Wednesday 4 April 2012

What Makes You Beautiful?

What I know today is the song What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction makes me feel so good!   Click here to see YouTube Video!  So today I ask you, what makes you beautiful?  What is your gift to the world?  What are you truly good at?  What is the beauty that is within you?

These are all good questions you should contemplate because as you do, it starts the process of bringing out more beauty in you!  In terms of energy, this process helps you to put your focus in the direction of your beauty and gets your energy flowing in that part of yourself which then, in turn, brings out more of your beauty!

Beauty to me is when someone is doing what they love and it just flows.  It brings tears to my eyes when I see someone doing what they are passionate about and in turn become a true master.  Choose to see the beauty around you, and it will be amazing what comes into your experience.  It is easy to find things we don't like, or that drive us crazy.  But truly open yourself to seeing the beauty.  When you start looking for it you will start to see it everywhere, because that is where your attention is going.  Beauty is in everything, everyone and all around you.  When you shift your focus, beauty becomes your experience.


Take some nice deep breaths.  In through your nose and out through your mouth.  As you do this, relax your body.  Each exhalation allow your muscles to relax even further, letting go.  Close your eyes and imagine beauty,  whatever that may be to you.

Now - connect that beauty to your own life.  It's all about what is unique to you!!  What's beautiful to you?  Allow yourself to feel what beauty feels like inside of you.  How does it make you feel?  Breathe beauty in, and as you exhale let go of what isn't beautiful in your life...


  1. Nice recommendations.
    The beauty in us is how we make this world just a little bit better!

    1. Thanks so much for your input! I had a break with company over Easter, and ready to get back to blogging!

  2. Nice post! I'm looking forward to your posts :)

  3. Good advice Jeneen - thanks for sharing and I'm glad I found you on the UBC!

    1. Me too! Your video is well done on your site, thanks for checking out my blog!

  4. Lovely post. Self awareness of our own worthiness makes us beautiful!

    1. Thanks Klara, it is all about the self awareness! Happy to hear you enjoyed it and thanks for taking the time to comment!

  5. Beautiful post. Love the practical application of how to experience and appreciate the beauty which is all around us. Namaste!

  6. Thanks for taking the time to comment, so very appreciated! Keep the beauty flowing everyone!
