Monday 26 March 2012

A Kind Word!

What I know today is that we should try to give more credit where credit is due.  Do you take the time to give sincere heartfelt compliments or praise to those around you?

I was speaking with a very close friend of mine today who was telling me she went to Hedley's concert this week and how it made her feel when he said his closing words of gratitude to the fans.  She said it was so sincere and heartfelt, that it really impacted her.  She went on to tell me that she decided that she needed to do this more in her life as well.   So a few days later she let a co-worker know that she was doing a great job and that she wanted her to know it.  The co-worker said "You know, I really needed to hear that today."  My girlfriend got chills, and so did I, as she told me the story.

We should all be working on our own self-acceptance, and believe in ourselves and be self-sufficient in knowing that who we are is enough.  We give too much value to the opinions of others especially when those comments can be rude and hurtful.   But it certainly feels good and lifts our spirit to hear kind words from someone around us.

When you compliment someone on a job well done, it also helps to nurture and open up channels to focus on our strengths as individuals, and helps us to break our focus on our weaknesses.  Research has shown that one of the most powerful mood-boosting experiences you can have is to make someone else feel good,  as we then experience the same boost within ourselves.

Try your best to see the good in everyone for there is a saying - "In every Buddha there is a devil and in every devil there is a Buddha."  We live in a dual world and there is good and bad in everything.  Energy flows where attention goes.  So see the good in each person that you meet and that is what you will bring out in them!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I was looking for guidance today as I've hit a low I haven't experienced in a very long time and this made me smile! I am someone who firmly believes and practices you give what you get...most of the time! Thanks for the reassurance!
