Sunday 4 March 2012

Opening to the Next Chapter...

Actually, I think it is more like the beginning of a brand new book!  I am ready for a dramatically different life than I have previously been living.  Don't get me wrong - it has been an amazing life so far.  But it is average just like many, and I am ready to dream bigger; and through achieving those dreams, change the lives of others along the way.  I want to travel more, speak on stage more, and teach more all while living a balanced life with time freedom for fun with my husband and family!

The saying goes - if you keep doing what you've always done,  you will always get what you've always gotten.   I am ready to make big change in my life.  No longer settling, and letting life just happen to me, thinking "This is as good as it gets."  I want to have impact on the world and those around me, but first I have to let the essence of who I am be unleashed!  So, if I am to succeed with this next phase in my life, I am going to have to face my fears, and go out of my comfort zone - lots!

My dream through starting this blog is to allow the wisdom to flow, that each post will connect to those following me in profound ways.  Through the synchronicity of life the topics will reach those who need to hear them - reaching the depths of their hearts to give them hope and bring them up so that they can see their own potential as well.

I am a person who has always searched for truth, and as a child it was really tough for people to pull the wool over my eyes.  It always seemed that I had a deep inner knowing without realizing I was different than most.  You see, when it has always been a part of you, you don't realize that not everyone feels the same way you do!

I remember going to church with my neighbour whom I adored and several times with my Grandmother (I loved her to pieces) and always questioning what I was hearing in the sermons.  Some of it was true, like God is all loving, and some of it not so much, but I took what fit and what I needed and let go of the rest!  I think this has led me to ask a lot of questions over the years, and what I have realized and learned is that when you ask questions, you do actually get answers!  Not always right away and maybe not all at once, but you do get bits and pieces as you are ready and as you need them.  

The process of always checking in with my truth and looking for truth in everything I do has allowed me to connect to the wisdom that is within me. More importantly, you can know that there is wisdom in each and every one of you as well!  It is that knowing inside that tells you what is perfect and exactly right for you in each moment.  That inner wisdom tells you when you make a choice (think about how many choices we actually make in a day) whether it is moving you closer to where you want to see yourself or keeping you from it.  Yes, this even includes your food choices!  After all, you are what you eat!

I want to leave you with an exercise to help you connect with that inner wisdom, all it is - is a knowing, it is a feeling of confidence like when you have made certain decisions in your life that you know with absolute certainty that this decision is moving you toward what you want to experience next in your life...

Exercise - Close your eyes (after you have read this of course! lol)  take some good deep belly breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Think of a time when you made a decision that was right for you.  i.e. - to further your education, or get married or purchase a car etc.  Feel how good it felt to make that decision, to know with total and absolute certainty that it was perfect for you.  Allow yourself to feel that feeling.  Now relax your body and let go of any tension in your muscles, let it all go, let the energy flow through your body.  Allowing yourself to feel the confidence in knowing what is right for you.  It is wisdom that comes from inside you.  Our  mistake is thinking the answers are outside of us.  That is not truth.  The wisdom comes from our connection to source which is inside your body.  It is a feeling.  Allow yourself to connect to it and feel how good it feels.  Letting it flow and move through you freely, relaxed and totally at peace within.  Such a relief to finally be free.  Free from expectation of others, that you know it inside of you.  No one else can tell you what is perfect for you.  When you allow others to tell you what is good for you, you are allowing them to take your power away.  Be free, allow your essence to flow, trust yourself, and most importantly, you have the answers, you always have!!

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