Wednesday 6 February 2013

Create Yourself! You have the Power to "Be" Anything you want!

What I know today is that I found a quote that states: Life isn't about Finding Yourself it is about Creating Yourself!  Author Unknown.

Where you are right now is exactly where you are meant to be.  Do you find yourself wondering what your purpose is or what you are supposed to be doing?  My thoughts are that we are meant to be doing what we love.  Doing what fulfills us.  Don't know what that is?  It is your job to go within and start asking yourself questions.  The only way to find answers is to ask questions.  When you ask questions the doors of possibility start to open!

What am I good at?  What do I enjoy doing?  Where are my strengths?  Where do I feel most comfortable?  Keep asking the questions as one question can lead to another and before you know it you are new territory that you never considered before!  Remember it is ok to be different than everyone else around you!

Don't like who you are?  Maybe you need to accept who you are first before change can occur.  When we are in a state of resistance what you are experiencing will persist.  Ever heard the term what you resist, persists?  Accept that you are not perfect and neither is anyone for that matter.  What kind of person would you like to be?  Is it possible you could create that?

You have a purpose that matches what you love to do, so go seek what that is, and make a difference in your world.  It doesn't have to be huge like having your own network like Oprah.  Sometimes just by finding your joy and being in it is enough to make a change in those around you, simply by being who you are!

Spread your light beautiful being!

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