Friday 27 April 2012

Judgement - Is it healthy?

What I know Today is that it is challenging in society to avoid judgement.  What is judgement?  It is a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.  Discernment in our lives is good because it teaches us about what we like and what we don't like.  As creators we need to know what is right for us, so that we can attract more of the things we like into our lives.  This is healthy as long as we are keeping the reference to ourself as an individual as to what is right or wrong for us.  It is important to remember that what works for you may not be the best thing for someone else.

I am learning, as a teacher of self care and personal development, that judging things in life as good or bad, doesn't always serve us well.  Instead it is more healthy to look at things as how they are and accepting them for that.  Loving what is.  There is good that can come from every negative/bad situation, in fact bad situations can help you learn about yourself.  Every rose has it's thorn.

The point I want to put across here is that we are each doing the best we can with the knowledge, energy and information that is available to us in that moment.  When we look at the choices or actions of others and place negative judgement on them, we are giving that "thing" energy.  I always say that energy flows where attention goes.  So where are you putting your attention?

When you choose to see the good in everyone and everything that is what will grow from it.  I want you to remember that we also place judgement on ourselves - we can be our own worst critics.  So what are you judging about yourself?  Remember what I said about all of us just trying to do our best, and some days your best is going to be amazing, and other days not so much.  Trust that everything happens for a reason and that others can learn from the mistakes we make.

For today be aware of your judgements and try to allow understanding,  everyone really is doing the best they can right now and that includes you!


Take a nice deep breath, in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Let your belly rise and breathe nice and deep.   Do this several more times until you feel your tension in your neck and shoulders release, as you exhale I want you to release all of your current judgements of yourself or anyone else.  As you release those judgements see your breath leaving as a grey mist, releasing judgement, as you do see it go out of your entire body and energy field.

Take it a step further:

Now take another deep breath and let go of your past judgements either of yourself or anyone else, or even both if need be.  Set yourself free.  Really let it go, allow clarity to enter your mind in seeing some of the situations around you in a different light, with more empathy and compassion.  Now breathe in and let go of any bad feelings, guilt, or otherwise that is no longer serving you.  Let go of this non serving energy you are carrying within you.  Allow yourself to let go of the old, or anything that is no longer working for you.


Now read this and after you do close your eyes and practice it.  Place your hand on your chest and focus on the energy of peace.  If you had peaceful energy within you what would that feel like?  Connect to it and make it real.  Now as you connect to the feeling of peace allow that feeling to expand to your entire body, let it flow.  Feel it from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, permeating every single cell in your body.  Say to yourself I am Peace and Peace is me, we are now one.  Peace is yours now, in the present moment and when ever you feel you need it, you can do this exercise and peace is yours!

Have an amazing day!

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