Monday 4 February 2013

What Nourishes Your Soul?

What I know today is that too many people hang on to those relationships that are sucking them dry!  Yes there are some relationships that we can't end completely, but we can respect our energy and what we subject ourselves to by limiting our time with these people and/or setting boundaries.  My business partner and good friend Wendy always says people will treat us how we let them.  We can set those boundaries in loving ways.

What I have learned is that food can nurture or poison the physical body depending on the food choices we make.  Want to know what nurtures your soul (you guessed it)?   Relationships.  Depending on our choices, the people we choose to surround ourselves with can either nurture who we are or damage who we are. The relationships in our lives are so important!  I don't think that people think about this or take is seriously enough!

I found a great post on FaceBook that I would like to share with you by Kyle Cease, who is an amazing comedian who describes himself as comedy meets transformation.  Kyle loves to "help people get better at doing stuff".

Today I would like to share Kyle's post:

I am only sharing this as encouragement. This is not to show off. I am hoping this drive you.
There are people who I can be around, who allow me to be who I really am. They embrace the things I do and it causes me to be better and better at being in my zone. When I am around these people, life is completely effortless. Time passes extremely fast and before I know it, I have created less work and more real results in my life. Then there are the people who my ego wants to be around.
My ego likes to be around these people to overcome some inner past story. Maybe I want to prove to someone who I have known for many many years that I am a changed person, because I am under the illusion that if they would just like me I would be happy.
It could also be someone who is in their own shit and I want to prove to them that they can do anything, but they are resisting. For some people it could be hitting on someone who is not interested in them.
What I am realizing is life moves faster and faster when you stay in the path of least resistance. If you continue to move from your core, or just be around the people who want to be around you, you will move extremely fast.
The people who let you be who you are, are more comfortable with themselves. Which also means they are moving faster too. They are healthier, more successful, more positive, have better ideas, etc. You get more, and become more just from being with these people.
After a true realization I had years ago, I spent a lot of time attempting to convince people that what I was saying was important and real. Meanwhile, there were other people who knew it was real and those people are some of the most amazing people on the planet.
By staying in my truth, I was honored to speak last night with Jim Carrey, Michael Beckwith, and many other legends. In this world, I was able to say EXACTLY what I truly believe, so it came out effortlessly. I had to do no work. No preparation, no prewritten jokes. I was just able to speak what I believe, which also still was funny, and I did not care about the results.
Even though I didn't care about the results, they were amazing. I was offered so many different TV, movie roles, gigs, etc right after my performance. It felt like I was being handed things just for being real. No work, just truth.
In the old days, I had to get an agent, get a meeting, go audition, and hope that I am chosen out of 500 people, and maybe do something for a project that I might not have even believed in. This is the harder way to make life work. I sacrificed what was true to me and just wanted to become famous, rich or feel successful.
The path of least resistance is all you need to take. I was just reminded that I don't need to prove anything to anyone. What I have to say is real for me. As I know this for a fact, own it, and wait, bigger and faster results show up. But I don't care, because those results don't complete me. They are a by-product of me saying and living in what I truly believe.
Remember that your truth is the most important thing you have. It is original, which makes it scary. You have no certainty of how things will go. But when you live it. When you own it, the world will move for you in ways you can not see right now.
The people who affected the world most, started speaking out about something that was true for them, but was extremely unpopular......... AT FIRST.

For more information about Kyle visit his website at:

Kyle's post fits with my motto that life should be easy, and full of joy and glory!  It is all about choices and conscious awareness!  What would happen if you decided to choose the path of least resistance?  Choose people who lift you up, that believe in you and all that you are!  This will nurture you to your very essence.  This is the healthy way to bring change and love into this world!  Who knows, once you let go of some of those relationships that aren't working for you, you might be surprised at the space you create to allow new people to come in and appreciate who you are now, not who you used to be.  After all we are energy beings and we are always changing, those who allow us to change and evolve are the ones we need to be around.

Hope you enjoyed this!  Let your light shine and make a difference in the world, thank you for evolving to a better you!


  1. Loved Kyle's words....just as I start to wonder, am I doing the right thing I get a message that reiterates my position! Open to anything and everything. ..lov M.

    1. Dear M,

      You actually were living in question simply by asking - Am I doing the right thing? This fits with my next blog posting for today. Thanks for being the light that you are, and know that you are making more of a difference than you know! Keep spreading your beautiful essence!
