural for you.  Ready to stop choosing stupid?

Having awareness is easier than you think!  Look at it this way.  Living your life is purely about making choices.  Look at living in 10 second increments and with each 10 seconds you have choice.  Choose to be happy or sad, choose to sit or stand, choose to eat or have a drink.  You get the picture.  What about mistakes?  How aware are you of the fear of making a bad choice?  Truth, are mistakes real?  Or is it simply a judgement we make on a choice we made?   Reality?  We judge ourselves and allow others to judge us too!  How stupid is that?  So my question for you is, what if you had a tool that showed you how to choose with total ease and if and when that choice no longer works for you, you simply choose again?  No choice is in stone except when we place judgement on it.  So what if the secret of living a joyful life, full of ease was all about choice and following your awareness on that and living in 10 second increments!  Choosing what would bring us more ease and joy instead of chaos?

The tools of Access do this.   They are beyond simple.  Unless you don't want simple then choose difficult, no judgment here.  It is your choice!  Access is the most simple, empowering method I have discovered to date that gets results where nothing else has.  Trust me I have worked with and tried many modalities.  They all work and get results, but just know I am very impatient and love seeing this change quickly and magically.  So why would you choose to not learn how to have more awareness?   What if you could have a 'magical' tool that opens up more possibilities in your world?  This tool would give you more choice than you ever fathomed, rather than having a life full of problems and road blocks.  The truth is, it works.

You learn how to be in question.  When you judge, conclude, decide that something is the way it is.  You shut all doors and close down your awareness and that becomes your reality.  Did you even know that you have been doing this to yourself?  We all do it!  I like to call it choosing to be stupid.  Every time you make a choice without using your awareness, you are choosing stupid!

I was doing it, we are all doing it.  It is the nature of the world and this reality we call life.  So what if you could change it, easily and quickly.  What if you didn't have to choose stupid?

Awareness is the new black!  


Want more ease in making choices?  Can't decide which restaurant to go to?  Follow the energy and your awareness on it.  This takes some practice but is so easy to do.  It is about getting out of your head!  When something is true for you it will feel light or expansive.  If something is not true for you it will feel heavy or contracted.  Just like the feeling you get if you are in a bad area of town.  Our awareness is always trying to communicate with us, but we are so in our heads making decisions and trying to figure things out that it stops our awareness.

Try this:  Close your eyes and say, my name is ___(say your name)_____________.  How does that feel to you?  Now say my name is Apple.  How does that feel and where do you feel it?  Get to know the difference between what is true for you and what isn't.

Each body is different and the more you work with this the more you will know what is true for you and what is not.  Next time you have a choice to make what will my life be like if I choose (X) and what will my life be like if I choose  (Y)

This is how you make choice from awareness not stupidity.  When we got to our head and try to figure things out.  That stops the awareness…

If you want more awareness and to learn the tools of Access please contact me:


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