Monday 25 February 2013

Create the Blue Print for any area of Your Life!

What I know today is that I was inspired to write last week about creating and remodelling your life.  We get too busy with life and forget that we really can have what we want, but we need to take the time to slow down and ask ourselves what it is that we really want?

From what I see with most people is that they don't take the time to figure out what it is that they really  want/need.  Where they are right now is something they wanted at one time in their life, but now it feels stagnant and maybe even depressing.  Sound familiar?  Most people are too busy keeping themselves busy, in a comfort zone of familiarity or living for others, that they don't even know who they are or what fulfills them anymore.

What if you actually started to pay attention to you?  What if you started to think about what makes you happy, what makes you feel full of life?  Do you need to remodel or rebuild an area of your life?  Relationship?  Career?  Finances?  Health?

This is the way I see it.  Your home started out as a picture in someone's mind.  Think of it like an idea in the planners mind, the next step to making it happen or come true is to create a blue print.  So the building your are in or your home then got taken from an idea to being drawn as a blue print onto paper.  The blue print is the second step to manifestation (making it happen).  The third is actually building it.  Gathering the materials and turning it into a reality.

As you start to create this remodelled area in your life, realize that the more time you spend with it, the more ideas will come.  Sometimes you need to tweak things here and there.  As you go along you will get more specific about how you want it to look.  It will start to unfold like a story, you are creating the story of your life.  The beauty with life is that you can change it as you go along.  

Where to start?  Your life is out there waiting to come to you, but first you must go inside of yourself and ask what it is that you even want?

Please understand that with life and creating, getting what you want is a process and doesn't always come in an instant!  The problem is, most of us don't even take the time to do any planning or thinking because we aren't even aware that in truth WE are the creators of our life.  We have free will because we are meant to create our lives!  Instead most of us just let life happen to us thinking this is the way it is and that it will always be this way!

Not true, but it all starts with you.  No one else can do this for you - well they could but I can tell you that you probably won't like it!  Maybe you already know what this feels like, because it is what you have been doing to now?

Of course as you start creating your new desires, it doesn't have to be in stone, you are allowed to change your mind!!  That is the beauty of life, try a little of this and a little of that!  Explore and have fun with it.

As you start to go inside of yourself and ask questions the answers will start to surface.  What is extremely important with creating change, is that you stay focused on what you want.  Let go of what you currently have or don't like about your current situation.  You want to steer your thoughts to what you want to draw more of into your life.  Look ahead to where you want to be, let go of looking back because that will keep you stuck!

If you haven't already done so, make a decision right now to pick an area you want to improve.  Relationship, Career, Health, Finances.  Did you pick one?  Ok!  Next start asking questions!

If I could have this area of my life any way I choose and money was no object, how would I like to see it?  Dream it and dream big!  Let go of what is right now, this is your chance to envision your wildest dream!  It doesn't cost a dime to dream and expand your mind to the endless possibilities.  Now keep asking yourself questions.  Questions are what open up all of the doors of possibility to you.

What would fulfill me?  What are my strengths?  What do I want?  The more details you put down, the better your 'project' will turn out.  But also be open to what comes as a result, because often things will come in ways even better than we thought and more suited to how we are!  So allow it to come even if it wasn't exactly how you thought it would.  Put all of your ideas on paper in a journal.  Spend time with it on a regular basis, allowing remodifications as you go along.

The most important step, is to play with this and have fun with it!  Life is about joy and ease.  Our children are excellent examples of this because they can be in the moment as they create and not worried about the outcome, they simply enjoy the experience as they go along!

Have fun!

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