Tuesday 27 March 2012

Career - How to Get More of What you Want!

What I know today is you can get more of what you want in every area of your life, by changing what you are putting your attention, energy and focus to.  In my previous post How to Get More of What you Want!  I mentioned the four key areas of life.  Health, Relationships, Career and Finances.  Today I want to share how you can get more of what you want in your Career.

It is extremely helpful to sit down and make a list so that you can get crystal clear on what it is that you want more of out of your career.  Everything that exists in our world started out first as a thought, the next step is the blue print (writing it down), the next is manifestation (your desire comes true).

Often, when in the midst of looking for a total career change, many find themselves not knowing what they want.  What can be helpful in this situation is to make a list of what they don't want.  We often find it easy to identify all the things we didn't like about our past jobs!

Divide a piece of paper in half down the middle of the paper top to bottom.  On the left side you will put all those items that you didn't like about past jobs.  After you have your list switch each item to what you do want.  Put all of the items you do want on the right side of the paper.   For example - I don't like working shift work (left side).  You would change it to - I want to work 9-5 (right side).  Be sure to cross off all your items on the left once you have re-written them to what you do want - so you are not giving the things you don't want any more attention, energy or focus.

The idea of this exercise is to get you thinking about your desires and to make a clear list of what you are desiring more of in your Career.  The more specific you can get the better!  Example - Supportive Boss, friendly co-workers, nice office space with a view, 4 weeks of holidays, paid benefits etc.

Each time you read your list and you give it your attention, energy and focus.  The more times you read or think about it in a day the more you bring your desires into your reality.

Remember the mind/body connection I shared in my post More Joy in Your life? Would you like some?  It will allow you to open up to new opportunities and it gets your mind focused on more of what you want.

Allow yourself to dream about it, really feel what it would feel like to have all of the things on your list become your reality.  Feel the excitement. Visualize yourself there!  The world is a magical place and when you get more clear about what you do want, putting your focus there will bring you more of what you want because that is where your attention will be!

If you feel so inclined, share what you learned about yourself!  Sometimes sitting down and getting more clear about what it is that we are desiring in your life - can bring some ah-ha's!  Would love to hear from you!

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