Tuesday 13 March 2012

Wishes Fulfilled - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Today I want to share with you a blog post by Dr. Wayne Dyer.  He is also speaking of Anita Moorjani's book Dying to Be Me which I have read, and I highly recommend it!

Wishes Fulfilled

Last fall I had the great privilege of filming my ninth fundraising special for PBS. The show will arrive this month on your local public television station and I hope you’ll join me for an in-depth look at “Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting.” Not only will you see me wearing those new shoes I mentioned here in December, but you’ll meet Anita Moorjani, the incredible young woman whose story of her near-death experience will turn your world around.
Anita’s story, beautifully told in her new book Dying to Be Me, has taught me what death really means, and just how much lies beyond our sensory reality. I’ve been sharing Anita’s story with just about everyone who’ll listen since I first discovered it. One person I was most eager to share it with is my 95-year-old mother.  And it’s been a wonderful source of comfort to a lady who has breakfast every morning with friends who might not still be around by dinner time. As Jesus said, “Be at peace.” We can trust that we come from God. Our reality is divine.
This ability to feel and to trust in our divine connection is exactly the key to manifesting, your “wishes fulfilled.” We can develop this ability to trust despite the absence of physical evidence as perceived by our senses. No matter the circumstances or obstacles, draft your dream and the way can be cleared. Trust your divine connection, know that your soul has no limits and the universe responds and works with you to manifest that idea into a physical reality. It has always worked that way for me.
Even as a child, and certainly against all odds given my background, I imagined myself speaking to large crowds. As a college student sitting in classrooms, I visualized myself working to transform lives, being uplifting and empowering to audiences around the world. All that time, I had nothing but a dream to work with—in foster homes, in the U.S. Navy, and in college. Feel the connection, focus on what you have to give, have faith in your dreams, and you will overcome all doubt and make your wishes reality.

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