Monday 11 February 2013

True sympathy, what's right?

Let go with Love, and let them be free on their new journey!
What I know today is that I saw a post on FaceBook and saw someone feeling sorry for someone because their everything passed away.  She meant this genuinely I am not meaning to sound cruel here, she just isn't conscious about what she is doing by feeling sorry for them.  Think about this for a moment, if we are feeling sorry for someone how can we give them strength?  Isn't this what they need from us in order to move through and heal the pain?

When we lose a loved one the pain and emptiness can seem unbearable, yet we have no choice but to go through it, it is a part of life.  What I notice is that people seem to want to feel sorry for those who are grieving.

I recently lost my aunt whom I was very close to.  She was like a second Mother to me.  My aunt and Uncle were both important to me growing up and I feel we had a very special bond.  To see my Uncle going through this dramatic change in his life, has been difficult to see, but I made the decision that I am not going to feel sorry for him, simply because I love him and want to see him have joy in his life again.  My opinion is this, if we feel sorry for them we are not helping them move through it, we are buying into the story that it is all very sad.  There is a much bigger picture we must learn to consider.

We must look at death from a broader perspective.  Many of us don't understand what death is.  Death in truth is simply a transformation.  We are all energy.  What we know of energy is that it cannot be created or destroyed, it simply moves through form,  into form and out of form.

It is not an ending but a new beginning.  Yes change can be upsetting at first, but when you learn to trust that ALL change happens for a reason, and learn to see what good can come out of that change, we can move through life with more ease.  Confucius says it best, "Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated."

We each have our journey and there is no such thing as a mistake or an accident.  Ever!!  There is only, growth, learning and lessons.  When our time is up, that is it, no matter what kind of experience we choose for the avenue of our transformation.  Heart attack, stroke, cancer, or an accident etc.  There are lessons and learning for everyone involved.  The ripples can go out further than we are even aware of.

How we react to death, is what creates our ability to move through the experience with ease or intense pain.  It is a choice actually through our awareness and willingness to let go or hang on.  Death is simply how we transform back to our spiritual self.    Death is not an end, it is a beginning.  This goes for everything in life.  When a job ends no matter how it happens, it is simply the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new.  See the magic and opportunity within the experience.

We may see accidents as tragic especially if our loved one seems to have left too soon or too young.  This a judgement and an opinion, and nothing more.  These judgements come from pain not truth.  When we step back and look at the bigger picture we must remember that we all have our purpose here in life and when a soul chooses to go home, it is what was right for that soul.  It isn't our journey it is theirs.   If we can remember this important piece it makes it easier to be happy for that soul and to learn that they really aren't gone they have simply changed form, like water changes to steam, they really aren't gone, we just can't see them anymore.

As a medium, I have experienced so many amazing healings and transformations in people when they get a message from their loved one.  There is life beyond death and it really is a beautiful thing.  What our loved ones can do from spirit is awe inspiring.  They can take care of their loved ones in different ways than they would have here by providing guidance and opening their loved ones to a new awareness that they otherwise may never have experienced.  All of this can happen if we aren't all too busy feeling sorry for the person left to grieve.  Instead choose to be the clarity for them as they are clouded in pain, and remind them that life will go on and healing will take place.  That there is a new angel watching over them bringing more ease into their life, even if they can't see it yet!

I have personally experienced this through my Aunts passing.  She has given specific signs for each person and the messages she has brought are beyond anything I could ever make up!

Believe me I have thought about what it would feel like to lose one of my children or my spouse, and I know that I would react the same way anyone would initially, but once the shock of it wore off, I would remember that is about their journey, not us.  We want to be selfish and keep them in our lives forever, but we must remember it is their journey not ours.  We must learn to love and let go, respecting their choice to grow and evolve as a spiritual being on a new journey, and it is awesome for them!  We should rejoice and be happy for them.  Please always remember and know, they are always with you, guiding and protecting.


  1. Whoa!! Sooooo good and's like you're speaking directly to me today. Well said Jeneen, I realize with any loss there is shock and once it's worn off, we need to rejoice and accept the new. I need to rejoice and accept the new!

    Love this post today, M.

  2. Thanks for the feedback M! Happy to hear that it connected to you and hope this helps open you up to the possibilities that are all around you! ;) It's a new adventure waiting to unfold, what amazing things will happen today?

  3. Thank you for this, this is one of your best posts ever, J! I've sent it onto a cousin who lost his mom at a very young age and I feel is still carrying a lot of emotion. He is so amazing and accomplished at such a young age but I feel the he needs to deal with the emotion in order to truly become successful, which he could easily do. He is simply amazing and so is this!! M.

  4. Great to hear that you loved this post! Happy to hear that you have forwarded it on to someone whom you think it may help to heal and move higher! It is all about growth and that is what we are all here to help each other with! Thank you so much for your support!

