Monday 16 April 2012

Are You Good Enough?

What I know Today is that everyone has vulnerabilities!  We all feel insecure at times, and that is a normal human condition.  Embrace it!  Allow yourself to embrace it.  Get to know it, and where it comes from.  When you face insecurity, you start to see that it only keeps a hold on you when you try to hide it.  When you face it, you free yourself from its grips!

Have you ever noticed how a baby is?  They are in the moment - content and happy.  They are not trying to be anything but be a baby.  They are not concerned with what happened yesterday or what is happening tomorrow.  They are not worried about how they look, what to do or say.  They are simply free to be who they are, and people love them!  Do you know why?  They have total self acceptance!  They know that they are enough exactly as they are.

I believe we strive too hard to be perfect.  There is no such thing as perfection!!  We learn from our mistakes.  Some amazing inventions have come from mistakes.  Did you know that Silly Putty was an invention gone wrong?  And that pretzels were a recipe that didn't turn out?

We try to control things too much.  There is too much structure in the world, where we try to fit ourselves into a certain box of perception.  What would happen if for one day you let go of control and allowed life to just flow through you?  To do things that make you feel good inside?  All while being relaxed, content and open to the possibilities of the day?

I know that I am tired of so much structure.  It is very draining to me, and I have lived this structured life up until now, trying to fit into the parameters of the expectations of others.  It isn't working for me.  I realize now that if I want different results in my life I must do things differently.  I used to believe that everyone else knew better than I did - about what was best for me.  I was giving my power away.  Expecting others to tell me what would be good.  Trying to be this and that, all while getting more confused, in hopes of achieving success.  I am learning that if I am to have huge success, I have to do it my way.   Then, success will be a match to who I am, and we can live in harmony together as one!

What I mean by this is that success will just be a part of me and I a part of it.  It will be a natural fit, and success will just happen.

Today I must remember that all that I am and who I am yet to become, is inside of me already.  My story and what I have learned so far has value to move others.  I may not connect with everyone and that is ok.  Not everyone is going to like me! That is ok too.  Who I am right now is enough.  What I have to offer could be life-changing for someone, so why am I hiding behind waiting for it to be perfect before I even get started?  There is no such thing as perfect!  It is an illusion that many of us have been hiding behind.  This hiding must stop for all of us, as it is holding your gifts from seeing the light of day.

Don't leave this world with your music still inside of you.  Your purpose is in alignment with who you are and what you love to do.  Connect with it and make your world a better place!


  1. I needed to read something like this today, thank you!

    1. If I made a difference in one person's life today, I have done my work! Thanks for sharing Stacy!

  2. I believe that, I need to believe that! Success comes in so many different forms and I want to live in harmony in all shapes and sizes!
