Tuesday 12 February 2013

Settling in life? Ideas to get more awesome in your life!

What I know today is that too many people are holding on to things that are no longer serving them or working for them!  I guess we are living from what we have observed our parents and Grandparents doing, and that is doing what we have always done because it is all we know!

There is a saying out there if you do what you've always done you will get what you've always gotten! Sometimes we need to let go of the old in order to make room for the new!  What area in your life would you like some change in?  Ask yourself what needs to go to make room for something new?
Maybe what needs to go are old ways of thinking!  It doesn't always mean getting rid of something physical in your life although I have a good example of clearing your clutter can do for you!

An example of what cleaning your closets can really do:

I wanted new clothes desperately and yet it seemed like every time I shopped I just didn't like what was out there, styles, colours, nothing!  One day I decided it was time to clean out my closet, and I must admit it was pretty full!  So I started going through it.  Clothing with tags still on - if I hadn't worn it by now I obviously wasn't going to!  Time to get rid of it!  By the time I was done I had a lot more room in my closet.  What happened next surprised me!  I went to one of my favourite stores (which I was having no luck with b/c I just wasn't liking their clothing for the past several seasons) and ended up filling a change room with stuff to try on!  I ended up going home with nearly a whole new wardrobe!  I had to create the space to make it happen...

Your Career - Are you settling?

I am having a hard time seeing people go to jobs they don't love and dreading it.  Would you go to an all you can eat buffet and eat the same old food you are literally sick of and possibly even don't like anymore?  It doesn't make sense does it?  So why are you choosing to feed your soul the same old job, boss, co-workers or tasks that you dread?  It isn't feeding, nurturing or nourishing who you are and at the same time, you are now walking around with that negative energy and spreading it to everyone you see; friends, family and yes even your kids.  You deserve to be happy and to make money doing something you love to do.  So why are you settling?  

I Want to tell you to forget about the degree, or the years of schooling or whatever.  Forget what everyone else thinks!  Maybe life is meant to be an experience and who says what the time limit is for how long you stay there?  Yes at the time you loved getting that job, but now it's time to broaden your horizons!  We are meant to live in joy, doing what we love.  All of the things we have done to this point were simply stepping stones leading us to the next great thing!

If this is you, I can't tell you how to do it, or what the right way is for you.  What is important is that you are thinking about making a change, and taking action steps to make it happen.

Doesn't it feel so much better when you are greeting by someone who is passionate and loves what they do, than having someone who is obviously not interested and doing it simply because they need the money?  Your career or job is where you spend most of your life, so why not make it something you really want to do or are extremely interested in?  The money will follow and when you are doing what you love you will be so good at it that the money will take care of itself!

Relationships - Are you settling?

How many relationships are you holding onto because of loyalty that really aren't working for you anymore?  Do the people you surround yourself with truly support and accept you for who you are?  Do they leave you feeling drained after?  Or do you feel uplifted?

Sometimes relationships clash and all it serves to do is bring out the worst in each of you.  When you have people in your life who bring out the best in you - your whole world can change.  I have made choices to let go of what wasn't working for me in my life, and the people I have in it now, are amazing and supportive, helping me achieve my dreams!  How does it get better than that?

Ask yourself, is it time to limit spending your time with someone who doesn't fully and completely support you?  Would it be nice to meet new people who are more suited for who you are today?  I think one thing people don't realize is that we are constantly changing simply because we are energy beings.  Someone we met 10 years ago was a match to who we were then, but not to who we are now.  It isn't right or wrong, good or bad, it just is.  As energy beings we are constantly changing and we all change and grow at different rates.

Holding on to things that are no longer serving us whether physical, emotional or otherwise isn't making this world a better place.  Take personal responsibility and make sure that you are doing what you love and surrounding yourself with support and love in your relationships too.

You might be doing that person a favour too, because maybe they are in need of different experiences in their relationships too to help them grow and evolve!  Let go of judgement and trust more in how you feel.  When we go with what is in our heads we can get into trouble, listen to your heart, that is what is real!  Your head can make up all sorts of crazy stuff! Do what FEELS right!

In conclusion, what area of your life do you need to release what isn't working?  It's ok, only you know what is right for you.  Believe me you will feel so much better, and when you feel better, the ripple will go out and you will take it every where you go, and this my friend is what creates a better world to live in!

Thanks for taking care of you!  In gratitude to you for allowing your evolutions via self awareness and self care!

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