Thursday 22 March 2012

Spring Time Energy Boost!

What I know today is how good it feels to walk into a room that has been de-cluttered!  It seems to feel so spacious and inviting doesn't it?

Would you like to know why?  There is science behind it!  Everything is energy and I talked about energy in a previous post How to Get More of What You Want.  When your house is full of stuff it is like being in a noisy room where the music is too loud, your hearing is overwhelmed!  It isn't as obvious because energy is subtle, but on a feeling level too much stuff is the same as the noisy room.  This is why it always feels so good to de-clutter.  It is such relief when all the "noise" is gone!

It can be very draining on our energy to see stuff everywhere you look.  We may try to drown it out, but in our higher awareness or sensory perceptions of energy our bodies know it is still there.

So if your closets are so full you can barely close the door, it might be telling you something!  Why do we hang on to so much stuff?  The reasons - we might need it one day, we don't know what to do with it, someone really special gave it to us, or we just go into denial that it is even there!  It is time to give yourself much needed relief!

Change How you Look at Letting Go of Your Stuff

Remember that our stuff  is just that STUFF!  We don't NEED stuff to live.  We need air, food, water, and shelter.  Your stuff may be pulling you down more than you realize!  Because it accumulates slowly over time we don't really realize how much it is draining us.  As you are going through the process you must be aware of your emotions and also be aware of what your fears are.  For example if you are tossing something while thinking I am going to regret this as I may need it one day.  You are setting up a reality that will likely come true.  Instead of thinking in terms of lack, think of the world in terms of abundance.  That if you need that thing one day, there will be another one available to borrow, or maybe you will find one on sale somewhere and it will be no big deal.  The world can work in our favour (it is a world of plenty), but we need to learn to let go and trust.  Many of us hold on to too much stuff because of fear!  

To add a little more I would like to explain where this fear comes from.  Our ancestors had to work really hard to gather food and necessities back in the day.  If everything is energy who's energy made up our conception?  We came from a sperm and an egg right?  So the energy in those two parts that made us who we are is our Mother and Father's energy.  Are you following?  So who's energy made up our Mother and Father at conception?  Yup your Grandparents and goes back through the generations.  So sometimes we can be carrying thoughts, feelings, hardship and so on from generations back, it can be in our energy.  We are shifting the old ways to the new, it is about healing our ancestors hardship and realizing we are now living in a time of abundance.  Interesting isn't it?  

My challenge to you - now that it's officially Spring, pick a closet or area that needs de-cluttering and donate, trash and sort whatever you don't need or haven't used in a long time!  If it is in your closet and you haven't worn it in a year, time to let it go!  If you think you might need it one day but it has been a long time since you have used it, trust that you will attract a new one when you need it, or you could borrow one from a friend if the need arises.

It can be hard to let go of things.  Especially if you are someone who is sentimental and has a hard time with change.  With this challenge comes freedom as you let go of the old you allow the new to come in.  We are ever changing and what was a match to you last year, may not be now.  If you once loved it, but now no longer do, let it go to someone else who can love it!

Letting go of the old brings in the new.  Let yourself evolve, because we are energy we are ever changing and we must remember that we are changing for the better, see the good in all of it!!  Each day you are getting better and better!  Each year we gain more wisdom, and that is awesome!

The Guidelines

  • If you haven't used it in over a year it's time to let it go.
  • If you don't LOVE it - Let it go!  Yes even if it was from your dear Grandmother!
  • Be aware of your emotions and fears and auto correct as necessary.  Switch from a world of lack to a world of abundance.  What you need will always be available to you.
  • If emotion or fear comes in - take a moment and take some deep breaths - give it your awareness and let it go.

Did you take action?  Share your experience and comment below.  Others will benefit from your experiences!

Share this article with someone you love!  They will probably thank you (or they might want you to come over to help)!


  1. Not only was that cleansing, it was freeing!! I did it! I got rid of the spice rack we've had for over 12 years.... I never used the spices, they probably didn't even taste good anymore! It was wedding gift from some long lost friends and I always had an excuse as to why I shouldn't toss it or I felt guilty for wasting... I said thank you to it and let it go and boy did it feel good. It felt like when sunshine breaks through the clouds after a long rainy day... thank you for your words, I plan to keep going... I like this free feeling!

  2. Congratulations to you for taking that step! Also thank you for sharing - your words are sure to touch someone else, and maybe even 'inspire' them into action! You should be proud of your accomplishment, keep up the great work!
