Wednesday 28 May 2014

Do you know death is a choice?

Today another beautiful soul left this planet.  Maya Angelou truly left this world a better place through her work and who she was as a being.  I have to say what gets me is all the people who feel sad when someone passes.  This tells me how many do not have an understanding of who we are as beings or our purpose.  We are spiritual beings first that decide to incarnate into a body to learn, grow and contribute to the world around us.  As an individual soul we all have our set time for how long we will remain in our body.  There is  no right or wrong here, good or bad.  Simply how long we decide is enough for our journey and soul's growth.

How is being sad about a soul's passing a contribution to them, their family, you or the world?  Please people we must know that it is about the soul's journey.   It is about what they choose for their growth and experience.  No matter what means they chose to die or leave their body by.  Honour their choice.  I am not saying there won't be grief or sadness for those close to them.  It certainly is an adjustment period.  That is what grief is.

What if we all had so much awareness and consciousness that we already know when our loved ones are going to choose to leave?  Wouldn't it be so much easier?  You would have time to do the things you wanted to do with them, ask them the questions you wanted to ask and told them how much they mean to you before they leave?  Having said your goodbye's would be so much easier to adjust to.

Death is not an ending but a continuation as we return to spirit form.  Our true form.  If we as a society were more aware and awake with consciousness we would know that we have total choice in when our time is done.  It isn't about what God wants or God's will!  Many want to believe that because then they don't have to be responsible for not choosing in their lives.  Then they have someone or something to blame for their life or someone else's life not going how they wanted it to.  People!!  We have free will and for a reason.  Why don't people get this?  Why is no one embracing this?

However many are walking around totally unconscious and unaware  there even is a choice.  I once heard Deepak Chopra tell the story of his Father's passing.  His father said his goodbye's to those important to him and laid down for a rest and left.  Simple!  No trauma or drama.  It was time to go.  No pain and suffering.  Not to mention ease for him with his passing but also ease for the family as well!  He simply left.

My daughter heard me say that we have choice in how we leave this world in a class I was teaching.  She said to me the other day that she was so relieved to hear me say that we can choose how we leave this earth and this body.  She was totally at ease after hearing she had choice!

I have communicated with enough souls after their passing to know there is way more to our world and how the universe works, and I know a different reality is possible!  Are you willing to open up to a different possibility?

I am not sure about you but this is the way I choose to go.  I don't need a car accident or disease of pain and long drawn out suffering to leave my body.  Thank you very much!    So I leave all of this as food for thought!  What if we didn't have to be distracted by the limitations of this reality and worrying about safety etc.  What if we could just live?  Wouldn't you like to just live?  Knowing that when it is your time, it is your time.  No trauma, no drama, just choice!

Keep spreading your light beautiful soul, Maya Angelou!

Choosing a different reality, I invite you to join me!

Ease, Joy and Glory my friends!

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