Thursday 8 March 2012

More Joy in your life? Would you like some?

As I am in the midst of this major career/life transition, I find myself stressed, and too serious!  I shouldn't be stressed I teach meditation and wellness after all!  I know all too well that life is about being present and to enjoy each moment and to experience peace in each moment.  I also know to trust because all is unfolding as it is meant to and to welcome each experience as it is presented.

I am not currently working and financially we are getting by, so shouldn't I just enjoy this process?   There are people out there who work full time (my hubbie and I am sure there are many of you out there too) that would LOVE to be able to stay home in their PJ's do some tidy up and take some time for a cup of coffee or tea.  I guess I am just so excited about this next step on my journey that I want to run before I have walked!  Patience is something I need to work on, and these days it is teaching me well!

So, yesterday was one of those days, where I just had to acknowledge what I was feeling, and be ok with being sad and feeling unhappy for no particular reason.  (Probably because I am being too impatient).  I allowed myself to be what I was feeling, instead of pushing it all away.  It felt kind of good to just allow myself to feel what I was feeling.  That is was ok to be me.  To not try to be what others wanted me to be, but to actually be real.

So today I woke up feeling much better but I decided that what I was lacking was Joy and even if I am not where I want to be yet (yes patience - again), it is a choice in how I want to live each moment.  I can experience joy at any time I wish - it is a decision.  So I closed my eyes and started to think about things that make me feel Joy.

I know (because I teach this) that as I allow my thoughts to connect to all these wonderful things that are unique to me - that make ME feel good inside, my body starts to change.  

New chemicals are created in my brain, and they start to flow through my body.  I know it sounds silly but allow yourself to smile while you do this as well.  You will see that you start to feel different!  Just try it, and trust me it is a good experiment (just make sure no one is looking - they might think you are up to no good)!

It is important to understand that we all have something called the mind/body connection.  What your mind focuses on your body must follow!  It is our nature because it is our bodies instinct we ALL have this beautiful connection within us.  Why?  Because if something were to happen to you in this moment, say a bear was on the loose and about to attack, your body instantly goes into fight/flight response.  Your physiology changes so that you have strength to fight or run for your life!  What your state of mind is, your body will always reflect, that is it's job!

Your body doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is made up!  I love to take my meditation students through an exercise of imagining the most bright Yellow Lemon -ripe, plump and juicy.  Then I have them imagine cutting into the lemon as it sprays its fragrant oils and juices into the air.  Can you smell it?  Next I have them imagine squeezing some of that luscious juice into their mouth, letting that sour goodness fill up all of their tastebuds.  Are you salivating yet?  So if it isn't real, why is your mouth watering?  Because our body reacts to what our mind is focused on!  Do you see the connection now?


Your turn to add some Joy into your life!  This will only take a few minutes but you can make it as long as you desire!  

Take a few deep breaths now ask yourself some questions.  What are things that make me smile?  What is Joyful to me?  What are things that make me feel really truly good inside?  What do I love? Make it real, allow yourself to feel it, see it, taste it, hear it, smell it, use all 5 senses as they fit.  Allow the feeling you create to flow through you.  Let your whole body experience it.  Remember to relax your muscles so this amazing energy you are creating with your mind can be experienced by your entire body.


My gratitude to you for taking some  time today out of your busy schedule for self care!  We don't always realize it but when we are feeling more Joy we spread it to everyone around us.  

You are doing your part by taking time for you so that your positive energy be felt by others!  If you know someone whom you think would enjoy my blog, please share it by clicking share at the top of page!  My goal is I to help more people feel better about themselves so that goodness can spread!  

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