Monday 23 April 2012

Don't Stop Believing!

Do you have a dream?  Is there something you have always wanted to do, but just don't think it could possibly happen?  I watched a 10 minute video this weekend that is totally inspiring called Caine's Arcade - Click here to watch  It is totally inspiring to see how this little boy didn't give up on his dream of having his own arcade.  It only took one person to come along and help make this little boys dream come into reality!

It doesn't always happen how we think it will, because sometimes the Universe knows better than we do, what is a fit and what is not for us.  We are the only ones who limit ourselves.  We must take responsibility for how we feel and how we allow others to make us think and feel about where we are going on our paths in life.  What we are you striving to achieve here in this lifetime on earth?

If you think your dreams can't be achieved, it is time to look within.  The only person we can blame is ourselves.   When we allow the thoughts, perceptions and opinions of others to make us think and feel we can't have what we want, we are allowing them to disempower us.  I want you to know that if you want it bad enough, you can have it and you can do it.

Failure is an illusion we have known and experienced our whole lives.  What you need to know is that we have been looking at failure the wrong way!  Failure is our teacher - it teaches us what works and what doesn't, it should be teaching us how to reach further!

There is no such thing as perfection either, we have been fooled into thinking that all must be perfect.  Guess what?   Perfect doesn't exist, BUT because we all keep trying to achieve perfect, we continue to feel like failures.

No wonder so many of us give up!  Why even try if we know that it won't be perfect the first go around?  If it isn't going to be perfect in the first try it must mean we failed.  So why even start?  It is too risky and probably won't work out anyway!

We are missing the point.  Achieving our dreams is a process which helps us learn about ourselves and others along the way.  So I want to tell you, just get started, it doesn't have to be perfect!  Reaching for your dreams is a journey not a destination.  It is about enjoying the process as we create whatever it is that we want to create.  And guess what?  Your dream will likely change many times along the way as you figure out what you really like and what you don't.  Allow it to evolve, and have fun while you are at it!

What do you love to do?  What is your dream?  What is unique to you? Remember that what you enjoy and love to do matches your purpose.  It should be easy for you, it should be fun, and enjoyable, utilizing all of your strengths.

So are you continuing to live the old story of your life, that you can't do it or it will never work?   Or are you ready to change your story to - I can and I will, so when you come to the end of your life you can look back and say, I did it, I did everything I wanted to and what a ride it was!


  1. Such a simple, elegant reminder of how powerful we are, and what a waste the search for perfection is!

  2. Well said. I'm going to come back to get the link and watch the video a little later. This post has the potential to help a lot of people reconnect and align with their dreams.
