Monday 9 April 2012

Want to Feel Good? Stop Worrying About What Everyone Else is Doing!

What I Know Today is as I build my business and I see how much there is to be done to get there, I get overwhelmed.  It is easy to look at what everyone else is doing with their blogs, websites etc. and get discouraged as it feels like there is so much to do to get there.  I had to stop  and remind myself today that I am and will get there, it is one day at a time.  The most important part, is that I show up.  Just be me, because who I am right now is enough!  I am perfect right now as I am and all I am meant to be is inside of me waiting to come out with each opportunity before me.  All I need to do is show up each day and give the best that I have for that moment and trust that it is good enough for those who are in touch with me.

When we start looking at what everyone else is doing it takes away from what we are supposed to be focused on.  When you compare yourself to others you are usually focused on their strengths, which are not a match to your strengths.  Stop looking outside of yourself and start looking within.  What are YOU good at?  What makes you unique and what can you offer?

Remember that what you have to teach, share or offer is unique to you.   You don't have to know it all, you just need to be a few steps ahead of where they are at, and you will provide value to those around you!

So go out there today and do your best, because you can only make a difference when you are focused on  what you are here to accomplish, and let go of the comparisons because who you are is enough!


  1. Discovering our authentic self is essential for our joy. "Who am I? What do I want? What is my purpose?" are questions that I am answering on a daily basis. Great post!

  2. Sounds like you have a good sense of who you are and where you are going! Daily practice is a very good habit to be in.
