Wednesday 11 April 2012

Sugar - Are You Addicted?

What I know Today is that as I am striving to live a healthy lifestyle, it is sugar that I am finding a challenge to let go of.  I am a Healthy for Life Coach, so I know what I should be eating and what I shouldn't.  As I go through this new transition into my business, I am feeling more stressed.  I am constantly doing things I have never done before, and totally out of my comfort zone.   I am wondering if I can really do this, and  wanting to know what this business is going to look like when it is up and running.  

There are so many unknowns right now.  At times, I can be a control freak, so it is the "unknowns" that are stressing me!  It is such a challenge to try to let go and let it all unfold into what it will be.  Allowing myself to just show up.  Letting go of all expectation.  What I am learning is to have fun with what I am doing in the day, and to meet others where they are at and trusting that the pieces I have are what they need.  I guess sugar relieves that for me, as it must be bringing me comfort in these uncertain times. 

Do you crave sugar?  Have you thought to look within yourself at the emotional reasons you are craving it?  Are you stressed or unhappy?  Some will turn to sugar to fill the voids.  For example, not enough sweetness in your life.  Maybe you feel something is lacking in your life.  You see, sugar, gives us an instant good feeling.  It produces chemicals in our brain that gives us an instant high that makes us feel good.  The downside is that there is always a crash.  It wears, off leaving you looking for your next fix!  Unless you can address the real issue(s).

Many people don't realize why sugar is not good for us.

Sugar causes inflammation in the body, and most degenerative diseases are caused by chronic inflammation in the body.  Heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes and so on.  C-reactive protein (CRP) is a key factor of inflammation. In a major study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, people with elevated CRP levels were four and one-half times more likely to have a heart attack. Not only is elevated CRP more accurate than cholesterol in predicting heart attack risk, but high CRP levels have turned up in people with diabetes and pre-diabetes and in people who are overweight.

There is research showing that the damage caused by high Blood Sugar levels are behind type 2 diabetes as well.  Dr. Ray Strand has over 50 documented cases of reversing type 2 diabetes, and by eating low Glycemic you can also reverse high blood pressure.  

Do you know that the latest research shows that Alzheimer's disease is suspected to be diabetes of the brain?  This makes sense to me as Alzheimer's and diabetes is in my family, and I do notice that I get total brain fog when I have had too much sugar!  Probably a sign that my brain's blood supply is choked off because of the inflammatory effects sugar has on our arteries and veins.

In conclusion my belief is that nothing is harmful to our bodies if we are living totally in balance (diet, exercise, nutrition - mind/body/spirit) and completely living in faith and stress free!  Our body has an immune system that when taken care of can handle viruses, bacteria and toxins without medication or medical intervention.  But most of us have compromised our immune systems because of our inability and lack of education to handle our stress and emotions. 

So today my decision is to go off of sugar and have a detox for a few weeks.  After that, I am going to be aware emotionally what is going on, so that I am not addicted but can enjoy once in a while in moderation instead of needing a daily fix.  


  1. I know that I can kick a sugar addiction. I've done it from time to time. The biggest help to me is drinking tea (no sugar) and it provides almost the same satisfaction. My problem is with the moderation part when I am consuming sugar. We're on vacation now and eating in some fabulous restaurants where the desserts are too good to pass up. It's a long vacation though and I'm starting to feel a bit guilty. Back to the healthy life when we get home!

    1. I gave up sugar sometime ago after doing some research and can now walk past the sweets and biscuits when shopping with no problem :), i do still have the odd rare treat but find just a few sweets satisfies me unlike before it would have to be a whole packet. I'm feeling better in myself and it seems to be rubbing off on my children which has to be a good thing.

    2. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for your honesty! Enjoy your vacation, knowing you can get back on track when you get home. Enjoy every morsel and let go of the guilt as it isn't serving a good purpose and only serves to make you feel bad! Life is too short! Safe travels! :)

    3. @ Ecoangel, good for you on doing your research and acting on it! Having a treat here and there is fine, and isn't it freeing to know you can have a little bit and walk away! Glad to hear that it is rubbing off on your children as well! ;)

  2. I never thought of not enough sweet people in your life as a reason to eat sugar. My husband and I have been getting along more these days and I haven't been running to food as much... hmmm
    Also, the other things is I have been having raw shakes in the morning and veggies though out the day. Between the emotionals and physical could explain why I am eating better. Thank you for your article.

    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. Happy to hear that you enjoyed it, and also for tweeting it! Sounds like you made some connections in understanding your emotional and physical with eating habits. :)
