Tuesday 10 April 2012

The Secret To Life!

What I Know Today is that there is a great book out there that changed my life when it came out.  Today I want to share it with you, if you haven't heard of it or haven't read it you should consider it.  Especially if you feel there are areas in your life that are in need of improvement!

There are four key areas in life Career, Health, Relationships, and Finances.  If you can't give each of the 4 key areas in your life a 10/10, then you need to keep reading!   Below I provide the 3 steps to getting more of what you want/need in your life.  If you have already read the book, please read on for some important reminders, on how to continue designing your ideal life!

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is a book based on the Law of Attraction (LOA).  This Universal Law is similar to the Law of Gravity in that no one is immune to it.  It doesn't matter if you are young or old, male or female, short or tall!  This Universal Law is in action 24/7 365 days per year!

What is Law of Attraction?  The definition is - what ever you put your attention, energy, and focus to, you will get more of it, whether it is positive or negative.

There are many people who believe that LOA is a farce and that you can't just think your way into having what you want.  However, I believe that many have misunderstood the premise of it.  You must take action in order to get results.  You cannot just sit and visualize what you want and think it will just come to you.

The secret to life, is to identify and know what it is that you want.  Most people are stuck right here on step one.  Maybe you can relate!  You must identify what you want in order to bring it to you!  What do you want in your Relationships?  What do you want for a Career?  It needs to be a match to you and what you love to do!  The key is to be mindful of where your thoughts are taking you!

If you are focusing on all the things in your life that aren't working, that you don't like, complaining etc.  You will keep getting what you have always gotten!  If this is you, no matter what area in your life, you need to redirect your thoughts to the direction you want to see yourself going!  Stop observing what isn't working and look for what you want instead.

Remember that all the things we have in the world, had to start first as a single thought!  Thoughts do become things!

What many people don't realize is that there are 3 steps to manifesting what you want in your life.  If one of them is missing or blocked, you will not manifest it!  Just wanting something really bad isn't enough to make it happen!

1)  Identify What you Want
2)  Give it Your Attention
3)  Allow It!

The biggest challenge for many is the allowing part.  Especially when it comes to beliefs!  If you don't believe you can have or do something that wins over every single time!  No matter how bad you want something!  So awareness of where your thoughts are directed is of utmost importance.  Awareness is key!  My favourite quote that sums it all up is by Henry Ford, "Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't you are right."

My forte is helping people with the Allowing, releasing the old parts and old beliefs that you are carrying from childhood, and possibly even from your ancestors...  If it is in your vibration, it is blocking you from having the amazing life that you desire to have!

Stay tuned, I am looking at returning to coaching clients one on one.  If you are interested contact me at loacertified@gmail.com

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