Wednesday 21 March 2012

You are a Creator - You CAN get More of What you Want!

What I know today is we are all a spark of the Divine.  If we all come from one Source and that source is the Creator, then we too are Creators!

In my previous two posts, I touched on the areas of Relationships and Health.  Today, I thought I would give a little lesson to help you understand that if you are a Creator, you can design the life that you want in any area that you want!

Let's look at the process of creation.  How do we get things in this world?  Everything has to first start out as a thought.  So thoughts become things.  For example, consider your home.  Before it was built, it started out as an idea in someone's mind.  The next step is to get the idea(s) put down or drawn onto paper.  Those ideas on paper became blueprints.  The next step was to build it - what we call manifestation.  

One of the biggest blocks people have in designing the life of their dreams is that they don't know what they want or they don't know how to get it.  So what do we get more of?  More "I don't know what I want!"

Do you want to know how to change that?  Sit down and figure it out by following the exercise below.  Some people are afraid to start because they don't know exactly what they want.   My advice is to go for it!  If you get it and decide it isn't really what you wanted after all, then you just got more clarity on what you do want.  It is no different than trying clothes on to see if they look good and fit well.  Then you get more clear on what you want to try out next!  There is no such thing as a mistake.  Only learning and growing that is what we are here for!


Take some time to do some deep breathing, until you feel relaxed.  In through the nose, out through the mouth.  Breathe in self-acceptance, breathe out self-doubt.  Ask yourself some questions.  So what it is that you desire?  What is it that you want more of in your life?  I recommend writing in a journal all of your thoughts of what your desires are.  Make a list and dream big.  Don't hold back because you just never know what may come of it!

Take it a step further - how would it feel if you had what you are desiring?  Make it as real as you can.  Close your eyes and really feel it!

I would love to hear from you if you've had any Ah-ha! moments, please share by posting a comment!

1 comment:

  1. This is an exercise I used to do often and definitely need to get back. It really does help to write down thoughts, ideas, feelings when doing this too.

    I currently do write in a gratitude journal and that has been tremendously rewarding!! I also recommend both journals to reinforce that which we want to create :-)

    Glad I stopped over from the Ultimate Blog Challenge group. Look forward to connecting further!

